Kia Ora,
Big news on the security front today is of course the bombs on board cargo planes.
The claim of course is that the terrorist groups had worked out that whilst all luggage is now checked on passenger planes it is not on cargo flights.
What Einstein thought that terrorists would not work this out sometime?
I would say the terrorist groups have known about this for sometime, but let things slide so they could use it.
But there is another question that some will be asking. It just seems a little strange that this happens just as other countries were questioning the need for some of the security requirements the US demand for flights heading to America.
Many of the security requirements have been just for show & really add little to security. There have been the aids available to ensure as much can be covered as possible.
Now as soon as this issue came to light, security requirements ramped up again & all talk of cutting back measures ceased.
The terrorist mindset and terrorist decisionmaking: Two areas of ignorance (The Rand paper series)
The world doesn't have to live in terror as long as the simple basics of security are carried out. The best way to do that is manpower carrying out constant checks. Everything else is nothing but an aid.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
How would you like to commit crime & get away with it legally?
Kia Ora,
How would you like to commit crime & get away with it legally?
Be great wouldn't it? Well there are certain groups doing it all the time.
Currently I am reading this book below "The Corruption of Capitalism" by Richard Duncan(no known relation) who has just put alot of what study has already shown me is going on but this goes further.
The problem is most people are fooled into thinking "trust the government" or "trust the big banks".
First crime that you or I would be locked up for doing is counterfeiting. Basically the central banks(not the government) print currency when they have essentially no assets backing it. The government is then loaned this currency(notice not money as the cash you have is a fiat currency backed by nothing, the only real money is gold or silver) & taxes people to pay for the interest on that loan. Any outstanding tax take(if any) is then used to pay down the loan. So when you hear the argument over 'tax payers money' being misused it is not actually true.
Most of the major central banks in the world are privately owned. The most important of these private banks is the US Federal reserve because the world is now tied to the US dollar since Bretton Woods in 1944. Since 1971 when the US took itself off the gold standard as Robert Kiyosaki says "cash is trash".
The Dollar Crisis: Causes, Consequences, Cures , Revised and Updated
It gets even worse as these days derivatives have become as Warren Buffett says "the weapons of mass destruction" & it is the collapse or potential collapse of these that sparked the huge bailouts that began in 2008.
What is a derivative? Best description I have heard is orange juice is a derivative of an orange. The problem with financial derivatives is, unlike orange juice which is created from the orange & real, they are created out of nothing. These days you do not have to print money you just hit a key on a computer.
At the time the book was written(2009) this derivatives market was worth an estimated US$700 Trillion & is already estimated to be now at US$2Quadrillion. But for all that currency it is not producing real benefits.
If it or even part of it collapses then the US government in particular has to bailout certain organizations to stop the complete collapse of the worlds financial system.
Crony Capitalism: Corruption and Development in South Korea and the Philippines (Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics)
Now those numbers are just words but these examples might put it in perspective.
The first set of figures I am a bit rusty on as haven't seen it for a while but it gives an idea. If you were to count a million dollars at one a second it would take 12 days, a billion 12 years & a trillion if memory serves 32,000 years.
But a relation who is religious but understands this, put it this way. If Christ had had deposited in his name $1 million the day he was born & a $1 million everyday since the allegded date of his birth, today that figure in the account would be $750 billion after 2000 years. In its entire existance the US had printed approximately US$800 billion until just a few years ago. In the last two officially anyway about US$3 Trillion has been added.
Off book additions though(like ENRON had)have been estimated as high as US$120 Trillion. Things like the medicare & social security which should be able to pay for themselves but have been 'borrowed' by the government in the past to finance other areas. So they are further debts the US have to print currency for each year & are growing as more retire.
Here in New Zealand ACC also collects enough to cover costs but bad investments, inefficiency which amounts to the dictionary definition of corruption means the costs are going up.
Corruption, Capitalism and Democracy (Routledge Studies in Social and Political Thought)
To keep the modern financial system going they have to keep coming up with ways to create currency out of nothing. The latest idea is the ETS(emission trading scheme) which is supposed to be there to make business more aware of the environment. It has nothing to do with it.
So if all this collapses then how does that affect people? Well if the US has to bail entities out then it causes inflation & probably hyperinflation which means cost of living go up highly & fast. Anyone who has been shopping for groceries lately will notice how much more expensive it is to buy food.
People need to feed their families so crime increases & with that as people who have never had troubles before turn to crime emotions are higher & that equates to more violence.
Or as is happening in Europe in particular, governments try to lessen the effect by introducing austerity measures which is resulting in protests & riots. In both cases it is resulting in xenophobia were those who are immigrants are targeted.
The real winners in this are those who at the start are basically counterfeiting.
Corruption, Capitalism and Democracy
But it doesn't stop there. There is a lot more quantitive easing(new name for printing currency that just means it is created on a computer) going on than people realize in the guise of bailouts or what in my opinion amounts to money laundering.
For example in the US with interest rates basically at zero the Federal reserve has been loaning large amounts to the large banks(the ones in it up to their neck in the derivatives market) who then loan that to the US government at say 4%, who then will have to go to the Federal reserve to pay the interest to the banks.
So in that mix all that new currency becomes part of the stimulus which is only helping the banks & the Federal reserve.
Capitalism's Achilles Heel: Dirty Money and How to Renew the Free-Market System
Of course everytime there is a bailout it is essentially the government taking over what was private debt which in turn with the debt the governments owe to the central banks will result in the transfer of businesses & property to ownership of those behind the central banks.
The systems set up by governments in use of bureaucrats though is there to upset people so they are fighting endless battles & never see the real crimes.
At present governments around the world (apart from Asian countries which are telling their citizens to buy gold & silver based on history) are telling people to save. But if as expected high inflation then hyperinflation kick in then they will have stolen your currency/savings by stealth. Inflation is the invisible tax. As they tell you inflation is low it is real inflation that is stealing your currency as you buy food & essentials. They manipulate the CPI to reflect what they want it too.
Manifesto on War. Decay and Corruption of International Capitalism
As they say "He who has the gold makes the rules" also known as the golden rule.
What would you do if you could commit crime with no repercussions?
Would you use it for good in the long term?
That could be very likely the long term aim of those behind all this. But is it right to have one group acting in a criminal way that would get the rest of us time in jail?
How would you like to commit crime & get away with it legally?
Be great wouldn't it? Well there are certain groups doing it all the time.
Currently I am reading this book below "The Corruption of Capitalism" by Richard Duncan(no known relation) who has just put alot of what study has already shown me is going on but this goes further.
The problem is most people are fooled into thinking "trust the government" or "trust the big banks".
First crime that you or I would be locked up for doing is counterfeiting. Basically the central banks(not the government) print currency when they have essentially no assets backing it. The government is then loaned this currency(notice not money as the cash you have is a fiat currency backed by nothing, the only real money is gold or silver) & taxes people to pay for the interest on that loan. Any outstanding tax take(if any) is then used to pay down the loan. So when you hear the argument over 'tax payers money' being misused it is not actually true.
Most of the major central banks in the world are privately owned. The most important of these private banks is the US Federal reserve because the world is now tied to the US dollar since Bretton Woods in 1944. Since 1971 when the US took itself off the gold standard as Robert Kiyosaki says "cash is trash".
The Dollar Crisis: Causes, Consequences, Cures , Revised and Updated
It gets even worse as these days derivatives have become as Warren Buffett says "the weapons of mass destruction" & it is the collapse or potential collapse of these that sparked the huge bailouts that began in 2008.
What is a derivative? Best description I have heard is orange juice is a derivative of an orange. The problem with financial derivatives is, unlike orange juice which is created from the orange & real, they are created out of nothing. These days you do not have to print money you just hit a key on a computer.
At the time the book was written(2009) this derivatives market was worth an estimated US$700 Trillion & is already estimated to be now at US$2Quadrillion. But for all that currency it is not producing real benefits.
If it or even part of it collapses then the US government in particular has to bailout certain organizations to stop the complete collapse of the worlds financial system.
Crony Capitalism: Corruption and Development in South Korea and the Philippines (Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics)
Now those numbers are just words but these examples might put it in perspective.
The first set of figures I am a bit rusty on as haven't seen it for a while but it gives an idea. If you were to count a million dollars at one a second it would take 12 days, a billion 12 years & a trillion if memory serves 32,000 years.
But a relation who is religious but understands this, put it this way. If Christ had had deposited in his name $1 million the day he was born & a $1 million everyday since the allegded date of his birth, today that figure in the account would be $750 billion after 2000 years. In its entire existance the US had printed approximately US$800 billion until just a few years ago. In the last two officially anyway about US$3 Trillion has been added.
Off book additions though(like ENRON had)have been estimated as high as US$120 Trillion. Things like the medicare & social security which should be able to pay for themselves but have been 'borrowed' by the government in the past to finance other areas. So they are further debts the US have to print currency for each year & are growing as more retire.
Here in New Zealand ACC also collects enough to cover costs but bad investments, inefficiency which amounts to the dictionary definition of corruption means the costs are going up.
Corruption, Capitalism and Democracy (Routledge Studies in Social and Political Thought)
To keep the modern financial system going they have to keep coming up with ways to create currency out of nothing. The latest idea is the ETS(emission trading scheme) which is supposed to be there to make business more aware of the environment. It has nothing to do with it.
