Well that New Zealand mindset is to the fore yet again but this time it is building to back fire on the bureaucrats & government.
There has been a request by the Mayor of Christchurch & business leaders for the people to tell the world that Christchurch is OK & back to pretty much normal.
Now most of the services for the majority of us was back up & going within three days.
But since then it has been the bureaucracy that has slowed things down means nothing is back to normal & the frustration is growing. It is security & police that are going to have to deal with that.
This morning they are saying 1200 houses are going to be demolished when they have not checked most of the near 100,000 claims. People are living in homes which should be demolished & others are fearful with small cracks.
It is head in the sand stuff if the powers that be say things are normal & anger is growing.
One expert said there has been no damage since the major two quakes in the first week. Incorrect most people I have heard or talked too the damage has only shown in the last four weeks.
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Then you have some commercial entities short cutting. In my case the commercial building I am using for my business/living has developed a large number of cracks in the outside walls, cracks & folds in the ceiling & water stains in the ceiling & at least one fold in the floor mainly on the upper floor.
By others damage it is not great but seems to be increasing & very minor liquifaction has shown in front of the unit(we now know that sand was used as an infil). The building is moving more violently as time goes on when heavy vehicles or trains hit certain spots. As if to make the point have just had a small after shock followed shortly by train shunting which caused more rolling & shaking than the aftershock.
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So it was passed onto the owners who have been great, but nothing was heard from the Body corporate. Suddenly the owners of the properties get a letter saying an inspection was carried out & all was OK. No one had seen or been spoken too.
Then I looked at date I was supplied. That was the date the alarm technician checked that fire alarms were going. They had been given a form with questions to ask about the property. That was the check. All the information came from us the occupants. So neither the person asking or us the occupants were qualified to comment apart from our personal thoughts.
That was the body corporate saving up to $7000, which is likely to be a flase saving. This unit I would not expect to survive anything over about 6 now the liquifaction has come to light, no matter how small. That is just based on reaction by property not so much the after shocks but speeding vehicles & trains.
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Most of all the other area where there is no acceptance of the reality is the police saying crime has dropped since the Earthquake. Actually it hasn't, only reported crime has as people are still saying the police have too much to do so they don't call. Anecdotal evidence is that crime has gone through the roof.
But yet again New Zealanders in particular the bureaucrats are saying how good things are.
People are starting to think they have been forgotten & anger is building. I have just heard someone on radio say something that I have been thinking, the government if it doesn't get things moving quickly this will result in a huge back lash come next election.
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There is though an amusing side to this that those calling for the message to go out have not taken into account.
First there are those from other parts from New Zealand who have come to comfort or help friends & families have arrived felt a bit of a shake which the locals all just look & listen then carry on. But the visitors are leaving again often on first flight they can get. So what message are they taking back?
Then there is the alleged incident where two Australian structural engineers came to assist but left within two days not been able to put up with the shakes. Again message going overseas is opposite to what they are asking.
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Probably the funniest issue but one that is taking back an incorrect image is the tourists that have come on seeing the work going on in the central city thinking how wonderful it was been sorted so quick, but how bad the damage must of been.
Most of what they have been observing though is the work that was been carried out in upgrades in preparation for the Rugby World Cup. It is quite amusing to see them looking taking photos & making comments.
Mean while as was just commented by someone on radio, the New Zealand mindset that my place is bad but there is someone worse off so I won't rock the boat is going on & there could be upwards of 10,000 homes that have to be destroyed. Yet people are still living in them. It is something that is going on & without anything resembling certainty people can't move on. Right now they don't care if house is getting to be destroyed or not! They just want a decision, but bureaucrats are involved so no one does anything.
One person with a crack through middle of property & cracks in foundation have just been informed their property will be checked in March 2011. Not acceptable.
Again more frustration, more anger more issues for security & police to deal with.
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So the call for the message to go out that all is well is the New Zealand mindset kicking in ignoring the real issues. But this time there is enough anger coming through for the situation to get very serious very quickly.
That anger means more crime, more upset people for security guards & police to deal with.
The bureaucrats are struggling with this as they move too slow. EQC are just saying they have to have their processes in place. Excuse me, but they are set up for issues like earthquakes so all that should be in place prior. This could be the straw that broke the Camel's back here in Canterbury.
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