It is human nature to want to share what you have learnt even through your mistakes. Of course as every parent I have ever talked too has said their children think parents know nothing & have to make the same mistakes. Since they are their parents children part of their make up will mean they make exactly the same mistakes & become that which they hated the most about their parents.
People actually learn most by their mistakes. Not everyone can recognize that they are making the same mistakes or are have some of the traits of their parents.
But we can also learn from the mistakes of others & that is where real education which is self education comes in. We can also change & miss the mistakes our parents made.
Now one quote that Robert Kiyosaki likes to throw about is "Don't teach pigs to sing. It annoys the pigs & wastes your time". He came across that one day whilst struggling to work out why 80% of those he taught failed to be able to make the most of what he was teaching. He found he was spending more time & energy with those that would likely never succeed than those who wanted to learn. So he changed the way he taught.
He also is of the same mind of a sergeant of mine when they were first thinking of promoting me(I know there are a lot of people that are still puzzling over why they ever did promote me & what a monster they created) where you learn more by teaching others. Problem is especially in New Zealand is finding enough people who really want to learn how to get ahead. It is too much like hard work.
Rich Dad, Poor Dad for Teens: The Secrets About Money--that You Don't Learn in School! (Miniature Edition)
As Henry Ford said "thinking is the hardest work there is & that is why so few people do it."
Everyone says they would like to be rich, but most are not prepared to risk everything to get there. That is why they never make it or never make it for long.
Many resort to criminal activity such as drug dealing, theft or the more subtle form of theft known better as fraud.
The thing is if you offer people the information you have learnt from others & more importantly your own mistakes they react by trying to belittle what you are offering. The reason for that is they are lazy, scared & it is outside their comfort zone.
Cashflow Quadrant: Rich Dad's Guide to Financial Freedom
Now another thing that people like Robert Kiyosaki promote is never just believe what they are saying. Do your own homework. When you do that homework & talk to people who are following the same path you find from a myriad of successful sources it builds a base of knowledge from which you can see if it is true or not.
Most people ignore history but as Winston Churchill said "The further back you look the further forward you can see" & that is not the history about dates etc but what has happened when similar actions have been taken to those happening now.
That is why some have been for years been predicting the financial crisis we now have even to the extent of overthrow of governments. That particular course is now gathering pace which the powers that be hide by claiming it is people upset with the dictators & wanting democracy. Most people don't give a damn about democracy as long as they don't rock the boat. So called democracy gives the illusion of free speech & control.
Rich Dad's Guide to Investing: What the Rich Invest in, That the Poor and the Middle Class Do Not!
When in fact the trigger for the overthrows have been rising food prices. When most if not all your weekly take home pay goes to buy food to feed your family something has to give. Those rising food prices have been created by in particular the US Federal reserve creating currency.
Probably the biggest reason people don't like to know about how to get ahead is when you present it to their thinking it all looks negative. But what is negative to most is actually an opportunity to those who succeed or those on that path.
Like everyone I have dreams which in my case have morphed as I have learnt more or experienced more of life. Now many people think that security is my whole focus. That is the initial focus & the situations I see building around me making conditions worse are an opportunity in an industry where I actually have quite a bit of knowledge & experience to build on. It is just a case of building a better mouse trap(old idea presented in a better different way).
Rich Dad's Conspiracy of the Rich: The 8 New Rules of Money
Not only is the security idea scaleable(in other words it can build to a very large organization) but it is a stepping stone to the next idea which also combines with the security concept. These are both scaleable world wide.
Whats more whilst the financial crisis getting worse all the time gives an opportunity to allow it to happen. Whats more for a place to start the Canterbury earthquake means the conditions are right to launch both, the security in particular here in Christchurch.
But all that means you have to research the financial crisis where it is expected to go(not by the trusted 'economists' or government either) but earthquakes, how they work, what is expected & how to use that to achieve your dreams. That includes listening to people like Ken Ring the astrologer, as science as much as I like it is these days not leading but tending to prove what is already known based on sometimes thousands of years of observations, but not accepted until science 'proves' it.
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Dreams can come true but it is hard not to get side tracked by good people but with a totally different mindset than you. It has actually been shown that this difference in mindset can also mean relationships are doomed, because when things get difficult those with a different core mindset will have a different direction they want to go.
I get that right now with people wanting me to get a 'job' but apart from tempoary work that comes along, my focus is still my business & how to get that moving.
Another thing people do not understand is the time spent on the internet. Yes when work comes up it is important to do the task, but one thing the internet has given is so many ways to create cash flow with little or no cash injection. Requires a totally different mindset than that which has prevailed in the past.
Rich Dad's Increase Your Financial IQ: Get Smarter with Your Money
Increased crime is an opportunity. Poor security allowing the possibility of a terrorist attack on a major event is an opportunity, the attack happening is an opportunity. The event itself is an opportunity but not where people think. The event of course been the Rugby World Cup.
The on going & worsening financial crisis is presenting thousands of opportunities everyday. The Canterbury earthquake is an opportunity to make a difference & a better community which the government & Christchurch city are so far making a right hash off(therefore another opportunity).
It is just being or getting yourself in position to take adavantage of those opportunities without the monkey chatter from those who don't want to understand or are too lazy to do the homework.
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