Before the earthquake hit Christchurch & the surrounding areas there was a warning of boat people comming to New Zealand shores at this stage from Sri Lanka. Yet again though the New Zealand mindset is to the fore saying it could never happen!
This was not long after a ship full of illegal immigrants had made it to Canada from Thailand a trip that would be as long if not longer.
It seems that reality has no place in the decisions made by people when they comment on these things or burearcrats plans in many cases.
Illegal: Life and Death in Arizona's Immigration War Zone
So how could that effect the NZ Security Industry?
Well even the earthquake showed that New Zealand & in particular the NZ police, as good as they are, do not have the resources to carryout all their required tasks.
So private security could if properly trained provide good manned surveillance around our coastline. Technology is great but only ever an aid & can be suspect to some of the wild weather we get.
As a matter of fact I put a proposal in to various agencies shortly after beginning work in the security industry for myself to do just that. This was in response to the regular small paper clippings asking for people to watch out around the coastline for those involved in movement of firearms, drugs & wildlife.
The New Case Against Immigration: Both Legal and Illegal
Not long out of the NZ Army at the time, my rather direct military way of presenting the proposal did not go down well.
One police District commander asked what made me think that the police needed any help as they did not.
My reply was the fact it was well known in the army thanks to friends in low places that there had been a joint request from several government agencies including the police for that very help.
It was also was well known that some of our units assisted by way of training to carryout surveillance for agencies. This stopped when the formal request went in as it was a grey area for the military to be involved.
Illegals: The Imminent Threat Posed by Our Unsecured U.S.-Mexico Border
I looked at reviving it as part of a new army training requirement for my section I was responsible for by requesting could we help with surveillance. I was informed to try but it was unlikely to go ahead because of legal concerns.
But by contracting private security with the appropriate training, going on the PSD experience it would actually be cheaper & allow the likes of the police to concentrate on enforcement.
Illegal Immigration (Opposing Viewpoints)
For that to happen though needs a change in mindset across the board to understand that things like boat people are a reality. It also needs a change in mindset on how to use private security & what constitutes the training requirements.
You wouldn't want a doorman or normal security guard on these tasks. Then it is the decision if the police or military style surveillance is the most appropriate.
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