So if all this collapses then how does that affect people? Well if the US has to bail entities out then it causes inflation & probably hyperinflation which means cost of living go up highly & fast. Anyone who has been shopping for groceries lately will notice how much more expensive it is to buy food.
People need to feed their families so crime increases & with that as people who have never had troubles before turn to crime emotions are higher & that equates to more violence.
Or as is happening in Europe in particular, governments try to lessen the effect by introducing austerity measures which is resulting in protests & riots. In both cases it is resulting in xenophobia were those who are immigrants are targeted.
The real winners in this are those who at the start are basically counterfeiting.
Corruption, Capitalism and Democracy
But it doesn't stop there. There is a lot more quantitive easing(new name for printing currency that just means it is created on a computer) going on than people realize in the guise of bailouts or what in my opinion amounts to money laundering.
For example in the US with interest rates basically at zero the Federal reserve has been loaning large amounts to the large banks(the ones in it up to their neck in the derivatives market) who then loan that to the US government at say 4%, who then will have to go to the Federal reserve to pay the interest to the banks.
So in that mix all that new currency becomes part of the stimulus which is only helping the banks & the Federal reserve.
Capitalism's Achilles Heel: Dirty Money and How to Renew the Free-Market System
Of course everytime there is a bailout it is essentially the government taking over what was private debt which in turn with the debt the governments owe to the central banks will result in the transfer of businesses & property to ownership of those behind the central banks.
The systems set up by governments in use of bureaucrats though is there to upset people so they are fighting endless battles & never see the real crimes.
At present governments around the world (apart from Asian countries which are telling their citizens to buy gold & silver based on history) are telling people to save. But if as expected high inflation then hyperinflation kick in then they will have stolen your currency/savings by stealth. Inflation is the invisible tax. As they tell you inflation is low it is real inflation that is stealing your currency as you buy food & essentials. They manipulate the CPI to reflect what they want it too.
Manifesto on War. Decay and Corruption of International Capitalism
As they say "He who has the gold makes the rules" also known as the golden rule.
What would you do if you could commit crime with no repercussions?
Would you use it for good in the long term?
That could be very likely the long term aim of those behind all this. But is it right to have one group acting in a criminal way that would get the rest of us time in jail?
The biggest threat is the belief there isn't one!
Kia Ora,
Last week was a long weekend here in New Zealand. It meant there were a lot of events on with even more drunken idiots to deal with.
So that meant Police & security were out in force at many events.
But again it raised the issue of New Zealanders believing there is no threat here from terrorist elements in particular during the Rugby World Cup.
This issue came up again because I was using a torch I acquired in Iraq, which for its size is so powerful compared to any available in New Zealand.
A Police officer approached me about it & we got to discussing the security preparations for the Rugby World Cup.
But yet again I was met with the believe they had that all preparations were great & that there was no real terrorist threat.
25-pack Terrorist Targets
The day after reports came out of how the British are already preparing well above what the British police have at anytime in the past for the Olympics.
Even if New Zealand did that, it does not have the numbers to adequately cover all the games that maybe on in a short period of time. Any terrorist will know this.
Right now it needs to start preparing some private security to assist.
Talking to the Enemy: Faith, Brotherhood, and the (Un)Making of Terrorists
As if to emphasize just how unprepared New Zealand is another incident involving explosives arose.
A farmer dropped off a largish amount of explosives that were if a bad state of repair at the local police station. This resulted in a four hour cordon whilst police waited for the army to arrive then transport it to a safe area for detonation.
Yes as it was unstable moving it did pose some risk, but since the farmer had transported it there, there was a good chance that it could be moved to a safer area early on.
Conversations with Terrorists: Middle East Leaders on Politics, Violence, and Empire
Should a terrorist campaign be launched in New Zealand & in particular during the Rugby World Cup we can not afford to wait four hours for someone to show up. Even now those procedures are far too cumbersome.
Al Qaeda have shown on several occassions they are not above using diversions such as suicide bombers to isolate their main target.
But here in New Zealand we continue to beleive that there is no way that could happen here.
The biggest threat is still the belief there is no threat.
Last week was a long weekend here in New Zealand. It meant there were a lot of events on with even more drunken idiots to deal with.
So that meant Police & security were out in force at many events.
But again it raised the issue of New Zealanders believing there is no threat here from terrorist elements in particular during the Rugby World Cup.
This issue came up again because I was using a torch I acquired in Iraq, which for its size is so powerful compared to any available in New Zealand.
A Police officer approached me about it & we got to discussing the security preparations for the Rugby World Cup.
But yet again I was met with the believe they had that all preparations were great & that there was no real terrorist threat.
25-pack Terrorist Targets
The day after reports came out of how the British are already preparing well above what the British police have at anytime in the past for the Olympics.
Even if New Zealand did that, it does not have the numbers to adequately cover all the games that maybe on in a short period of time. Any terrorist will know this.
Right now it needs to start preparing some private security to assist.
Talking to the Enemy: Faith, Brotherhood, and the (Un)Making of Terrorists
As if to emphasize just how unprepared New Zealand is another incident involving explosives arose.
A farmer dropped off a largish amount of explosives that were if a bad state of repair at the local police station. This resulted in a four hour cordon whilst police waited for the army to arrive then transport it to a safe area for detonation.
Yes as it was unstable moving it did pose some risk, but since the farmer had transported it there, there was a good chance that it could be moved to a safer area early on.
Conversations with Terrorists: Middle East Leaders on Politics, Violence, and Empire
Should a terrorist campaign be launched in New Zealand & in particular during the Rugby World Cup we can not afford to wait four hours for someone to show up. Even now those procedures are far too cumbersome.
Al Qaeda have shown on several occassions they are not above using diversions such as suicide bombers to isolate their main target.
But here in New Zealand we continue to beleive that there is no way that could happen here.
The biggest threat is still the belief there is no threat.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Least Corrupt! Yeah right!
Kia Ora,
The yearly assessment of corruption in countries throughout the world has been released & yet again New Zealand is listed as one of the three least corrupt countries in the world.
Issue is they only focus on montary idea of corruption. If you google meaning or defininition of corruption you actually find monetary actions tend to be well down the list.
One definition that stood out at the top of several was (n)the act of changing or being changed for the worse; among a list of word after came the word impaired. Under another definition of the word corrupt it starts with lacking integrity & includes 'spoilt by mistakes'.
Those last couple are the ones we tend to overlook but are the ones that apply in particular to bureaucrats here in New Zealand & in my view makes NZ the most corrupt country in the world.
I see mentioned in one article it talks about good governance. New Zealand likes to think it has good governance, but my experience it doesn't. Having been in governance roles as well as been a beneficiary of those organizations it has been clear that more often than not those in the governance roles are on the same wavelength as the people they represent.
What happens & where the upset begins(& where security & the police start to become involved) is the bureaucrats start to use any excuse to not provide that which they are duty bound to deliver. Or do it in such an inefficient way that people get upset, but end up getting the blame.
Syndromes of Corruption: Wealth, Power, and Democracy
Recently here in New Zealand a TV presenter got into hot water for commenting on the looks of our Governor General. Didn't present it in the right way but if he had said the Governor General was corrupt I would of agreed.
Why would of I agreed? Because I have had dealings with him in his role as ombudsman. First I raised an issue which was dealt with by a member of his office here in Christchurch. Questions I was asking could of had huge implications for governments both monetarily & then a wider look embarrassing.
The person in Christchurch used an excuse to not deal with it. Then two weeks later is appointed to the parole board. So I sent complaint (involving two government departments) to main office in Wellington. Our present Governor General dealt with it by finding another excuse not to deal with it. Few weeks later he is appointed Governor General.
You do start to ask yourself.
Funnily enough the wider question has recently involved Australian authorities who have said there is not enough evidence to say if I the person who should be targeted based on information supplied by me & the other party. Seems NZ use much lower standards of proof in that situation.
Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies
But then corruption within certain circles are nothing new to our family.
Many years ago a so called professional was engaged by our family to carryout some work. Ends up they were also working for the opposing parties. On complaint to their professional body, the reply was "yes they do have a conflict of interest but since they are a main member of our body we will do nothing" or words to that effect. That person later become a politician then speaker of the house.
Economic Gangsters: Corruption, Violence, and the Poverty of Nations (New in Paper)
Then there is the corruption of IRD (NZ tax service). They are constantly making mistakes (corruption by definition) giving a lot of people(they claim occassionally but it is actually widespread) refunds then suddenly you get a letter saying pay back or court/interest is already added.
At no time do they appologise.
But IRD are not even by far the worst. In fact most of the time they are the best to deal with.
By the far worst I have personally had to deal with are ACC recently who are so inefficient a five year old could do a better job.
The Institutional Economics of Corruption and Reform: Theory, Evidence and Policy
Dealing with it is frustrating & aggravating personally. It also means more issues for police & security.
This form of corruption is now rife in the aftermath of the Christchurch earthquake meaning that nothing is getting done & frustration levels are building. The next two weeks in particular are times of heavy drinking here & that will mean greater issues when comfined with the frustration.
But New Zealand least corrupt? Not even close, except when just looking at a narrow definition of the word.
The yearly assessment of corruption in countries throughout the world has been released & yet again New Zealand is listed as one of the three least corrupt countries in the world.
