The Commonwealth Games in Delhi, India finish later this week & after numerous protests over the amount of security hampering the crowds it would appear from comments from one of administrators that security will be relaxed a little.
You always knew that the constant moaning by the bigger teams about the restrictive security would result in the strings been loosened.
Smart terrorists will wait because if there is no attacks after some lessening in security then the pressure will go on to lessen it further.
I have already heard one New Zealand media rep say that the terrorist threat had not eventuated.
It just shows how little they know.
The History of Terrorism: From Antiquity to al Qaeda
The most dangerous time is at the beginning or end of an event. Or arriving & leaving a site.
A common thought in Iraq (& from what I have read & heard in Afghanistan also applies) was you were not there until you had your feet on the ground & you hadn't got clear of the threat until you hit the ground at home.
Inside Terrorism
What this meant was when flying into Iraq especially on your first day on a contract, it wasn't real until you were there. During one suicide bombing campaign in Baghdad those of us returning from leave were stuck with a group going in for the first time for nine days in Amman, Jordan.
When leaving it was not uncommon for you to have to report several days in a row to the airport to see if anything was flying. At one time several hundred people were living in the airport building in conditions that made living in areas of Christchurch post the earthquake seem like five star hotels. All waiting to leave.
Then on one occassion three hotels in Amman were hit by suicide bombers.
Origins of Terrorism: Psychologies, Ideologies, Theologies, States of Mind
Take that back to the games in Delhi & just because there have been no terrorist attacks yet, does not mean there will not be. The games are not over for the visitors until they touch down in their own country.
To think otherwise is to not keep in touch with the reality of the situation.
But if an attack does happen it will be India who get the blame despite the pressure put on the games administration to lessen the security blanket.
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