Well in line with the world trend the New Zealand government has signalled austerity measures in particular in line with the cutting of public service jobs.
Now I have been very critical of the inefficient & corrupt manner of our government departments & entities. But in the first instance whilst getting the departments & entities efficient the extra staff are required.
Then if they have too let the numbers drop through natural attrition. Problem the government has with this & with trying to take people off benefits there are not the jobs out there for them.
Those coming off the benefits will actually cope better mentally because they have always had to struggle or will just increase their crime.
It is those government bureaucrats like anyone else coming off a high paying job that will struggle with the mental side unless they have ben their before.
Here is where the violence will increase. The mental stress of going from a high paying job to maybe been on the street will be hard for people to take. Suddenly some of them will be subjected to the same inefficient corrupt & arrogant behaviour they have been dishing out.
Many of them will be in large debt usually in mortgage on their houses & that will cause major issues within any relationships. More stress, more likely violence.
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Though the opposition is playing politics with its comments as it completely got things wrong when it was government, it is right in its statement there just aren't the jobs available & there aren't any been created.
There is a myth that government is always more inefficient that private enterprise. New Zealand government departments were at one time extremely efficient if a little bloated in numbers. Privatization hasn't made things any better here, like the US & Australia infrastructure has suffered from lack of investment. It is now coming back to haunt each country.
What all that means is it will be harder for businesses or the economies to recover. Less jobs more unemployed more crime.
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But there has been another twist noticed in Europe & the Arab world with the riots & protests. It is the amount of young people out of work with little incentive to work. Potentially in the West it could be a lot worse.
We have spent years telling people they can be anything they want but forgot to tell them sometimes they have to fail. Many of them have the attitude is they have the right to do or take anything & you have no right to stop them.
When they look at the wages offered & what they can get either on the unemployment benefit or just by taking things is it no wonder they forgo a job.
Social Media has meant that parties & revolutions can be organized very quickly with governments not able to have control(unless they try like Egypt to just cut all access, but once it started it was too late).
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So now we are going to have more people out of work, less jobs been created more people using social media who think they have the rights to anything & see the 'fun' people their age are having around the world.
As conditions get worse sounds like great ingredients for more civil unrest.
Is this another manipulation for greater transfer of wealth & power?
Or that was the intention but this thing, thanks to Social media, has gotten bigger than anyone was prepared for in the manner of a Tsaunami?
One way to mitigate that is make the public services more efficient so people can actually see a future. Because if they can't then what is to stop them making a new one of their design?
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