Many people in particular of late have been accussed of making ill informed comments including myself. Especially when it has been in relation to the earthquake here in Canterbury. I know many of those comments have been made through what people have felt & as a way of expressing their frustration or also after looking into the issue.
Then we get the former ACT MP Stephen Franks like most politicians who speaks with little actual knowledge of the situation here in Canterbury or Christchurch from his comments.
In fact it is ill advised comments like his that could be the trigger for the building anger to be unleashed.
Now Mr Franks made the comment that the people of Canterbury have to harden up & instead of waiting for EQC to show up to just get things fixed. Many had wanted too.
It shows he is totally out of touch with the reality of the situation here. He is taking the attitude of many EQC assessors & the lazy incompetent body corporate representative I have to deal with here in a commercial premises.
First someone owns or lives in the property so they know the property & might have a huge commitment in it.
Then there is the fact everyone wanted to get on but the general belief was you had to leave the property as much as you could for EQC to look at it. In fact EQC assessors have said that if you can't see it, it isn't damaged! Body Corporate idiot had the same attitude even though I could distinctly hear the noise in the roof which has now appeared.
The Economics of Corruption and Bureaucratic Inefficiency in Weak States: Theory and Evidence (Kollektive Entscheidungen, Wirtschaftspolitik Und Offentliche Finanzen, 12)
Of course there is the on going after shocks or quakes that in many cases caused more damage if not the main damage on properties. Many are hanging off waiting for a proper check of the property to see what hidden damage either comes into view or is found(some assessors have used some equipment to find hidden damage).
In fact using this place as an example there were a few cracks in outwalls & some visible movement in the gib walls downstairs but nothing much else post the initial quake. I was most impressed. Since then by comparison quite substantial damage has appeared, much of it you can feel is there but not visible until a later quake.
There have been a few quakes today & one this evening that really moved the place.
Bureaucratic Corruption and Underdevelopment in the Third World (Pergamon policy studies on international development)
Now Mr Franks & the party he once represented in Parliament would rather less government & things more in private hands.
Great idea in theory as in theory Private enterprise is more efficient.
But that has been debunked by two examples.
First the US were though there has been some spectacular growth under private ownership much of the infrastructure has been run down to where there have been examples of cascading blackouts as the system failed. Similar to the way Toll milked the NZ rail system after buying it dirt cheap then sold it back to the government at a huge profit & the government now have to pump more cash in to rebuild the infrastructure.
The other example is the privatization of some New Zealand departments or move to SOE's (State owned enterprises) has resulted again in neglect of infrastructure & the loss of customer service.
Bureaucratic corruption in Asia--causes, consequences, and controls
At the same time overall poor customer service has spread into the public service overall & then to society in New Zealand in general.
So that all adds to the frustration & building anger.
Before Mr Franks comments again maybe he wants to be here prior to the 20th of March 2011 in case the predicted biggish shake does eventuate. I could almost guarantee that someone who comments like Mr Franks would be the first trying to get out before that date if we get some good ones prior.
Yes it is not of the scale of the Queensland floods or Cyclone Yasi & there have not been so far any deaths here. It is not even in the same league as the Pike River Mine disaster in that regards. But what is has that no other does is it just keeps coming. Quake after quake.
Some implications of the unofficial economy-bureaucratic corruption relationship in transition countries [An article from: Economics Letters]
Many people are edgy, frustrated & angry & comments like those from Mr Franks are unhelpful as much as the extremely poor government response & corrupt bureaucrats of the type Mr Franks thinks should be in charge of most aspects of what is now government departments or the relief efforts.
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