The yearly assessment of corruption in countries throughout the world has been released & yet again New Zealand is listed as one of the three least corrupt countries in the world.
Issue is they only focus on montary idea of corruption. If you google meaning or defininition of corruption you actually find monetary actions tend to be well down the list.
One definition that stood out at the top of several was (n)the act of changing or being changed for the worse; among a list of word after came the word impaired. Under another definition of the word corrupt it starts with lacking integrity & includes 'spoilt by mistakes'.
Those last couple are the ones we tend to overlook but are the ones that apply in particular to bureaucrats here in New Zealand & in my view makes NZ the most corrupt country in the world.
I see mentioned in one article it talks about good governance. New Zealand likes to think it has good governance, but my experience it doesn't. Having been in governance roles as well as been a beneficiary of those organizations it has been clear that more often than not those in the governance roles are on the same wavelength as the people they represent.
What happens & where the upset begins(& where security & the police start to become involved) is the bureaucrats start to use any excuse to not provide that which they are duty bound to deliver. Or do it in such an inefficient way that people get upset, but end up getting the blame.
Syndromes of Corruption: Wealth, Power, and Democracy
Recently here in New Zealand a TV presenter got into hot water for commenting on the looks of our Governor General. Didn't present it in the right way but if he had said the Governor General was corrupt I would of agreed.
Why would of I agreed? Because I have had dealings with him in his role as ombudsman. First I raised an issue which was dealt with by a member of his office here in Christchurch. Questions I was asking could of had huge implications for governments both monetarily & then a wider look embarrassing.
The person in Christchurch used an excuse to not deal with it. Then two weeks later is appointed to the parole board. So I sent complaint (involving two government departments) to main office in Wellington. Our present Governor General dealt with it by finding another excuse not to deal with it. Few weeks later he is appointed Governor General.
You do start to ask yourself.
Funnily enough the wider question has recently involved Australian authorities who have said there is not enough evidence to say if I the person who should be targeted based on information supplied by me & the other party. Seems NZ use much lower standards of proof in that situation.
Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies
But then corruption within certain circles are nothing new to our family.
Many years ago a so called professional was engaged by our family to carryout some work. Ends up they were also working for the opposing parties. On complaint to their professional body, the reply was "yes they do have a conflict of interest but since they are a main member of our body we will do nothing" or words to that effect. That person later become a politician then speaker of the house.
Economic Gangsters: Corruption, Violence, and the Poverty of Nations (New in Paper)
Then there is the corruption of IRD (NZ tax service). They are constantly making mistakes (corruption by definition) giving a lot of people(they claim occassionally but it is actually widespread) refunds then suddenly you get a letter saying pay back or court/interest is already added.
At no time do they appologise.
But IRD are not even by far the worst. In fact most of the time they are the best to deal with.
By the far worst I have personally had to deal with are ACC recently who are so inefficient a five year old could do a better job.
The Institutional Economics of Corruption and Reform: Theory, Evidence and Policy
Dealing with it is frustrating & aggravating personally. It also means more issues for police & security.
This form of corruption is now rife in the aftermath of the Christchurch earthquake meaning that nothing is getting done & frustration levels are building. The next two weeks in particular are times of heavy drinking here & that will mean greater issues when comfined with the frustration.
But New Zealand least corrupt? Not even close, except when just looking at a narrow definition of the word.
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