Ever since I first became aware of Marijuana I have heard it called the good drug or words to that effect & that it needs to be decriminalized.
Having read a book about drugs early on at school I had no wish to partake. What I have learned since has made me glad of that. But still people insist on the myth that Marijuana is good for you. In some medical instances it maybe, but not in general use.
The information gained, first in the NZ military on the effects of drug use followed by the observations of the effects of drugs on people brought into hospital when security there, shows it is just people lying to themselves.
Having known a former (& current) drug addict or two the story was always the same. Marijuana is the most addictive & worst of the drugs & is responsible for a lot of crime to pay for the addiction.
Drugs and Society
So it is appalling to see the police are finding children as young as four years old smoking drugs & drugs also been used to keep babies quiet when they carryout their drug raids.
It has been shown that Marijuana alone harms peoples work ethic & motivation.
What chance to these kids have when starting on drugs so young?
We know there are so many issues connected to the legal drugs like Alcohol. So why do we continue to fool ourselves that Marijuana in particular is safe? It's not. The evidence is clear.
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