Well after yesterday's blog it was like confirmation within about an hour of point about citizen's arrest.
Was talking to an ex army mate who mentioned another mate when talking about citizen's arrest & how he had informed him what you needed to consider for a citizen's arrest.
Some points were the same like hours of darkness were in the mix, but others were vastly difference. That is where the issue is. If those that are using it or supposed to know have no real idea then no way should anyone use it.
In fact there was the one area that everyone seems to agree. Unless it is a major crime forget it. More likely to get you in trouble than help you. Better off to detain.
In the meantime today I caught some calls to a radio station confirming the title of yesterday's blog.
A lot of different expamples but it kept coming back to the NZ Police been overwhelmed & under recourced to be able to do the job properly anymore. It is putting pressure on the police & having effects such as depression then experienced people leaving.
Yet it seems that every woe of society gets dumped on the police to deal with.
Criminal Procedure Examples & Explanations, 5e
Then also today a meeting from someone in the NZ Security Industry here in Christchurch whom I haven't seen for years & that confirmaiton that the industry in New Zealand is in a poor state.
It comes back to the mindset not just of the industry but of the country that you don't need to worry as it is just not that bad here & those things like terrorist attacks will never happen here.
We have a saying for that. Yeah Right!
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