Well the New Delhi Commonwealth Games are over & thankfully there were no terrorist attacks. But in saying that the terrorists have already achieved their aim. Just the measures that needed to be taken shows that.
It is actually as if the terrorists when planning 9/11 were taking a leaf out of Ronald Reagans book. His plan had always been to act all war like but in reality bankrupt the Soviet Union by engaging in an arms race. It worked & right now the same seems to be happening to the US(therefore by connection the world) due to the amounts having to be spent on security & wars.
So now here our attention really turns to the Rugby World cup 2011 & the security requirements.
New Zealand just doesn't have the resources India had to throw at it. So therefore we have to think of how to deploy our resources of NZ military, NZ police & NZ Security Industry.
But could New Zealand really handle a Terrorist attack?
Frankly I very much doubt it. It is hard to handle something you have never experienced before. We have had terrorist incidents & have them daily in issues with organized crime but a real terrorist attack there is no way we are ready. Even the recent earthquake here in Christchurch has not shown how bad things could be as no one was killed & emergency services were able to get access quickly to damaged areas.
Terrorism Today: The Past, The Players, The Future (4th Edition)
We have to only look at the recently released information on the London train bombings in Britain to show there was chaos & for sometime the authorities did not comprehend there was a terrorist attack. Of all the cities in the world expected to best handle a terrorist attack London would rank as number one.
So if they descended into chaos how is New Zealand going to handle it? Doubt it very much. Police officers I know said same thing happened here in Christchurch when the dry ice bottle bombs went off.
On the same day I was reading about the information now been released on the train bombings an incident happened as if to emphasize what has to be be prepared for.
In Yemen there were two bomb blasts. The second was detonated once the emergency services were on the scene.
Globalisation and The Future of Terrorism: Patterns and Predictions
It is a common terrorist tactic taken one step further by suicide bombers.
This of course brings in to question the recent issue of NZ police having more access to firearms. First there needs to be a huge increase in training, then the weapons need to be worn or more readily accessible than been in a lock box.
Why? The second part first is if a suicide bomber detonates as has been stated before you need to realize it within 30 seconds & be ready for the follow up. Not wait for an investigation or four investigations to decide.
It is the follow up that brings the lack of training into question.
Is that vehicle refusing to stop a suicide bomber or just some ignorant civilian who thinks they don't have to comply? Or even worse here a rubber necker.
Future Terror & Counter Terrorism ~ A World in Shadows: Terrorism (Volume Seven)
So the training has to be so much higher & as the police do now use rules of engagement, but again to a higher level where a split second decision to fire a warning shot or not has to be made! Coupled with the warning shot are the arguments over to where best put the warning shot because of the implications of what happens to the round after been fired.
From footage of NZ police trying to shoot a dog running around none of that was taken into account at the time. In fact those doing the shooting were lucky not to be shot by their mates.
To not shoot means on your call rest your & the lives of those you are protecting.
Portrait of a Decrepit Nation
So again the question is "Could New Zealand really handle a terrorist attack at the Rugby World Cup 2011". Again the answer is no. Most of what we hear is based on preparing for violence & drunkeness. Right now we should already be getting Kiwi's ready for the security that will be required to host such an event.
That organizers have not even thought about security has been shown in the fact that the USA has been scheduled to play on the tenth annivesary of 9/11. What more of a symbolic target do you want?
The New Jackals: Ramzi Yousef, Osama bin Laden, and the Future of Terrorism
I have said it before. It is going to take a huge change in mindset from the NZ police, the NZ Security Industry & most of all the NZ public to be ready for the type of security requirements now needed for an international tournament.
Yes the terrorists are achieving their aim by bankrupting the World, but what happens if you don't do anything? You need to be best prepared you can be.
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