Issue is they only focus on montary idea of corruption. If you google meaning or defininition of corruption you actually find monetary actions tend to be well down the list.
One definition that stood out at the top of several was (n)the act of changing or being changed for the worse; among a list of word after came the word impaired. Under another definition of the word corrupt it starts with lacking integrity & includes 'spoilt by mistakes'.
Those last couple are the ones we tend to overlook but are the ones that apply in particular to bureaucrats here in New Zealand & in my view makes NZ the most corrupt country in the world.
I see mentioned in one article it talks about good governance. New Zealand likes to think it has good governance, but my experience it doesn't. Having been in governance roles as well as been a beneficiary of those organizations it has been clear that more often than not those in the governance roles are on the same wavelength as the people they represent.
What happens & where the upset begins(& where security & the police start to become involved) is the bureaucrats start to use any excuse to not provide that which they are duty bound to deliver. Or do it in such an inefficient way that people get upset, but end up getting the blame.
Syndromes of Corruption: Wealth, Power, and Democracy
Recently here in New Zealand a TV presenter got into hot water for commenting on the looks of our Governor General. Didn't present it in the right way but if he had said the Governor General was corrupt I would of agreed.
Why would of I agreed? Because I have had dealings with him in his role as ombudsman. First I raised an issue which was dealt with by a member of his office here in Christchurch. Questions I was asking could of had huge implications for governments both monetarily & then a wider look embarrassing.
The person in Christchurch used an excuse to not deal with it. Then two weeks later is appointed to the parole board. So I sent complaint (involving two government departments) to main office in Wellington. Our present Governor General dealt with it by finding another excuse not to deal with it. Few weeks later he is appointed Governor General.
You do start to ask yourself.
Funnily enough the wider question has recently involved Australian authorities who have said there is not enough evidence to say if I the person who should be targeted based on information supplied by me & the other party. Seems NZ use much lower standards of proof in that situation.
Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies
But then corruption within certain circles are nothing new to our family.
Many years ago a so called professional was engaged by our family to carryout some work. Ends up they were also working for the opposing parties. On complaint to their professional body, the reply was "yes they do have a conflict of interest but since they are a main member of our body we will do nothing" or words to that effect. That person later become a politician then speaker of the house.
Economic Gangsters: Corruption, Violence, and the Poverty of Nations (New in Paper)
Then there is the corruption of IRD (NZ tax service). They are constantly making mistakes (corruption by definition) giving a lot of people(they claim occassionally but it is actually widespread) refunds then suddenly you get a letter saying pay back or court/interest is already added.
At no time do they appologise.
But IRD are not even by far the worst. In fact most of the time they are the best to deal with.
By the far worst I have personally had to deal with are ACC recently who are so inefficient a five year old could do a better job.
The Institutional Economics of Corruption and Reform: Theory, Evidence and Policy
Dealing with it is frustrating & aggravating personally. It also means more issues for police & security.
This form of corruption is now rife in the aftermath of the Christchurch earthquake meaning that nothing is getting done & frustration levels are building. The next two weeks in particular are times of heavy drinking here & that will mean greater issues when comfined with the frustration.
But New Zealand least corrupt? Not even close, except when just looking at a narrow definition of the word.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Let the Unrest begin!
Kia Ora,
As the financial crisis lurches from one issue to another each government is taking a different approach.
In Europe it is more austerity measures which over the issue of raising the retirement age in France has resulted in civil unrest.
Whilst in the US people have realized that when banks have given them a mortgage, they have then put the mortgages together in things such as CDO's & sold the mortgage's. But the banks have still expected people to pay them. So now people are not paying their mortgages & are staying in their properties as the people they are paying do not own the debt. Others have also realized that under the US constitution tax is illegal so more are refusing to pay tax(no wonder New Zealand governments refuse to put in place a constitution).
These different types of unrest are putting police & security in interesting situations.
What about New Zealand?
Well the usual New Zealand reaction to any issue is just don't do or say anything & hope it will sort itself out. Or as an Australian said "Apathy!"
But that maybe changing as the anger is building over the aftermath of the Christchurch earthquake due to the lack of communication & action by bureaucrats.
In the Christchurch "Press" yesterday they reprinted part of the report prepared by an environmental engineering & consultancy company for the Earthquake Commission. Problem these days with the internet in particular much of the report is wrong when compared to information already in the public domain.
Civil Disturbance Operations
Under the executive summary is the conclusion that this was a once in 500 year event so not likely to happen again in a buildings lifetime.
Incorrect. Everybody knows that the real big quake is over due from the Alpine Fault line. Not to mention the quake this last Tuesday although lower on scale than original was shallow & came from a different direction. Had energy travelled in same line as original quake it is likely many properties could of fallen over.
It says the building code is designed to stop buildings falling over. That is for the initial shake. All properties have to be reviewed to see how they will stand up to another big shake. I knew some large commercial buildings have had that.
Law and Order: Street Crime, Civil Unrest, and the Crisis of Liberalism in the 1960s (Columbia Studies in Contemporary American History)
The under the title "the Quake" it identifies what is now known at the Greendale fault as primary site of main quake. That 7.1 has now been shown to be most likely wrong as primary quake, as intial 7.1 is thought to have come from a blind fault at right angles to Greendale & that itself was triggered by a 5.1 on the Hororata fault as far as they can tell. They all happened so close together but figners are definitely pointed at blind fault not Greendale.
On the Duty of Civil Disobedience
Under Assessment it says engineers undertook rapid assessment & maps were produced showing areas of liquifaction. But when I look at map on the next page I have seen it before or one very close to it.
That is the map shown to you when you first join Civil defence showing you the areas of likely liquifaction in the event of a major earthquake. I saw that Map in 1999!
It also names suburbs badly hit but I know of many in other suburbs such as Bishopdale who are still waiting to hear from anyone about an assessment living in houses which from their description no body should be living in.
Historical Dictionary of the Dirty Wars (Historical Dictionaries of War, Revolution, and Civil Unrest)
Then we have the message from the Minister from government in charge of the recovery. Feel sorry for him as his messages are simple but the bureaucrats have made a mess of it.
He says though he is concerned by the number who have not yet lodged claims.
Two issues there is people are waiting for quakes to subside or just thinking there are people worse off than me.
The other issue is the amount of people who have been lost in the system because they are not speaking up for themselves. When they do check there is no record of their claim at all. Typical bureaucratic SNAFU(Situation Normal All F....d Up).
He also states that all claims must be in by December the 4th 2010.
Incorrect that is first I have heard of that date. What was said when it was extended from a month to three months it was to be time from when damaged occurred.
A so called expert was on a few days later saying almost all damage occurred during initial quake.
That is also incorrect as the most visible damage occurred then, but buildings such as where I am have suffered most damage only in the last four weeks. Talking to many people that has been their experience also.
Civil Unrest in the 1960s: Riots and Their Aftermath (Perspectives on)
So we have building here in Canterbury the focal point for any unrest as anger rises over conflicting messages, information & excuses to not do anything in a typical bureaucratic manner.
That means for security & police we have to deal with more upset people, more cirme as the normal patterns start to break down.
As the financial crisis moves into its next phase which will be far worse, small upsets will become major issues. It is always the small things that set things off.
Historical Dictionary of Arms Control and Disarmament (Historical Dictionaries of War, Revolution, and Civil Unrest)
Compare what happens in the west to one incident in Iraq.
Prior to hand over to the interim Iraqi government one ministry was told it would be the first one where Iraqis took control.
An official was asked to come back with plan for how surveying, letting of tenders & building could be carried out. One week(yes one week) later as I understood it, they returned to say all had been done & building was underway, they just needed the money to pay for the services.
That is what people want. Officials who make decisions & get things moving. The only thing that went wrong was the US officials told them they could not let the contracts as those had already been given to US companies. In that moment the US officials lost the hearts & minds.
As one US engineering Colonel said to us it was easy to stop the insurgency. Let Iraqis have the contracts & get people working. When they are working & looking after their families & quick decisive decisions are been made, then people are not interested in causing trouble.
Historical Dictionary of the Zulu Wars (Historical Dictionaries of War, Revolution, and Civil Unrest)
The New Zealand government needs to take note. Quick decisive decisions, people working & looking after their families & actually getting information out to the people that is not contradictary & not an excuse to not do anything.
Security & policing are hard enough especially with drunken idiots, without adding to the issues people have to deal with from bureaucratic corruption.
As the financial crisis lurches from one issue to another each government is taking a different approach.
In Europe it is more austerity measures which over the issue of raising the retirement age in France has resulted in civil unrest.
Whilst in the US people have realized that when banks have given them a mortgage, they have then put the mortgages together in things such as CDO's & sold the mortgage's. But the banks have still expected people to pay them. So now people are not paying their mortgages & are staying in their properties as the people they are paying do not own the debt. Others have also realized that under the US constitution tax is illegal so more are refusing to pay tax(no wonder New Zealand governments refuse to put in place a constitution).
These different types of unrest are putting police & security in interesting situations.
What about New Zealand?
Well the usual New Zealand reaction to any issue is just don't do or say anything & hope it will sort itself out. Or as an Australian said "Apathy!"
But that maybe changing as the anger is building over the aftermath of the Christchurch earthquake due to the lack of communication & action by bureaucrats.
