Been a busy couple of days but back to it again.
Had a call from a mate who said they sighted one of my adverts for the 0900 Suspicious service in the local 'Coffee News' free community news letter.They had pointed it out to their boss.
The boss though showed how little New Zealanders actually either know their community or just don't want to know.
"If we see something suspicious then we call the police. Why would we pay $15 plus GST to get someone around?"
Fair enough question but it doesn't fit with the facts.
A recent government study here in New Zealand showed at least 66% of crime is not reported. But as government statistics are the ones you should least trust you then go back a few years to a media outlet reporting that up to 95% of crime & 96% of violent crime are unreported in New Zealand.
I don't go on statistics, but on what I see, feel & hear around my community. Even where I live now I can still stun the people who live here & say there is no crime by relating incidents right in our complex. They just have no idea or no wish to see it.
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So I know that crime is well up in our communities, but the people around me will say it is not happening or not in their area even after they have told me about a recent cirme a few minutes before.
As was related after a recent armed robbery within 24 hours staff at a site were seen to be letting people in with a full faced motorbike helmet been worn. The person telling me said "wouldn't happen overseas. two steps in & the place would be surrounded by police but not in New Zealand. It is like the incident within the last 24 hours never happened & it won't happen in New Zealand. Yeah right. It just did!"
Then there is the issue of calling the police. Until people have too they never know what the reality it like. Whilst the officers on the ground might understand why you have rung & especially the exprienced officers know it will impact on crime most of those taking the calls have no idea these days. They have a little check list & they stick to it.
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Also as has been pointed out in the past the new police officer is now judged on arrests & tickets so that judgement goes up the chain of command. Not much likelyhood of an arrest then less likely to get a patrol.
Then there are those in the community that are aware & have been asking for a service like this. Without investment it just takes time to build it to where it can cover all those areas that would benefit most from such a service.
Most crime is actually committed in low income areas. Most burglaries are committed during the day not night as most people presume.
Overseas everybody is aware of crime & take appropriate precautions. Again this is where the comment about the likes of Christchurch been more dangerous than Baghdad come from. Because New Zealanders are in denial,our cities & towns are so spread out nice looking, everybody assumes it is virtually crime free. So it is a big shock when it isn't. Up until now there has been no reason, often there isn't & it is all so random.
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Only place I know that could be said to be near crime free(even then there is more going on that people realize) & that is Singapore but there any crime is dealt with harshly & swiftly.
Just today on the morning news there was a comparison between the US 'Superbowl' with three arrests around the game, one for alcohol, & the sevens rugby in Wellington where 103 were arrested for mainly alcohol related crime. It was said the Wellington crowd was well behaved. That didn't include the numbers for those evicted for drunkeness.
We are in denial & we have real issues in our communities but nothing will happen until people start taking notice of what is actually going on around them demanding action or taking action.
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That is where the service offered comes in as to start the process you need people committed to putting their neck out there. Just the simple act of showing up recording suspicious activity will have an impact on the crime in a persons area. It also means in particular in the early stages any reaction will be at those prepared for it, not the general public.
In the long run though it will make communities safer. The Suspicious activity leds to the small crime which leds to the larger more violent crime.
First people just have to take notice of what is really going on.
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