As if by Magic just to confirm yesterday's blog an article appears about Rowi(a type of Kiwi) which they said were identified in 1994.
Actually that is incorrect.
Several years ago our Runanga(council acting for our subtribe) & members presented a Rowi to Canterbury Museum. After the presentation we were taken into the vaults of the Museum to be shown what they had. They then told us that when Von Haast & his group arrived in South Westland they were told by our Tupuna(ancestors) that there were four type of 'Kiwi' & of one of them there were four sub species. 160 years later DNA had proven our people were right. So science was yet again just proving what was already known.
It is the same with crime here in Christchurch.
I have heard many of mates say, as I do, after coming back from Iraq or Afghanistan they felt safer there than here in New Zealand. One went further when I said Christchurch was most dangerous place in New Zealand.
On finish of his contract in Iraq he had come back & travelled around NZ not feeling quite safe. But when he arrived in Christchurch the vibe was different almost evil. I have heard a lot of people say that even those of us born here in Canterbury, although we love it, there is an under current that you can not quite put your finger on.
Mythology (Ologies)
Another person said when commenting on my statement, that although Auckland does have a number of murders it has a greater population, but there is something more sinister about many of the Christchurch murders.
So police & governments can quote as many statistics as they like but people will always go with their gut feeling.
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