For those that are not aware New Zealand because of its small population & supposedly good infrastructure is often the place where new ideas or technology are tested. At present we are testing a new education system that dumbs society down.
The education system as it currently stands is set up as a slavery system. It follows from around 1903 when a member of the Rockerfeller family was Minister of education in the US & they needed to find a replacement for the slavery system.
It was decided to follow the Prussian system which Otto Von Bismarck set up to ensure he had good soldiers & workers.
The education system followed around the world only ever catered for 30% of those in the system when you look at the 'Cone of Learning' by making academics the top of the tree. As people failed in the system they were able to be then used as cheap labour.
As the world has progressed people have clamoured for the chance to be part of this but as one property investor Dr Dolf de Roos said when he got to Univeristy he looked around & saw none of the facility were rich. Academic success does not equal success as an investor or business person.
In fact the opposite is generally true for businessman & investors.
But again as the world has progressed there has become this requirement to tick all the little boxes this has actually made society, & New Zealand is the perfect example, that is risk adverse.
New Zealand though has embarked on a new slavery system called NCEA which Dumbs down the already stilted education system. It is not internationally recognized just the same as the NZQA system which it leads into.
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We saw the same sort of system been introduced into Iraq, where initially a military background & experience were preferred then an introduction of a system of required courses which usually had little to do with how the work was carried out on the ground.
I now hear that there has been a movement towards probably a requirement for a univeristy degree for Afghanistan which again forces well experienced people into the low wage slavery system.
Today it is well known that the 'Cone of learning' is right & most people learn by doing or making mistakes, not by classroom or reading.
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By having internal assessment & unit standards the system can claim it is doing that when it is actually doing nothing of the sort.
We are already seeing this in the NZ security industry with people coming to the industry who can not think for themselves after completing the NZQA courses.
This dumbing down then resulting in people have to try to gain greater qualifications will (& already does) led to greater frustration then often crime. Therefore giving the powers that be more power & condemning those who don't fit to again the slave labour jobs.
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We do need academics but they have to realize that they are no better no worse than the person with no education. Real progress is made by those who are prepared to make mistakes(which the academic style education system tells us we shouldn't make).
As someone once said "if the Aboringines created an IQ test then all the professors would fail." Dr Dolf de Roos mentioned earlier has a PHD in engineering & he chose that discipline because unlike most it is about problem solving, not sticking to a set formula.
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Due to experience when I look at our unit standards I see one thing. But the system sees something else which results in the dumbing down of our population.
I know of parents who see it & are not happy. Now a major school, Auckland Grammar, has taken a stand against the NCEA system. If they are going to have to educate their students then they are going to aim for a higher standard.
My opinion is that the system that should be employed is one based on the military system which takes all learning into account. Those that excell at the academic could then be moved more into that line whilst those who are more practical are encouraged in that direction. It was tried unsuccessfully in the Band system used at my school but there was still too much emphasis on classroom work when most just do not learn that way.
Then the whole idea of the system is still to provide low wage slave workers.
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