In the Christchurch "Press" yesterday they reprinted part of the report prepared by an environmental engineering & consultancy company for the Earthquake Commission. Problem these days with the internet in particular much of the report is wrong when compared to information already in the public domain.
Civil Disturbance Operations
Under the executive summary is the conclusion that this was a once in 500 year event so not likely to happen again in a buildings lifetime.
Incorrect. Everybody knows that the real big quake is over due from the Alpine Fault line. Not to mention the quake this last Tuesday although lower on scale than original was shallow & came from a different direction. Had energy travelled in same line as original quake it is likely many properties could of fallen over.
It says the building code is designed to stop buildings falling over. That is for the initial shake. All properties have to be reviewed to see how they will stand up to another big shake. I knew some large commercial buildings have had that.
Law and Order: Street Crime, Civil Unrest, and the Crisis of Liberalism in the 1960s (Columbia Studies in Contemporary American History)
The under the title "the Quake" it identifies what is now known at the Greendale fault as primary site of main quake. That 7.1 has now been shown to be most likely wrong as primary quake, as intial 7.1 is thought to have come from a blind fault at right angles to Greendale & that itself was triggered by a 5.1 on the Hororata fault as far as they can tell. They all happened so close together but figners are definitely pointed at blind fault not Greendale.
On the Duty of Civil Disobedience
Under Assessment it says engineers undertook rapid assessment & maps were produced showing areas of liquifaction. But when I look at map on the next page I have seen it before or one very close to it.
That is the map shown to you when you first join Civil defence showing you the areas of likely liquifaction in the event of a major earthquake. I saw that Map in 1999!
It also names suburbs badly hit but I know of many in other suburbs such as Bishopdale who are still waiting to hear from anyone about an assessment living in houses which from their description no body should be living in.
Historical Dictionary of the Dirty Wars (Historical Dictionaries of War, Revolution, and Civil Unrest)
Then we have the message from the Minister from government in charge of the recovery. Feel sorry for him as his messages are simple but the bureaucrats have made a mess of it.
He says though he is concerned by the number who have not yet lodged claims.
Two issues there is people are waiting for quakes to subside or just thinking there are people worse off than me.
The other issue is the amount of people who have been lost in the system because they are not speaking up for themselves. When they do check there is no record of their claim at all. Typical bureaucratic SNAFU(Situation Normal All F....d Up).
He also states that all claims must be in by December the 4th 2010.
Incorrect that is first I have heard of that date. What was said when it was extended from a month to three months it was to be time from when damaged occurred.
A so called expert was on a few days later saying almost all damage occurred during initial quake.
That is also incorrect as the most visible damage occurred then, but buildings such as where I am have suffered most damage only in the last four weeks. Talking to many people that has been their experience also.
Civil Unrest in the 1960s: Riots and Their Aftermath (Perspectives on)
So we have building here in Canterbury the focal point for any unrest as anger rises over conflicting messages, information & excuses to not do anything in a typical bureaucratic manner.
That means for security & police we have to deal with more upset people, more cirme as the normal patterns start to break down.
As the financial crisis moves into its next phase which will be far worse, small upsets will become major issues. It is always the small things that set things off.
Historical Dictionary of Arms Control and Disarmament (Historical Dictionaries of War, Revolution, and Civil Unrest)
Compare what happens in the west to one incident in Iraq.
Prior to hand over to the interim Iraqi government one ministry was told it would be the first one where Iraqis took control.
An official was asked to come back with plan for how surveying, letting of tenders & building could be carried out. One week(yes one week) later as I understood it, they returned to say all had been done & building was underway, they just needed the money to pay for the services.
That is what people want. Officials who make decisions & get things moving. The only thing that went wrong was the US officials told them they could not let the contracts as those had already been given to US companies. In that moment the US officials lost the hearts & minds.
As one US engineering Colonel said to us it was easy to stop the insurgency. Let Iraqis have the contracts & get people working. When they are working & looking after their families & quick decisive decisions are been made, then people are not interested in causing trouble.
Historical Dictionary of the Zulu Wars (Historical Dictionaries of War, Revolution, and Civil Unrest)
The New Zealand government needs to take note. Quick decisive decisions, people working & looking after their families & actually getting information out to the people that is not contradictary & not an excuse to not do anything.
Security & policing are hard enough especially with drunken idiots, without adding to the issues people have to deal with from bureaucratic corruption.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
As if by Magic!
Kia Ora,
As if by Magic just to confirm yesterday's blog an article appears about Rowi(a type of Kiwi) which they said were identified in 1994.
Actually that is incorrect.
Several years ago our Runanga(council acting for our subtribe) & members presented a Rowi to Canterbury Museum. After the presentation we were taken into the vaults of the Museum to be shown what they had. They then told us that when Von Haast & his group arrived in South Westland they were told by our Tupuna(ancestors) that there were four type of 'Kiwi' & of one of them there were four sub species. 160 years later DNA had proven our people were right. So science was yet again just proving what was already known.
It is the same with crime here in Christchurch.
I have heard many of mates say, as I do, after coming back from Iraq or Afghanistan they felt safer there than here in New Zealand. One went further when I said Christchurch was most dangerous place in New Zealand.
On finish of his contract in Iraq he had come back & travelled around NZ not feeling quite safe. But when he arrived in Christchurch the vibe was different almost evil. I have heard a lot of people say that even those of us born here in Canterbury, although we love it, there is an under current that you can not quite put your finger on.
Mythology (Ologies)
Another person said when commenting on my statement, that although Auckland does have a number of murders it has a greater population, but there is something more sinister about many of the Christchurch murders.
So police & governments can quote as many statistics as they like but people will always go with their gut feeling.
As if by Magic just to confirm yesterday's blog an article appears about Rowi(a type of Kiwi) which they said were identified in 1994.
Actually that is incorrect.
Several years ago our Runanga(council acting for our subtribe) & members presented a Rowi to Canterbury Museum. After the presentation we were taken into the vaults of the Museum to be shown what they had. They then told us that when Von Haast & his group arrived in South Westland they were told by our Tupuna(ancestors) that there were four type of 'Kiwi' & of one of them there were four sub species. 160 years later DNA had proven our people were right. So science was yet again just proving what was already known.
It is the same with crime here in Christchurch.
I have heard many of mates say, as I do, after coming back from Iraq or Afghanistan they felt safer there than here in New Zealand. One went further when I said Christchurch was most dangerous place in New Zealand.
On finish of his contract in Iraq he had come back & travelled around NZ not feeling quite safe. But when he arrived in Christchurch the vibe was different almost evil. I have heard a lot of people say that even those of us born here in Canterbury, although we love it, there is an under current that you can not quite put your finger on.
Mythology (Ologies)
Another person said when commenting on my statement, that although Auckland does have a number of murders it has a greater population, but there is something more sinister about many of the Christchurch murders.
So police & governments can quote as many statistics as they like but people will always go with their gut feeling.
In the end people know themselves what feels right!
Kia Ora,
Thanks to Don Stewart's comments to one of the blogs & I will be reading yours Don.
It is funny how despite what the so called experts are telling us, people still more often than not know what feels right to them.
Despite the scientists telling us the earthquakes here in Christchurch have no relation to the possibility of the volcano, which is Lyttleton harbour, coming to life. I have heard so many say that is what they think is happening(without any input on that front from me).
I have also been told that despite the standard line that all 'aftershocks' are in line with normal activity, someone in that inner group has let slip that actually they are not following any pattern seen before. Again what you hear people without that knowledge saying the same thing(as one kid was heard to comment, we have all become junior seismologists).
That would account for the so called experts contadicting themselves often in the media.
Volcano & Earthquake (DK Eyewitness Books)
You get the same with the issue of crime. Despite the authorities saying crime is down so the perception is wrong, people know themselves that only reported crime is down & therefore the perception is actually correct.
People know that for example the centre of Christchurch is not a place you want to be after 10 pm Thursday to Sunday each week. It is just full of drunken violence, although that appears to have dropped since the earthquake. No amount of nice platitudes from the authorities will convince people otherwise.
Violence: Reflections on a National Epidemic
It seems though that science is just proving so much of what was already known about our world & people, but has been dismissed until proven.
We now base everything on scientific methods even though we don't have too. For example most people know that it is desirable that the alcohol limit for driving be cut here in New Zealand to a level more in line with those overseas.
Even the Minister from the government in charge seemed to support this. Then suddenly a back down & we need evidence to back up any lowering of limits.
The Little Black Book of Violence: What Every Young Man Needs to Know About Fighting
Again this is despite most people knowing that the current limit is far too high. You don't need the evidence we know to cut the road toll the alcohol limit is one of the factors that needs to be improved.
So is there a volcano about to appear again in Lyttleton Harbour? We just don't know but people Know that some of the information been given out doesn't feel right.
All I know is that Ken Ring the Astrologer using ancient methods has predicted a possible seismic event based on the position of the moon & other variables at the time on the 27th of March 2011. So far he has been the most accurate person I have heard on what is happening.
Aspects in Astrology: A Guide to Understanding Planetary Relationships in the Horoscope
He uses old world knowledge. But will as that date approaches cause more issues for the likes of the police & us in security? It just coincides with forecast possibly the next big failing of the worlds financial system. Such times always cause a breakdown in society. History does repeat.
