Well at present there is a huge push here in New Zealand on the legalized theft road. You have all sorts of financial 'experts' & the government pushing Kiwisaver or our superannuation scheme.
The reason it is legalized theft is the world has changed, these people did well during the boom times but have not realized it & anyone partaking in the scheme will lose out.
Straight away any US readers will be starting to understand this as their 401K's are sinking in value in the main & I understand there is debate over whether the government will stop people taking from these plans to prop up the economy. Thing is that decision was made some time back by the oversight body for those funds 401K's trade in.
The funds have the power to stop paying out in order to bail out the banks was how it was presented by a financial commentator sometime back.
So first you have inflation making the value of any currency you have in your retirement savings worth less each day as the world continues to 'print' fiat currency(currency backed by nothing more than a promise & promises of governments are worth exactly that-nothing) & now they are stealing it legally to prop up those that have ruined the economy.
Australians tell me they were starting to see the same issue of their Superannuation funds falling in value & making lossess. The Australian government got crafty after the complaints & allowed people to control their own funds. I would say they will still be paying fees to the fund managers for allowing them to hold their currency for them. Also how many of those who take up that option actually know how to invest?
I would bet most will have their currency in property because of the view that property always goes up. It doesn't. They need to understand the cycles & trade them to get ahead.
Self Managed Superannuation Funds
Even here in New Zealand after only a few short years Kiwisaver is now making losses.
Yet the big push is on to get as many people signed up as possible.
A mate tells me that in the US right now you can drive into cities & see virtually on every street homeless people including whole families. Recently 60 minutes had a clip on 401K's been near worthless & executives out of work looking for any type of work going.
So crime will be on the rise but will the police respond? Their cars are getting repossessed & gas stations are refusing to refill police cars as local or state governments are not paying the fuel bills.
Superannuation Funds Management in Australia - Industry Market Research Report
There are reported to be 100 cities in the US on the verge of bankruptcy with the state of California(worlds eigth largest economy) about to go the same way as Greece, Ireland & Portugal.
The US then is heading towards the same road as Tunisia, Eygpt, Yemen, Jordan, Bangladesh, India with protests over the likes of rising food prices, corruption & people have just had enough.
Never happen in New Zealand though. Yeah right.
One thing that hit me on leaving the army & moving into the security industry was just how many 'unseen' people there were in this country. In particular those living on the streets many who had mental ilnesses.
Superannuation in the Civil Service: Report of a Special Committee of the National Civil-Service Reform League
In the last week though I have noticed a disturbing trend here in New Zealand. Now I always maintain that most crime is actually not reported. But usually it is not reported to the police. How about the police not reporting it to the media?
I am aware of an armed robbery that took place approximately a week a go that has still not been reported in the media here. More often than not they are though I had noticed a delay in reporting starting to creep in.
Then on driving in to my local mall got this feeling about someone sitting in a vehicle. After a while in security, like the police you get feelings about certain people which are usually right.
After entering the mall I suddenly notice a guy looking similar walk in. Had what appeared to be a walkman/MP3 earphones in but then noticed one side was clipped to his lapel & he was talking into it.
Rewarding Service: A History of the Government Superannuation Fund
Quick check other person was still in vehicle taking a keen interest in area of the banks. Went of to see if I could find mall security, suddenly find second person walking through mall & obviously scanning for something he went straight through & out.
This was all passed onto Mall management.
Few days later see another person scanning the car park & area where shortly after an armoured cash vehicle parked up. Saw this person again yesterday hanging around whilst talking to mall security.
As we were talking realized this person wasn't probably looking to commit a crime though it may come to that. They were homeless or at best on a benefit with no prospects & no cash.
The Birth of a Pension Scheme: A History of the Universities Superannuation Scheme (E. Allison Peers Lectures)
At this time the only people who have noticed this person are those of us in security or the cleaners(great eyes & ears) but as the legalized theft continues you are going to see more & more people living on the streets with no prospects.
People will get desperate as government cuts will mean they have access to less & less help & therefore crime will rise or eventually we get the situation of an Eygpt.
Notice the last couple of books I have put in here are about government or university pension schemes. It now appears that at least in the US if you were a civil servant your pension is paid before the state, city or even government pays its bills.
Which is particularly worrying for the US because all the cash put into social security was 'borrowed' by as I understand it the Clinton administration so is an off book expense that they have to keep paying. That is why some commentators are saying the real debt in the US is US$200 Trillion not US$14.5 Trillion as the official amount is quoted.
So you combine this legalized theft with incompetent corrupt bureaucrats & politicians manipulating the people all you need is a trigger.
In Tunisia it was a black market food seller trying to make ends meet to feed his family. Here is might just be the idiot at NZ Post saying they never lose information when they quite obviously do. The trigger will usually be something minor though but some when people have just had enough. Right now in New Zealand that could be easily on the West Coast over the Pike River Mine disater or here in Christchurch over the extremely poor government response to the earthquake.
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