Really it must be like hitting your head against a brick wall for NZ police these days.
Yet again we have people running from police one resulting in the deaths of the two people running & the second incident involved a vehicle running from police colliding with a vehicle of innocent people including a young child.
First thing is most New Zealand drivers think they are good drivers when they actually are not. New Zealand needs to impliment drivers education as they have in the US in our school system.
Second thing is Kiwi's(as we New Zealanders refer to ourselves after one of our native birds as opposed to the Kiwifruit which for some reason is known as a Kiwi in some places)need to stop thinking that no police officer or security guard has the right to stop them.
In fact I have often been told "but that doesn't mean me. That is for those people who break the law(newsflash you are or are about too)" or on many occassions a reference to a racial grouping.
Rules of the Road: A Complete Driver's Ed Course
Now after yet another review there is not much else police can do apart from not chase & that is not an option. Otherwise you are giving the criminals free reign & there is already too much weight given to their side when they have really foregone anything but basic civil rights.
In the chase where the two people were killed, the police are said to have abandoned the chase twice. On both occassions the vehicle had been speeding when sighted & chases began, it then preceded to drive dangerously. It has now been established the vehicle was stolen.
Forensic Investigation of Stolen-Recovered and Other Crime-Related Vehicles
Because it was travelling at speed it was already a danger to the public. That it failed to stop points straight away to other crime likely.
Do I feel sorry for them? No way! Their responsibility!
I do feel sorry for any innocents hurt or killed in these chases, but there is no way police should stop pusuits. As a vehicle is considered a weapon the starting point(with no ability for reduction by the courts) for running from the police needs to be attempted murder. If they cause injury or death then it goes up from there.
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People say these people speed because police chase them. Sorry doesn't wash. Currently I am live in unit near a road that has become an adhoc main route due to businesses & supposed shortcut(it was but now so many people use it they need lights where it intersects with main road again-they are at the other end).
We have a lot of trouble with boy racers here. In fact they were here the night of the wee shake in Christchurch as they believed the police were too busy to deal with them.
But it is not just boy racers. Constantly we see cars come around the corner see the straight & use it as a drag strip at at least twice the posted speed.
Forensic Investigation of Stolen-Recovered and Other Crime-Related Vehicles
It is also very common for vehicles to come down that straight at speed then have to break sharply(I have seen one head on crash luckily at low speed & know of another loosing control & crashing on the corner).
Also with the ground still settling after the earthquake, vehicles speeding then hitting some undulations in the road are causing this & some other units to rock along with causing further damage(in typical bureaucrat speak authorities have claimed that the majority of damage to buildings was caused in the first shake when in fact in our case & most people I talk too, many buildings came through the first week fine all the damage has happened since).
High Crimes #4 Special Edition
So poor driving is putting people's lives at risk whether the police chase or not. The police are there to stop crime & save lives. Too many claim police are only collecting tax when targeting drivers. Actually it is the poor driving on Kiwi's they are targeting & also the fact that those 'small' crimes more often than not are the ones that catch people wanted for greater crimes.
If you run from the police & someone dies IT IS YOUR FAULT!
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