Thanks to Don Stewart's comments to one of the blogs & I will be reading yours Don.
It is funny how despite what the so called experts are telling us, people still more often than not know what feels right to them.
Despite the scientists telling us the earthquakes here in Christchurch have no relation to the possibility of the volcano, which is Lyttleton harbour, coming to life. I have heard so many say that is what they think is happening(without any input on that front from me).
I have also been told that despite the standard line that all 'aftershocks' are in line with normal activity, someone in that inner group has let slip that actually they are not following any pattern seen before. Again what you hear people without that knowledge saying the same thing(as one kid was heard to comment, we have all become junior seismologists).
That would account for the so called experts contadicting themselves often in the media.
Volcano & Earthquake (DK Eyewitness Books)
You get the same with the issue of crime. Despite the authorities saying crime is down so the perception is wrong, people know themselves that only reported crime is down & therefore the perception is actually correct.
People know that for example the centre of Christchurch is not a place you want to be after 10 pm Thursday to Sunday each week. It is just full of drunken violence, although that appears to have dropped since the earthquake. No amount of nice platitudes from the authorities will convince people otherwise.
Violence: Reflections on a National Epidemic
It seems though that science is just proving so much of what was already known about our world & people, but has been dismissed until proven.
We now base everything on scientific methods even though we don't have too. For example most people know that it is desirable that the alcohol limit for driving be cut here in New Zealand to a level more in line with those overseas.
Even the Minister from the government in charge seemed to support this. Then suddenly a back down & we need evidence to back up any lowering of limits.
The Little Black Book of Violence: What Every Young Man Needs to Know About Fighting
Again this is despite most people knowing that the current limit is far too high. You don't need the evidence we know to cut the road toll the alcohol limit is one of the factors that needs to be improved.
So is there a volcano about to appear again in Lyttleton Harbour? We just don't know but people Know that some of the information been given out doesn't feel right.
All I know is that Ken Ring the Astrologer using ancient methods has predicted a possible seismic event based on the position of the moon & other variables at the time on the 27th of March 2011. So far he has been the most accurate person I have heard on what is happening.
Aspects in Astrology: A Guide to Understanding Planetary Relationships in the Horoscope
He uses old world knowledge. But will as that date approaches cause more issues for the likes of the police & us in security? It just coincides with forecast possibly the next big failing of the worlds financial system. Such times always cause a breakdown in society. History does repeat.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
How easy it is to spot the criminal!
Kia Ora,
Recently I wrote about how the small things can led you to crime or more serious crime.
Around here it has been spot the criminal over the last week or so.
First there are those who probably thinking they are fine upstanding citizens. That is until they come around the corner in front then gun their vehicle in the 50kmh area to 100kmh or greater. Same with the trucks who come around the corner at speed.
Then there are of course the boy racers who have come back into the area in increasing numbers who as well as the normal loss of traction they love to carryout throw rubbish on our properties, smash bottles & use businesses as toilets.
Experience though shows that this activity will be hiding any number of other crimes.
Criminal Behavior
But the other day I saw the true signal of a criminal if ever there was one. This person seemed to think that no law applied to them.
I was walking alongside a main road heading back to my base when this vehicle caught my eye. It was unlikely to have a warrant of fitness(WOF) to start with, It was speeding, secondly it then went through a stop sign & carried out a turn it was not allowed too. There was something else I could not put my finger on until I got closer then realized that they had come from that side road on the wrong side of the road, which due to the traffic island put them in a situation where they had no where else to go had a vehicle turned into that road.
Criminal Profiling, Third Edition: An Introduction to Behavioral Evidence Analysis
That persons actions screamed criminal, almost certainly a drug user usually marijuana & likely to be other crimes.
At present you are seeing a lot of this type of behaviour because there is still that belief that post the Christchurch Earthquake that the police can not handle that.
Spotting a criminal or criminal type activity is actually quite easy if you have the experience.
Recently I wrote about how the small things can led you to crime or more serious crime.
Around here it has been spot the criminal over the last week or so.
First there are those who probably thinking they are fine upstanding citizens. That is until they come around the corner in front then gun their vehicle in the 50kmh area to 100kmh or greater. Same with the trucks who come around the corner at speed.
Then there are of course the boy racers who have come back into the area in increasing numbers who as well as the normal loss of traction they love to carryout throw rubbish on our properties, smash bottles & use businesses as toilets.
Experience though shows that this activity will be hiding any number of other crimes.
Criminal Behavior
But the other day I saw the true signal of a criminal if ever there was one. This person seemed to think that no law applied to them.
I was walking alongside a main road heading back to my base when this vehicle caught my eye. It was unlikely to have a warrant of fitness(WOF) to start with, It was speeding, secondly it then went through a stop sign & carried out a turn it was not allowed too. There was something else I could not put my finger on until I got closer then realized that they had come from that side road on the wrong side of the road, which due to the traffic island put them in a situation where they had no where else to go had a vehicle turned into that road.
Criminal Profiling, Third Edition: An Introduction to Behavioral Evidence Analysis
That persons actions screamed criminal, almost certainly a drug user usually marijuana & likely to be other crimes.
At present you are seeing a lot of this type of behaviour because there is still that belief that post the Christchurch Earthquake that the police can not handle that.
Spotting a criminal or criminal type activity is actually quite easy if you have the experience.
Monday, October 18, 2010
That New Zealand mindset to the fore yet again!
Kia Ora,
Well that New Zealand mindset is to the fore yet again but this time it is building to back fire on the bureaucrats & government.
There has been a request by the Mayor of Christchurch & business leaders for the people to tell the world that Christchurch is OK & back to pretty much normal.
Now most of the services for the majority of us was back up & going within three days.
But since then it has been the bureaucracy that has slowed things down means nothing is back to normal & the frustration is growing. It is security & police that are going to have to deal with that.
This morning they are saying 1200 houses are going to be demolished when they have not checked most of the near 100,000 claims. People are living in homes which should be demolished & others are fearful with small cracks.
It is head in the sand stuff if the powers that be say things are normal & anger is growing.
One expert said there has been no damage since the major two quakes in the first week. Incorrect most people I have heard or talked too the damage has only shown in the last four weeks.
Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning for IT Professionals
Then you have some commercial entities short cutting. In my case the commercial building I am using for my business/living has developed a large number of cracks in the outside walls, cracks & folds in the ceiling & water stains in the ceiling & at least one fold in the floor mainly on the upper floor.
By others damage it is not great but seems to be increasing & very minor liquifaction has shown in front of the unit(we now know that sand was used as an infil). The building is moving more violently as time goes on when heavy vehicles or trains hit certain spots. As if to make the point have just had a small after shock followed shortly by train shunting which caused more rolling & shaking than the aftershock.
Disaster Recovery
So it was passed onto the owners who have been great, but nothing was heard from the Body corporate. Suddenly the owners of the properties get a letter saying an inspection was carried out & all was OK. No one had seen or been spoken too.
Then I looked at date I was supplied. That was the date the alarm technician checked that fire alarms were going. They had been given a form with questions to ask about the property. That was the check. All the information came from us the occupants. So neither the person asking or us the occupants were qualified to comment apart from our personal thoughts.
That was the body corporate saving up to $7000, which is likely to be a flase saving. This unit I would not expect to survive anything over about 6 now the liquifaction has come to light, no matter how small. That is just based on reaction by property not so much the after shocks but speeding vehicles & trains.
The Disaster Recovery Handbook: A Step-by-Step Plan to Ensure Business Continuity and Protect Vital Operations, Facilities, and Assets
Most of all the other area where there is no acceptance of the reality is the police saying crime has dropped since the Earthquake. Actually it hasn't, only reported crime has as people are still saying the police have too much to do so they don't call. Anecdotal evidence is that crime has gone through the roof.
But yet again New Zealanders in particular the bureaucrats are saying how good things are.
People are starting to think they have been forgotten & anger is building. I have just heard someone on radio say something that I have been thinking, the government if it doesn't get things moving quickly this will result in a huge back lash come next election.
High Availability and Disaster Recovery: Concepts, Design, Implementation
There is though an amusing side to this that those calling for the message to go out have not taken into account.
First there are those from other parts from New Zealand who have come to comfort or help friends & families have arrived felt a bit of a shake which the locals all just look & listen then carry on. But the visitors are leaving again often on first flight they can get. So what message are they taking back?
Then there is the alleged incident where two Australian structural engineers came to assist but left within two days not been able to put up with the shakes. Again message going overseas is opposite to what they are asking.
Disaster Recovery Planning: Preparing for the Unthinkable (3rd Edition)
Probably the funniest issue but one that is taking back an incorrect image is the tourists that have come on seeing the work going on in the central city thinking how wonderful it was been sorted so quick, but how bad the damage must of been.
Most of what they have been observing though is the work that was been carried out in upgrades in preparation for the Rugby World Cup. It is quite amusing to see them looking taking photos & making comments.
Mean while as was just commented by someone on radio, the New Zealand mindset that my place is bad but there is someone worse off so I won't rock the boat is going on & there could be upwards of 10,000 homes that have to be destroyed. Yet people are still living in them. It is something that is going on & without anything resembling certainty people can't move on. Right now they don't care if house is getting to be destroyed or not! They just want a decision, but bureaucrats are involved so no one does anything.
