With the talk of mindset & how I have seen people react to what has happened here in Christchurch after the earthquake, it has reminded me of a conversation in Iraq.
The person who made the following statement had experience in several armies & a war or two.
They stated "the west will never beat these guys (Al Qaeda terrorists)as they are focussed, have a mission & are not waylaid by the false things in life" or words to that effect.
That is what I have seen over the last nearly two weeks(how time flies when you are having fun) on how by focussing on the false things in life, peole have not handled reality when it confronts them.
Don't get me wrong it has been traumatic for people, in particular those that have lost their houses, businesses or are in the worst affected areas.
But it could of been much much worse. The power of the earthquake could of levelled the city with many deaths. If people are not handling it now then what would of happened had it been worse?
That the city is mainly back on a relatively normal footing is mainly due to good building codes & luck.
Origins of Terrorism: Psychologies, Ideologies, Theologies, States of Mind
Although a suicide bombing does not have the power of an earthquake, its effects are more localized & much more traumatic. Bodies ripped apart, blood & bits of bodies everywhere to mention a few.
That requires a whole different mindset.
The Mind of the Terrorist: The Psychology of Terrorism from the IRA to al-Qaeda
Some people will say we just did after the earthquake what the British & Indian peoples did after their terrorist attacks.
No the British & Indian people been used to it, just wouldn't let it defeat them, where as what I saw even on the day of the quake was many in denial treating it like a family outing whilst the police & other services tried to get on top of the situation. Not to mention the good groups of volunteers & workers who have given a huge effort. But the wider good will in the community was a myth which had it been worse would of quickly turned to anarchy.
People ignored police requests to stay put & stay out of the worst affected areas as they were identified.
Inside the Mind of a Suicide Bomber (History Channel)
Had that been suicide bombings we know the usual tactic is one followed by a series of others targeting emergency services or bottle necks.
Many of those with issues here in Christchurch have had nothing more than putting up with a very violent earthquake (yes likely deadly & yes it felt like the buildings were going to collapse) & the aftershocks.
That is nothing to the fear you see when people have to deal with the prospect of dealing with suicide bombers everyday, sewage hardly ever working properly, power still not fully restored 7 years after an invasion yet everyday just getting on with life.
Inside Terrorism
Now the right mindset is what allowed the consultant to see the threats to the Commonwealth games village in India. It is how we see the threats to the Rugby World Cup 2011.
Unless people can understand the mindset of the suicide bomber or terrorists they will never see the threats. These guys are that committed, where as in the West we worry about false things.
What is your mission in life? Maybe if we all focussed on finding our mission in life to make this a better world, those who at present have a mission of death & destruction would change theirs.
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