Friday, February 11, 2011

Nano Nano; The Great Orkan speaks!

Kia Ora,

The Orkan greeting from the TV series Mork & Mindy might not seem appropriate but I feel it is as it fits the response from the Minister of Earthquake recovery & his out of touch unrealistic responses to the frustrated & angry people of Canterbury.

He definitely is on another planet. From his flippant responses to the angry meeting shown on TV news in Kaiapoi. "We can't just wave a magic wand". No but you can pull your finger out & start getting things done. Australia have a lot sooner & with more imput to not one but two major disasters. Meanwhile authorities here are sitting with finger up rear using any excuse not to do anything.

Then in the 'Press' he is quoted as saying that the government will do nothing for those that were uninsured as it is personal responsibility. Yes it is, but in most cases people are not insured because they can not actually aford it. A governments job is not to give out currency willy nilly as they have here in the past but they are there to be the safety net when all else fails.

Now the person highlighted in the 'Press' is mid 60's so has little in way of job prospects & is on a sickness beneficiary due to "chronic obstructive pulmonary disease & prostrate cancer". Where is the lack of personal responsibility? I would say he has lived his life paid taxes confined by the way the government wants so they can steal his currency & now they just discard him.

He is going to get his mates to help him refurbish his house. But it would probably be illegal or unsafe but what else is he to do? At present he shouldn't even be living in it.

This is the sort of thinking that will led to greater frustration & anger. Hope the government is prepared for the back lash.

As is reported in Kaiapoi & I have pointed out before there is a lot of uncertainty lack of information & any rumour(especially about the Ministers own house) just is taken up as truth like wildfire.
Disaster Recovery
Then there was another Minister saying that businesses that have gone under or about too were poor at business. Funny some real thriving businesses have already gone under due to the slow response & in how customers could not get to them even if they were open.

Politicians really do live in their own little world just delivering for their real masters the banks(whom it is noted have made a great profit this year, though basing it on how the US banks are doing it it is likely to be a book profit only aided by tax refunds).

President Mubarak has gone because like all leaders he has underestimated the power of social media. The current New Zealand government has already lost the Canterbury vote for the poor response unless it pulls finger & gets off the drugs they are using or return to planet earth.
Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning for IT Professionals
Police raided gang properties across the North Island over the last few days to impact on the drug scene. Maybe they need to raid parliament. Because they are on some heavy shit up there.

Even the police raids showed how out of touch the policticians really are. The Police Minister has been quite good in supporting the police but her statement yesterday showed she had no idea what she is talking about.

Basically she claimed that drug raids would result in a drop in crime. Actually they will do the opposite. In particular violent crime will go up as people need more cash to buy their drug of choice. In the Netherlands when I visited a local said they always dread when the drug squad hit outlets as they knew from low crime it would quickly esculate until the drug supply was sufficient enough again to lower the price. Of course if people weren't on drugs to start there would be less crime but that is unrealistic in todays world.
High Availability and Disaster Recovery: Concepts, Design, Implementation
Of course the stress caused by the earthquakes is showing in Canterbury with visits for stress related issues way up particularly in some areas but funding for that has stopped. The stress hasn't so here we go again, more crime, more violence & more use of illegal drugs. More problems for police & security.

The Government are in cloud cuckoo land!

Nano Nano!

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