How would you like to commit crime & get away with it legally?
Be great wouldn't it? Well there are certain groups doing it all the time.
Currently I am reading this book below "The Corruption of Capitalism" by Richard Duncan(no known relation) who has just put alot of what study has already shown me is going on but this goes further.
The problem is most people are fooled into thinking "trust the government" or "trust the big banks".
First crime that you or I would be locked up for doing is counterfeiting. Basically the central banks(not the government) print currency when they have essentially no assets backing it. The government is then loaned this currency(notice not money as the cash you have is a fiat currency backed by nothing, the only real money is gold or silver) & taxes people to pay for the interest on that loan. Any outstanding tax take(if any) is then used to pay down the loan. So when you hear the argument over 'tax payers money' being misused it is not actually true.
Most of the major central banks in the world are privately owned. The most important of these private banks is the US Federal reserve because the world is now tied to the US dollar since Bretton Woods in 1944. Since 1971 when the US took itself off the gold standard as Robert Kiyosaki says "cash is trash".
The Dollar Crisis: Causes, Consequences, Cures , Revised and Updated
It gets even worse as these days derivatives have become as Warren Buffett says "the weapons of mass destruction" & it is the collapse or potential collapse of these that sparked the huge bailouts that began in 2008.
What is a derivative? Best description I have heard is orange juice is a derivative of an orange. The problem with financial derivatives is, unlike orange juice which is created from the orange & real, they are created out of nothing. These days you do not have to print money you just hit a key on a computer.
At the time the book was written(2009) this derivatives market was worth an estimated US$700 Trillion & is already estimated to be now at US$2Quadrillion. But for all that currency it is not producing real benefits.
If it or even part of it collapses then the US government in particular has to bailout certain organizations to stop the complete collapse of the worlds financial system.
Crony Capitalism: Corruption and Development in South Korea and the Philippines (Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics)
Now those numbers are just words but these examples might put it in perspective.
The first set of figures I am a bit rusty on as haven't seen it for a while but it gives an idea. If you were to count a million dollars at one a second it would take 12 days, a billion 12 years & a trillion if memory serves 32,000 years.
But a relation who is religious but understands this, put it this way. If Christ had had deposited in his name $1 million the day he was born & a $1 million everyday since the allegded date of his birth, today that figure in the account would be $750 billion after 2000 years. In its entire existance the US had printed approximately US$800 billion until just a few years ago. In the last two officially anyway about US$3 Trillion has been added.
Off book additions though(like ENRON had)have been estimated as high as US$120 Trillion. Things like the medicare & social security which should be able to pay for themselves but have been 'borrowed' by the government in the past to finance other areas. So they are further debts the US have to print currency for each year & are growing as more retire.
Here in New Zealand ACC also collects enough to cover costs but bad investments, inefficiency which amounts to the dictionary definition of corruption means the costs are going up.
Corruption, Capitalism and Democracy (Routledge Studies in Social and Political Thought)
To keep the modern financial system going they have to keep coming up with ways to create currency out of nothing. The latest idea is the ETS(emission trading scheme) which is supposed to be there to make business more aware of the environment. It has nothing to do with it.
So if all this collapses then how does that affect people? Well if the US has to bail entities out then it causes inflation & probably hyperinflation which means cost of living go up highly & fast. Anyone who has been shopping for groceries lately will notice how much more expensive it is to buy food.
People need to feed their families so crime increases & with that as people who have never had troubles before turn to crime emotions are higher & that equates to more violence.
Or as is happening in Europe in particular, governments try to lessen the effect by introducing austerity measures which is resulting in protests & riots. In both cases it is resulting in xenophobia were those who are immigrants are targeted.
The real winners in this are those who at the start are basically counterfeiting.
Corruption, Capitalism and Democracy
But it doesn't stop there. There is a lot more quantitive easing(new name for printing currency that just means it is created on a computer) going on than people realize in the guise of bailouts or what in my opinion amounts to money laundering.
For example in the US with interest rates basically at zero the Federal reserve has been loaning large amounts to the large banks(the ones in it up to their neck in the derivatives market) who then loan that to the US government at say 4%, who then will have to go to the Federal reserve to pay the interest to the banks.
So in that mix all that new currency becomes part of the stimulus which is only helping the banks & the Federal reserve.
Capitalism's Achilles Heel: Dirty Money and How to Renew the Free-Market System
Of course everytime there is a bailout it is essentially the government taking over what was private debt which in turn with the debt the governments owe to the central banks will result in the transfer of businesses & property to ownership of those behind the central banks.
The systems set up by governments in use of bureaucrats though is there to upset people so they are fighting endless battles & never see the real crimes.
At present governments around the world (apart from Asian countries which are telling their citizens to buy gold & silver based on history) are telling people to save. But if as expected high inflation then hyperinflation kick in then they will have stolen your currency/savings by stealth. Inflation is the invisible tax. As they tell you inflation is low it is real inflation that is stealing your currency as you buy food & essentials. They manipulate the CPI to reflect what they want it too.
Manifesto on War. Decay and Corruption of International Capitalism
As they say "He who has the gold makes the rules" also known as the golden rule.
What would you do if you could commit crime with no repercussions?
Would you use it for good in the long term?
That could be very likely the long term aim of those behind all this. But is it right to have one group acting in a criminal way that would get the rest of us time in jail?
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