Well security at the Commonwealth Games have hit the headlines again with an Australian 'Expert' saying there is a huge chance of terrorist attacks outside the venues.
The Australian Olympic Committee has followed its New Zealand counterpart & hit out at him. Dismissing his claims & basically saying it is under control.
So was he on the button?
Well what he has forecast is a high likelyhood but his prediction shows that he is most likely out of step with what has been happening.
On the other hand the consultant I spoke of a few blogs ago seemed to be up with the methods that terrorists have been using in the last few years. His focus was more on the games village to be used by the atheletes & I could visualize what he was talking about quite easily from experience. Whats more the TV images so far have backed up what he was saying.
The Mind of the Terrorist: The Psychology of Terrorism from the IRA to al-Qaeda
Meanwhile what of the 'Expert'?
His predicitons are more in line with what would happen in conjunction of an attack on a venue or the games village. That or, as was set up to happen when the embassy next to our villa in Baghdad was targeted by a suicide bomber, a series of IED's aimed at the emergency services responding to the initial incident. On that occassion those IED's failed to detonate.
Origins of Terrorism: Psychologies, Ideologies, Theologies, States of Mind
Meanwhile the authorities continue to ignore Private security consultants whom might just know a lot more than the government lacky's.
That is not to say the games shouldn't go ahead, but there maybe needs to be a look at using the likes of PSD companies in conjunction with the authorities. In this situation experience is everything. Otherwise it really is like leading lambs to slaughter.
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