People keep spouting the financial crisis is over. Bollocks! In fact it is getting harder for people to make ends meet. One prediction is the middle class will cease to exist.
It means people are taking bigger risks.
The bureaucratic corruption of dealing with something by finding an excuse to do nothing, which is leaving people in limbo. That alone post the earthquake here in Christchurch means more are finding they have no other options.
But even without the earthquake people were taking risks to commit crime.
One contact in the security industry was telling me prior to the earthquake of on going metal theft on a site. It has recommenced post the earthquake. As they reported this as outlined in a previous blog we looked out the window to see two persons stealing metal one afternoon.
A Framework for Understanding Poverty
That all pails though to a news item on TV last night in another part of New Zealand.
First part of the item was on theft of copper where people are stealing copper earth wires from power poles, so that is live power lines above. The comment was if certain conditions were meet then it would mean an 8 metre radius around the power pole would become live.
So just tick theft & manslaughter if not murder to the charges someone is facing.
Creating a World Without Poverty: Social Business and the Future of Capitalism
But then when I thought that was bad enough, although I had heard of similar actions in places overseas which were poverty stricken then came the next one.
There was a photo of someone taking a railway track from what, as far as I could understand, the main trunk line for the area (well maintained so easier to get out)in broad daylight & placing tracks into a vehicle.
Another one with theft & possible manslaughter murder charges.
Trickle Up Poverty: Stopping Obama's Attack on Our Borders, Economy, and Security
This is all stuff that happens in supposedly third world countries which New Zealand likes to think it is not. Really we are a fourth world country, that is third world trying to pretend we are first world. Some things we do to first world standards but thanks to the bureaucratic corruption of not really dealing with problems much of the country is living on or below the bread line.
When Helping Hurts: Alleviating Poverty Without Hurting the Poor. . .and Ourselves
So crime will increase & as has been happening according to anecdotal evidence violent crime will expand even more. Especially when you factor in people who have not been in this situation before so emotions are higher & they are more unpredictable. Therefore more violence.
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