Had to chuckle at headlines recently getting reported around the world as the US warns of the threat of Financial Terrorism!
Really it looks like another false flag operation.
Yes it could happen but why would it want too when the financial crisis goes from one emergency to the next. Also the fact that it is the US Federal REserve that is actually causing most of the damage.
There is a suggestion in the document commissioned by the US Department of Defence that the 2008 meltdown may not of been due to poor regulation & bad risk assessment.
Pull the other one.
In the book 'Rich Dad Prophecy' Robert Kiyosaki points out his 'Rich Dad' basically forecast what was going to happen.
Unlike a fomer New Zealand Minister of Finance with a doctorate in history he looked at financial history, he then looked at Nixon taking the US(therefore the world)off the Bretton Woods standard(semi gold standard) in 1971 & a flaw in the 1974 US act in relation to retirement funds that created the 401K. That last part hasn't even hit yet.
Other reports have indicated that the large drops on the share market have been the result of possible financial terrorism not a mistake by a trader. Actually at the time many financial commentators who had been predicting a possible drop put the blip down to another reason. There is an overwatch group that is there to manipulate the markets so that things like this don't happen. For a moment in time they are overwhelmed before they can correct.
It is expected in the not too distant future there will come a time when they are overwhelmed to such an extent they will not be able to control the markets. Commodities will sky rocket & the market is likely to crash(although with inflation/hyper inflation there is the possibilty the market will go up in price but not in value, which of course will be presented as sign of a recovery whilst people starve in the streets).
Most people will say "the government will sort it or will look after us" & if you believe that then you believe in flying pigs. S..t I just saw one so you might be alright!
One quote I like is the scariest thing to hear is "we are from the government we are here to help" but I can't remember right now who said it.
As the people here in Canterbury & in particular Christchurch are finding post the earthquake government help is the Clayton's help. The help you get when you are not really getting help.
Rich Dad's Advisors: Guide to Investing In Gold and Silver: Protect Your Financial Future
Whilst they play these games of words to convince people they know what they are doing it is the people who are suffering & as a result crime is rising. People need to live! They need to feed their families!
One recent interview I saw via the internet showed that the US is in much worse position than Tunisia or Egypt but the difference was for now the percentage of weekly pay required for food is much less in the US. Once it rises then the US will almost certainly follow the rest of the world in at least food riots.
New Zealand needs to be weary as our food prices are now starting to take a large part of take home pay. I know as a single person having to buy my own groceries, the amount I used to buy five bags of groceries with a year ago now only gets me two bags. But there is no inflation we are told. Yeah Right!
The Dollar Crisis: Causes, Consequences, Cures , Revised and Updated
In Egypt since the crisis there began banks have been closed meaning as they re opened there has almost been a run on banks as people que to get their cash out.
I undertand after 9/11 the same happened in the US & only those with gold or silver were able to purchase goods as cash held ran out.
There is another interesting part of the report on Financial Terrorism. It says "forces could mount a 'focused effort to collapse the dollar by dumping Treasury bonds'".
Now that would of been written at the time China held the most US bonds in the world just ahead of Japan. A Chinese General instead of wanting to go to war over Taiwan had wanted, in response to US support for Taiwan, to dump the bonds on the markets to destroy the US economy.
The Day After the Dollar Crashes: A Survival Guide for the Rise of the New World Order
But the Chinese have taken a more pragmatic view. Slowly lessening their exposure to US debt(whilst also using it to buy guarranteed access to or the actual commodities), raising the Yuan slowly so as not to impact on their own people in a devasting fashion. Right now they are taking action to cool inflation which could seriously impact on countries such as Australia.
Recently the Federal Reserve has become the biggest holder of US government bonds as it buys them to give the impression all is OK.
So who are these forces?
Good excuse to go to war with China! But the Chinese would not see it in their interests yet to just dump the bonds they do possess as it would harm its own people.
The Corruption of Capitalism: A strategy to rebalance the global economy and restore sustainable growth
So as China & Japan I would expect lessen their exposure to US debt that just leaves the Federal Reserve. The private central bank formed in the interests of the bankers. Now it would be in their interest at some stage to collect on these debts transferring more wealth & power to their principals which do not include the US government.
Meanwhile they just create more currency to buy more bonds meaning not only now do they continue to export inflation but by monetizing the debt cause inflation in the US. It also increases the interest bill the US government owes Federal Reserve which is or about to be greater than the whole tax take in the US.
Seems to me the only Financial Terrorists likely to hit the US or anywhere else are the Central banks that 'are working to help us'. Yeah Right!
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