One person with a crack through middle of property & cracks in foundation have just been informed their property will be checked in March 2011. Not acceptable.
Again more frustration, more anger more issues for security & police to deal with.
Principles of Incident Response and Disaster Recovery
So the call for the message to go out that all is well is the New Zealand mindset kicking in ignoring the real issues. But this time there is enough anger coming through for the situation to get very serious very quickly.
That anger means more crime, more upset people for security guards & police to deal with.
The bureaucrats are struggling with this as they move too slow. EQC are just saying they have to have their processes in place. Excuse me, but they are set up for issues like earthquakes so all that should be in place prior. This could be the straw that broke the Camel's back here in Canterbury.
Well that New Zealand mindset is to the fore yet again but this time it is building to back fire on the bureaucrats & government.
There has been a request by the Mayor of Christchurch & business leaders for the people to tell the world that Christchurch is OK & back to pretty much normal.
Now most of the services for the majority of us was back up & going within three days.
But since then it has been the bureaucracy that has slowed things down means nothing is back to normal & the frustration is growing. It is security & police that are going to have to deal with that.
This morning they are saying 1200 houses are going to be demolished when they have not checked most of the near 100,000 claims. People are living in homes which should be demolished & others are fearful with small cracks.
It is head in the sand stuff if the powers that be say things are normal & anger is growing.
One expert said there has been no damage since the major two quakes in the first week. Incorrect most people I have heard or talked too the damage has only shown in the last four weeks.
Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning for IT Professionals
Then you have some commercial entities short cutting. In my case the commercial building I am using for my business/living has developed a large number of cracks in the outside walls, cracks & folds in the ceiling & water stains in the ceiling & at least one fold in the floor mainly on the upper floor.
By others damage it is not great but seems to be increasing & very minor liquifaction has shown in front of the unit(we now know that sand was used as an infil). The building is moving more violently as time goes on when heavy vehicles or trains hit certain spots. As if to make the point have just had a small after shock followed shortly by train shunting which caused more rolling & shaking than the aftershock.
Disaster Recovery
So it was passed onto the owners who have been great, but nothing was heard from the Body corporate. Suddenly the owners of the properties get a letter saying an inspection was carried out & all was OK. No one had seen or been spoken too.
Then I looked at date I was supplied. That was the date the alarm technician checked that fire alarms were going. They had been given a form with questions to ask about the property. That was the check. All the information came from us the occupants. So neither the person asking or us the occupants were qualified to comment apart from our personal thoughts.
That was the body corporate saving up to $7000, which is likely to be a flase saving. This unit I would not expect to survive anything over about 6 now the liquifaction has come to light, no matter how small. That is just based on reaction by property not so much the after shocks but speeding vehicles & trains.
The Disaster Recovery Handbook: A Step-by-Step Plan to Ensure Business Continuity and Protect Vital Operations, Facilities, and Assets
Most of all the other area where there is no acceptance of the reality is the police saying crime has dropped since the Earthquake. Actually it hasn't, only reported crime has as people are still saying the police have too much to do so they don't call. Anecdotal evidence is that crime has gone through the roof.
But yet again New Zealanders in particular the bureaucrats are saying how good things are.
People are starting to think they have been forgotten & anger is building. I have just heard someone on radio say something that I have been thinking, the government if it doesn't get things moving quickly this will result in a huge back lash come next election.
High Availability and Disaster Recovery: Concepts, Design, Implementation
There is though an amusing side to this that those calling for the message to go out have not taken into account.
First there are those from other parts from New Zealand who have come to comfort or help friends & families have arrived felt a bit of a shake which the locals all just look & listen then carry on. But the visitors are leaving again often on first flight they can get. So what message are they taking back?
Then there is the alleged incident where two Australian structural engineers came to assist but left within two days not been able to put up with the shakes. Again message going overseas is opposite to what they are asking.
Disaster Recovery Planning: Preparing for the Unthinkable (3rd Edition)
Probably the funniest issue but one that is taking back an incorrect image is the tourists that have come on seeing the work going on in the central city thinking how wonderful it was been sorted so quick, but how bad the damage must of been.
Most of what they have been observing though is the work that was been carried out in upgrades in preparation for the Rugby World Cup. It is quite amusing to see them looking taking photos & making comments.
Mean while as was just commented by someone on radio, the New Zealand mindset that my place is bad but there is someone worse off so I won't rock the boat is going on & there could be upwards of 10,000 homes that have to be destroyed. Yet people are still living in them. It is something that is going on & without anything resembling certainty people can't move on. Right now they don't care if house is getting to be destroyed or not! They just want a decision, but bureaucrats are involved so no one does anything.
One person with a crack through middle of property & cracks in foundation have just been informed their property will be checked in March 2011. Not acceptable.
Again more frustration, more anger more issues for security & police to deal with.
Principles of Incident Response and Disaster Recovery
So the call for the message to go out that all is well is the New Zealand mindset kicking in ignoring the real issues. But this time there is enough anger coming through for the situation to get very serious very quickly.
That anger means more crime, more upset people for security guards & police to deal with.
The bureaucrats are struggling with this as they move too slow. EQC are just saying they have to have their processes in place. Excuse me, but they are set up for issues like earthquakes so all that should be in place prior. This could be the straw that broke the Camel's back here in Canterbury.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Book review shows lack of experience!
Kia Ora,
In our local newspaper this weekend there was a book review on an account by a reporter on a unit of the US military in Iraq.
There is an overview of what is in the book then the reviewer comments on what he sees as two problems with the book. His comments show a lack of experience in the theatre of operations, the conditions & the systems the US military were using at the time.
The first is the reporter sides with as the reviewer puts it the grunts. I was a grunt(infantryman) in the NZ army & just what little is in the review I can actually envisage the poor leadership from above coupled with what I saw whilst working private security in Iraq over part of the period covered.
Actually some officers are that bad as is implied just as some grunts or NCO's are that bad. But from a leadership point of view it needs to start at the top.
What we don't know can hurt US.(Leadership and Self-Deception)(Video Recording Review): An article from: Training Media Review
It was stated that one senior officer continually blamed the soldiers for any failure. Now it is human nature to blame someone else but having served under one officer who did that to an extreme it is easy to put myself in those soldiers position. This particular officer took it to the extreme that he reorganized his whole command structure of NCO's after a fail in an exercise assault. With the result been a retest no one knew each other & the retest was a shambles but we passed, which begged some questions itself.
Privately at that time it was communicated to me by two very senior Senior NCO's that they had never seen such poor leadership & the blaming of those who had actually shown some leadership & initiative.
Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High
More importantly I saw first hand what happened in the US forces when an officer spoke up & used his initiative. He was removed from command & busted to the ranks within his old unit which is unusual & of course causes issues in itself.
The problem with a military like those of the US been so large, they tend to take the idea for initiative at lower levels away. In conventional warfare that can be an advantage but in the post invasion situation it is the NCO's, soldiers & platoon commanders who are the ones who make a difference.
Poor decisions & leadership higher up just make things worse at the lower levels.
Primal Leadership: Learning to Lead with Emotional Intelligence
Not only that, even the Generals at the time who did have a good idea of what to do were hamstrung from early on due to the civilian running the day to day life of Iraq. They had little idea of what the soldiers on the ground were facing. Therefore they forced the Generals to carryout commands that put them off side with the locals & invited attack.
The second problem the reviewer highlights is the enemy.
Many of the reports we were receiving about the enemy(insurgents) were highly inaccurate or totally under estimated the enemy ability or resources.
As they rebuilt Iraq, the Iraqi reports were putting the insurgent numbers at over 40,000 at one stage from memory with support from 200,000 where as the US sources were putting insurgents at 5000. Sometime later the US claimed to have killed 15,000 insurgents. Which led to comments "so why are there still attacks since they have all died three times over."
Leadership 101: What Every Leader Needs to Know
Good leadership though would of lowered the casualty rates of this unit where as bad leadership will lead to a greater casualty rate. No matter how good the enemy. Colonel William Malone showed that at Gallipoli in particular at Quinn's Post, but in everything he did until Chunuk Bair. Even then he gave his soldiers their best chance of surviving by refusing to attack when told too.
When reviewing something based on a real situation people need to be careful as there will be people who were there or in the area whom will know of the conditions on the ground.
Leadership: Theory and Practice
Tone of the book though follows the message that came out in television drama based on an embedded reporters view of a unit he was with & again similar with another book by an embedded reporter with a third unit both during the actual invasion.
At the time it seemed to be an endemic issue within the US military that they seem to have taken a good look at. But again been a large military that takes time to change.
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable (J-B Lencioni Series)
Where as a British unit deployed to the same area as highlighted in the book been reviewed, changed its tactics immediately after one incident & let it be known they were changing.
Leadership can be a tricky ability to exercise at the best of times. In a war zone any short comings can be shown up very quickly. I got to see the good & bad & how different nationalities use different methods that do not work for others.
The comments re problems just showed a lack of experience by the reviewer in particular in that theatre of operations.
In our local newspaper this weekend there was a book review on an account by a reporter on a unit of the US military in Iraq.
There is an overview of what is in the book then the reviewer comments on what he sees as two problems with the book. His comments show a lack of experience in the theatre of operations, the conditions & the systems the US military were using at the time.
