There has been a lot of good come out of the earthquake & one concerns a group & associated event that usually results in criminal activity.
That Event is the infamous Undie 500 & the group that organizes it ENSOC.
A Primmer for Diaster Recovery Planning in an It Environment (Praeger Series in Political Communication)
Instead of going ahead with the event, this year to a undisclosed Canterbury location, ENSOC have decided to use the money set aside for it to provide food & fuel to those helping in the recovery.
Their members have decided to lend their hand to the clean up during their down time from University studies.
The sergeant in charge of the police alcohol enforcement team has just come on the radio as I write this to praise ENSOC & I concur. Considering all the bad publicity due to crime the event has generated, this was a good decision much appreciated by those badly hit.
In the meantime a comment has come in from Justin who is working in the NZ Security industry here in Christchurch & he highlights an issue.
Do you call the police when they have so much else on? I would record then report. Even if the police can not make it, they have a record for follow up.
Another point Justin makes is how little the media has made of the contribution of the private security industry.
Justin is right. There are some very long hours been done by the industry at times in very dangerous areas. Being injured prior to the quake myself it has been frustrating not been able to assist. When I did to give someone some relief as they had not had sleep in over 40 hours I got a bollocking from the bureaucrats. There are times for rules & time to bend them especially as in this case there was little threat to re injure. As all those in private security will be aware there are a lot of very tired people in the industry right now & if someone like me can give them a rest then all the good.
But as usual private security or the security guard on the ground is an invisable person. There when you want them, but ignored the rest of the time.
Frauds, Myths, and Mysteries: Science and Pseudoscience in Archaeology
In the mean time with all the good going on there are others still committing crime. One that has just been notified is allegedly there are bogus insurance assessors going around using it as a cover to do later burglaries. Now at this stage that is not confirmed but similar activities have happened in the past. There is no reason to think it won't happen here unfortunately.
Just keep your wits about you.
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