The news can be an interesting watch, listen or read.
One article yesterday spoke of a person here in Christchurch been given a slap on the hand for carrying out a Bomb Hoax. So New Zealand remains in Fairyland in regards to these issues. To get the seriousness of this issue across there needs to be prison sentences issued & quite severe prison sentences.
All going well next year New Zealand hosts the Rugby World Cup 2011 & with hopefully the NZ police & NZ Security Industry on a higher alert. What we don't need is people calling in bomb hoax's tying up resources when a real threat might be eventuating.
Hostage Rescue Manual: Tactics of the Counter-Terrorist Professionals-Revised Edition
There has been an increase in bomb hoax's in recent times in New Zealand. The message needs to be sent that this is an unacceptable action. It is that serious that I would suggest a starting point of ten years jail. Resources sent to one of these just might save hundreds of lifes if able to be used elsewhere.
In the meantime in India those associated with some of the games are loosing touch with reality.
After all the concerns over security then the state of the venues people are now calling for security to be relaxed so people can attend events.
It shows that these people are out of touch with reality.
The Commonwealth Games in Delhi are India's chance to showcase to the world what it can do. Though I do have concerns with some of the security preparations I see & has been reported to me, I can't see India relaxing this early in the games.
Negotiating with Terrorists: Strategy, Tactics, and Politics
But it also tells me that those making the comments have not thought it through.
First the cost to the venues from what is been said was always going to favour tourists, not the locals. Those locals who could afford to go were seen giving interviews saying they were going away on holiday during the games period(note to NZ same will happen for Rugby World Cup as it will be mainly tourists who will be able to afford the tickets).
Now comment was hardly anyone showed up to watch Hockey(field hockey) matches India's national game. National game? Well I suppose it could be because what most Indians will be watching or listening to the national religion. Cricket! In particular the test series(with the first concluding last night in a very close match) between India & Australia. No problems with crowds at cricket matches.
Hidden Agenda, Vol. 6 - No Place to Hide, The Strategy and Tactics of Terrorism
If the test series had not been on it is odds on India would of been taking note of the current one day series between NZ & Bangladesh.
Someone didn' think about their planning as nothing compares to cricket in the sub continent.
In fact being a cricket player it is one thing I have found as an icebreaker anywhere in the world when talking to someone with a legacy from the sub continent.
Foreign Terrorist Organizations: History Tactics and Connections
So people are calling for a relaxing in the security in place without actually thinking about the other factors or the reality of the situation. This is what any terrorist maybe just waiting for.
You under estimate your enemy(terrorist) at your own peril!
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