The first is the reporter sides with as the reviewer puts it the grunts. I was a grunt(infantryman) in the NZ army & just what little is in the review I can actually envisage the poor leadership from above coupled with what I saw whilst working private security in Iraq over part of the period covered.
Actually some officers are that bad as is implied just as some grunts or NCO's are that bad. But from a leadership point of view it needs to start at the top.
What we don't know can hurt US.(Leadership and Self-Deception)(Video Recording Review): An article from: Training Media Review
It was stated that one senior officer continually blamed the soldiers for any failure. Now it is human nature to blame someone else but having served under one officer who did that to an extreme it is easy to put myself in those soldiers position. This particular officer took it to the extreme that he reorganized his whole command structure of NCO's after a fail in an exercise assault. With the result been a retest no one knew each other & the retest was a shambles but we passed, which begged some questions itself.
Privately at that time it was communicated to me by two very senior Senior NCO's that they had never seen such poor leadership & the blaming of those who had actually shown some leadership & initiative.
Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High
More importantly I saw first hand what happened in the US forces when an officer spoke up & used his initiative. He was removed from command & busted to the ranks within his old unit which is unusual & of course causes issues in itself.
The problem with a military like those of the US been so large, they tend to take the idea for initiative at lower levels away. In conventional warfare that can be an advantage but in the post invasion situation it is the NCO's, soldiers & platoon commanders who are the ones who make a difference.
Poor decisions & leadership higher up just make things worse at the lower levels.
Primal Leadership: Learning to Lead with Emotional Intelligence
Not only that, even the Generals at the time who did have a good idea of what to do were hamstrung from early on due to the civilian running the day to day life of Iraq. They had little idea of what the soldiers on the ground were facing. Therefore they forced the Generals to carryout commands that put them off side with the locals & invited attack.
The second problem the reviewer highlights is the enemy.
Many of the reports we were receiving about the enemy(insurgents) were highly inaccurate or totally under estimated the enemy ability or resources.
As they rebuilt Iraq, the Iraqi reports were putting the insurgent numbers at over 40,000 at one stage from memory with support from 200,000 where as the US sources were putting insurgents at 5000. Sometime later the US claimed to have killed 15,000 insurgents. Which led to comments "so why are there still attacks since they have all died three times over."
Leadership 101: What Every Leader Needs to Know
Good leadership though would of lowered the casualty rates of this unit where as bad leadership will lead to a greater casualty rate. No matter how good the enemy. Colonel William Malone showed that at Gallipoli in particular at Quinn's Post, but in everything he did until Chunuk Bair. Even then he gave his soldiers their best chance of surviving by refusing to attack when told too.
When reviewing something based on a real situation people need to be careful as there will be people who were there or in the area whom will know of the conditions on the ground.
Leadership: Theory and Practice
Tone of the book though follows the message that came out in television drama based on an embedded reporters view of a unit he was with & again similar with another book by an embedded reporter with a third unit both during the actual invasion.
At the time it seemed to be an endemic issue within the US military that they seem to have taken a good look at. But again been a large military that takes time to change.
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable (J-B Lencioni Series)
Where as a British unit deployed to the same area as highlighted in the book been reviewed, changed its tactics immediately after one incident & let it be known they were changing.
Leadership can be a tricky ability to exercise at the best of times. In a war zone any short comings can be shown up very quickly. I got to see the good & bad & how different nationalities use different methods that do not work for others.
The comments re problems just showed a lack of experience by the reviewer in particular in that theatre of operations.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Could New Zealand really handle a terrorist incident at Rugby World Cup 2011?
Kia Ora,
Well the New Delhi Commonwealth Games are over & thankfully there were no terrorist attacks. But in saying that the terrorists have already achieved their aim. Just the measures that needed to be taken shows that.
It is actually as if the terrorists when planning 9/11 were taking a leaf out of Ronald Reagans book. His plan had always been to act all war like but in reality bankrupt the Soviet Union by engaging in an arms race. It worked & right now the same seems to be happening to the US(therefore by connection the world) due to the amounts having to be spent on security & wars.
So now here our attention really turns to the Rugby World cup 2011 & the security requirements.
New Zealand just doesn't have the resources India had to throw at it. So therefore we have to think of how to deploy our resources of NZ military, NZ police & NZ Security Industry.
But could New Zealand really handle a Terrorist attack?
Frankly I very much doubt it. It is hard to handle something you have never experienced before. We have had terrorist incidents & have them daily in issues with organized crime but a real terrorist attack there is no way we are ready. Even the recent earthquake here in Christchurch has not shown how bad things could be as no one was killed & emergency services were able to get access quickly to damaged areas.
Terrorism Today: The Past, The Players, The Future (4th Edition)
We have to only look at the recently released information on the London train bombings in Britain to show there was chaos & for sometime the authorities did not comprehend there was a terrorist attack. Of all the cities in the world expected to best handle a terrorist attack London would rank as number one.
So if they descended into chaos how is New Zealand going to handle it? Doubt it very much. Police officers I know said same thing happened here in Christchurch when the dry ice bottle bombs went off.
On the same day I was reading about the information now been released on the train bombings an incident happened as if to emphasize what has to be be prepared for.
In Yemen there were two bomb blasts. The second was detonated once the emergency services were on the scene.
Globalisation and The Future of Terrorism: Patterns and Predictions
It is a common terrorist tactic taken one step further by suicide bombers.
This of course brings in to question the recent issue of NZ police having more access to firearms. First there needs to be a huge increase in training, then the weapons need to be worn or more readily accessible than been in a lock box.
Why? The second part first is if a suicide bomber detonates as has been stated before you need to realize it within 30 seconds & be ready for the follow up. Not wait for an investigation or four investigations to decide.
It is the follow up that brings the lack of training into question.
Is that vehicle refusing to stop a suicide bomber or just some ignorant civilian who thinks they don't have to comply? Or even worse here a rubber necker.
Future Terror & Counter Terrorism ~ A World in Shadows: Terrorism (Volume Seven)
So the training has to be so much higher & as the police do now use rules of engagement, but again to a higher level where a split second decision to fire a warning shot or not has to be made! Coupled with the warning shot are the arguments over to where best put the warning shot because of the implications of what happens to the round after been fired.
From footage of NZ police trying to shoot a dog running around none of that was taken into account at the time. In fact those doing the shooting were lucky not to be shot by their mates.
To not shoot means on your call rest your & the lives of those you are protecting.
Portrait of a Decrepit Nation
So again the question is "Could New Zealand really handle a terrorist attack at the Rugby World Cup 2011". Again the answer is no. Most of what we hear is based on preparing for violence & drunkeness. Right now we should already be getting Kiwi's ready for the security that will be required to host such an event.
That organizers have not even thought about security has been shown in the fact that the USA has been scheduled to play on the tenth annivesary of 9/11. What more of a symbolic target do you want?
The New Jackals: Ramzi Yousef, Osama bin Laden, and the Future of Terrorism
I have said it before. It is going to take a huge change in mindset from the NZ police, the NZ Security Industry & most of all the NZ public to be ready for the type of security requirements now needed for an international tournament.
Yes the terrorists are achieving their aim by bankrupting the World, but what happens if you don't do anything? You need to be best prepared you can be.
Well the New Delhi Commonwealth Games are over & thankfully there were no terrorist attacks. But in saying that the terrorists have already achieved their aim. Just the measures that needed to be taken shows that.
It is actually as if the terrorists when planning 9/11 were taking a leaf out of Ronald Reagans book. His plan had always been to act all war like but in reality bankrupt the Soviet Union by engaging in an arms race. It worked & right now the same seems to be happening to the US(therefore by connection the world) due to the amounts having to be spent on security & wars.
So now here our attention really turns to the Rugby World cup 2011 & the security requirements.
New Zealand just doesn't have the resources India had to throw at it. So therefore we have to think of how to deploy our resources of NZ military, NZ police & NZ Security Industry.
But could New Zealand really handle a Terrorist attack?
Frankly I very much doubt it. It is hard to handle something you have never experienced before. We have had terrorist incidents & have them daily in issues with organized crime but a real terrorist attack there is no way we are ready. Even the recent earthquake here in Christchurch has not shown how bad things could be as no one was killed & emergency services were able to get access quickly to damaged areas.
Terrorism Today: The Past, The Players, The Future (4th Edition)
We have to only look at the recently released information on the London train bombings in Britain to show there was chaos & for sometime the authorities did not comprehend there was a terrorist attack. Of all the cities in the world expected to best handle a terrorist attack London would rank as number one.
So if they descended into chaos how is New Zealand going to handle it? Doubt it very much. Police officers I know said same thing happened here in Christchurch when the dry ice bottle bombs went off.
On the same day I was reading about the information now been released on the train bombings an incident happened as if to emphasize what has to be be prepared for.
In Yemen there were two bomb blasts. The second was detonated once the emergency services were on the scene.
Globalisation and The Future of Terrorism: Patterns and Predictions
It is a common terrorist tactic taken one step further by suicide bombers.
This of course brings in to question the recent issue of NZ police having more access to firearms. First there needs to be a huge increase in training, then the weapons need to be worn or more readily accessible than been in a lock box.
Why? The second part first is if a suicide bomber detonates as has been stated before you need to realize it within 30 seconds & be ready for the follow up. Not wait for an investigation or four investigations to decide.
