Recently I wrote about how the small things can led you to crime or more serious crime.
Around here it has been spot the criminal over the last week or so.
First there are those who probably thinking they are fine upstanding citizens. That is until they come around the corner in front then gun their vehicle in the 50kmh area to 100kmh or greater. Same with the trucks who come around the corner at speed.
Then there are of course the boy racers who have come back into the area in increasing numbers who as well as the normal loss of traction they love to carryout throw rubbish on our properties, smash bottles & use businesses as toilets.
Experience though shows that this activity will be hiding any number of other crimes.
Criminal Behavior
But the other day I saw the true signal of a criminal if ever there was one. This person seemed to think that no law applied to them.
I was walking alongside a main road heading back to my base when this vehicle caught my eye. It was unlikely to have a warrant of fitness(WOF) to start with, It was speeding, secondly it then went through a stop sign & carried out a turn it was not allowed too. There was something else I could not put my finger on until I got closer then realized that they had come from that side road on the wrong side of the road, which due to the traffic island put them in a situation where they had no where else to go had a vehicle turned into that road.
Criminal Profiling, Third Edition: An Introduction to Behavioral Evidence Analysis
That persons actions screamed criminal, almost certainly a drug user usually marijuana & likely to be other crimes.
At present you are seeing a lot of this type of behaviour because there is still that belief that post the Christchurch Earthquake that the police can not handle that.
Spotting a criminal or criminal type activity is actually quite easy if you have the experience.
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