It is the follow up that brings the lack of training into question.
Is that vehicle refusing to stop a suicide bomber or just some ignorant civilian who thinks they don't have to comply? Or even worse here a rubber necker.
Future Terror & Counter Terrorism ~ A World in Shadows: Terrorism (Volume Seven)
So the training has to be so much higher & as the police do now use rules of engagement, but again to a higher level where a split second decision to fire a warning shot or not has to be made! Coupled with the warning shot are the arguments over to where best put the warning shot because of the implications of what happens to the round after been fired.
From footage of NZ police trying to shoot a dog running around none of that was taken into account at the time. In fact those doing the shooting were lucky not to be shot by their mates.
To not shoot means on your call rest your & the lives of those you are protecting.
Portrait of a Decrepit Nation
So again the question is "Could New Zealand really handle a terrorist attack at the Rugby World Cup 2011". Again the answer is no. Most of what we hear is based on preparing for violence & drunkeness. Right now we should already be getting Kiwi's ready for the security that will be required to host such an event.
That organizers have not even thought about security has been shown in the fact that the USA has been scheduled to play on the tenth annivesary of 9/11. What more of a symbolic target do you want?
The New Jackals: Ramzi Yousef, Osama bin Laden, and the Future of Terrorism
I have said it before. It is going to take a huge change in mindset from the NZ police, the NZ Security Industry & most of all the NZ public to be ready for the type of security requirements now needed for an international tournament.
Yes the terrorists are achieving their aim by bankrupting the World, but what happens if you don't do anything? You need to be best prepared you can be.
Commonwealth games,
Foxhound Security,
New Zealand,
NZ Security Industry,
Rugby World Cup 2011,
suicide bombers,
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Police likely to have better access to Firearms but what about Security Guards?
Kia Ora,
For those that are not aware the NZ Police are for all intent purposes unarmed.
It now appears with the huge increase in violent crime & weapons faced the police are going to be given greater access to firearms by having them in a lock box in all front line vehicles.
No mention of the NZ Security Industry but will get to that later.
Really they need to be wearing them so they have access to them at all times. When a situation escalates there is not time to get back to a vehicle to obtain weapons.
Either way there needs to be much greater resources put into training of those who are to use them.
Of course there have been the comments such as on one TV interview that this wil raise the bar so criminals will start using firearms.
News Flash the criminals already outgun the police here even if this policy is implimented. A large amount of crime in New Zealand now involves weapons. So much so that one Christchurch police officer was moved to comment sometime back that virtually everyone they arrest these days carries a knife at least.
We will end up with a situation like in L.A. I believe it was when with police out gunned & S.W.A.T. still on the way, a police officer was forced to use his own credit card at a near by gun shop, so those on the ground could at least match the criminals.
The Gun Owner's Handbook: A Complete Guide to Maintaining and Repairing Your Firearms--in the Field or at Your Workbench
So there is going to be an increase in the police ability to look after themselves.
So what of the NZ Security Industry?
Well the new Private Security Personnel & Private Investigators Act 2010 has been passed recently with little or no information to the industry.
There have been a few improvements from the Bill, but overall it is a step backwards 40 years, not forward. Or as I say better used as toilet paper.
Team Glock Back Pack - Glock TG42001, Firearm Accessories Cases
If it is dangerous enough for the police to now be looking at easier access to firearms & wearing bodyarmour then the NZ Security Industry should be pushing for the same for security guards. Bodyarmour minimum within a certain time period & firearms for a few firearms experienced operators.
But the NZ Security Industry will not say anything as it will cost them & they don't think it is that dangerous. In fact that has been the statement by people in influential positions mean they don't see what is actually happening on the street.
Crucial Elements of Police Firearms Training: Refine Your Firearms Skills, Training and Effectiveness
The industry used to be armed. With right background or experience with both the use & legalities required in the use of firearms there should be few issues.
For those that are not aware the NZ Police are for all intent purposes unarmed.
It now appears with the huge increase in violent crime & weapons faced the police are going to be given greater access to firearms by having them in a lock box in all front line vehicles.
No mention of the NZ Security Industry but will get to that later.
Really they need to be wearing them so they have access to them at all times. When a situation escalates there is not time to get back to a vehicle to obtain weapons.
Either way there needs to be much greater resources put into training of those who are to use them.
Of course there have been the comments such as on one TV interview that this wil raise the bar so criminals will start using firearms.
News Flash the criminals already outgun the police here even if this policy is implimented. A large amount of crime in New Zealand now involves weapons. So much so that one Christchurch police officer was moved to comment sometime back that virtually everyone they arrest these days carries a knife at least.
We will end up with a situation like in L.A. I believe it was when with police out gunned & S.W.A.T. still on the way, a police officer was forced to use his own credit card at a near by gun shop, so those on the ground could at least match the criminals.
The Gun Owner's Handbook: A Complete Guide to Maintaining and Repairing Your Firearms--in the Field or at Your Workbench
So there is going to be an increase in the police ability to look after themselves.
So what of the NZ Security Industry?
Well the new Private Security Personnel & Private Investigators Act 2010 has been passed recently with little or no information to the industry.
There have been a few improvements from the Bill, but overall it is a step backwards 40 years, not forward. Or as I say better used as toilet paper.
Team Glock Back Pack - Glock TG42001, Firearm Accessories Cases
If it is dangerous enough for the police to now be looking at easier access to firearms & wearing bodyarmour then the NZ Security Industry should be pushing for the same for security guards. Bodyarmour minimum within a certain time period & firearms for a few firearms experienced operators.
But the NZ Security Industry will not say anything as it will cost them & they don't think it is that dangerous. In fact that has been the statement by people in influential positions mean they don't see what is actually happening on the street.
Crucial Elements of Police Firearms Training: Refine Your Firearms Skills, Training and Effectiveness
The industry used to be armed. With right background or experience with both the use & legalities required in the use of firearms there should be few issues.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
So it begins to unwind!
Kia Ora,
The Commonwealth Games in Delhi, India finish later this week & after numerous protests over the amount of security hampering the crowds it would appear from comments from one of administrators that security will be relaxed a little.
You always knew that the constant moaning by the bigger teams about the restrictive security would result in the strings been loosened.
Smart terrorists will wait because if there is no attacks after some lessening in security then the pressure will go on to lessen it further.
I have already heard one New Zealand media rep say that the terrorist threat had not eventuated.
It just shows how little they know.
The History of Terrorism: From Antiquity to al Qaeda
The most dangerous time is at the beginning or end of an event. Or arriving & leaving a site.
A common thought in Iraq (& from what I have read & heard in Afghanistan also applies) was you were not there until you had your feet on the ground & you hadn't got clear of the threat until you hit the ground at home.
Inside Terrorism
What this meant was when flying into Iraq especially on your first day on a contract, it wasn't real until you were there. During one suicide bombing campaign in Baghdad those of us returning from leave were stuck with a group going in for the first time for nine days in Amman, Jordan.
When leaving it was not uncommon for you to have to report several days in a row to the airport to see if anything was flying. At one time several hundred people were living in the airport building in conditions that made living in areas of Christchurch post the earthquake seem like five star hotels. All waiting to leave.
Then on one occassion three hotels in Amman were hit by suicide bombers.
Origins of Terrorism: Psychologies, Ideologies, Theologies, States of Mind
Take that back to the games in Delhi & just because there have been no terrorist attacks yet, does not mean there will not be. The games are not over for the visitors until they touch down in their own country.
To think otherwise is to not keep in touch with the reality of the situation.
But if an attack does happen it will be India who get the blame despite the pressure put on the games administration to lessen the security blanket.
The Commonwealth Games in Delhi, India finish later this week & after numerous protests over the amount of security hampering the crowds it would appear from comments from one of administrators that security will be relaxed a little.
You always knew that the constant moaning by the bigger teams about the restrictive security would result in the strings been loosened.
Smart terrorists will wait because if there is no attacks after some lessening in security then the pressure will go on to lessen it further.
I have already heard one New Zealand media rep say that the terrorist threat had not eventuated.
It just shows how little they know.
The History of Terrorism: From Antiquity to al Qaeda
The most dangerous time is at the beginning or end of an event. Or arriving & leaving a site.
A common thought in Iraq (& from what I have read & heard in Afghanistan also applies) was you were not there until you had your feet on the ground & you hadn't got clear of the threat until you hit the ground at home.
Inside Terrorism
What this meant was when flying into Iraq especially on your first day on a contract, it wasn't real until you were there. During one suicide bombing campaign in Baghdad those of us returning from leave were stuck with a group going in for the first time for nine days in Amman, Jordan.
When leaving it was not uncommon for you to have to report several days in a row to the airport to see if anything was flying. At one time several hundred people were living in the airport building in conditions that made living in areas of Christchurch post the earthquake seem like five star hotels. All waiting to leave.
Then on one occassion three hotels in Amman were hit by suicide bombers.
Origins of Terrorism: Psychologies, Ideologies, Theologies, States of Mind
Take that back to the games in Delhi & just because there have been no terrorist attacks yet, does not mean there will not be. The games are not over for the visitors until they touch down in their own country.
To think otherwise is to not keep in touch with the reality of the situation.
But if an attack does happen it will be India who get the blame despite the pressure put on the games administration to lessen the security blanket.
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