I just couldn't believe the news the other night. After dithering over whether to send in the military to assist following the Canterbury Earthquake especially into Christchurch because it would send the wrong message. The New Zealand government were considering sending hundreds of personnel to help in the Australian floods.
Now I am not against helping our Aussie mates. They jump in & help us all the time(usually because we don't have the resources & have developed a tendency to bludge off them much to our disgrace) & though we give each other stick it is what should be done to help a mate.
So that part is not the issue & I know that our service people will be champing at the bit to get over & help, because we always were when I was in the military.
It is the fact they dithered here when there was a real need for people to be on the streets to show that everything was under control. It wasn't until the Mayor of Christchurch put it to the Prime Minister on national TV that anything started to happen.
Since then the military should of been assisting in the recovery other than some street patrols & shovelling liquifaction of the streets. That they haven't especially in light of this offer to Aussie to help with their clean up & recovery smacks of the type of corruption I witnessed in Iraq. Something that incensed US military people when they realized what was going on. Big companies making huge profits & undermining their efforts to stabilize Iraq.
Recalcitrance and realpolitik in complex emergencies / by Donald C.F. Daniel [and] Bradd C. Hayes (Occasional paper of the Center for Naval Warfare Studies)
So the actions of the government have shown that they don't really value their own people. Then you throw into the mix the increasing anger & frustration over the way in which damage assessment is been carried out.
Not to mention the frustration & real anger after the Police yesterday announced that they didn't think the Pike River miners could be recovered & were leaving the operation up to the receivers. Now I don't blame the police in this as every dirty job gets left to them & what ever they do they get the blame.
Only ones to blame in this are the government. Despite been the lesser of two evils in regards to the handling of the financial crisis, their on going poor management of the other disasters that have befallen New Zealand(in particular the South Island) in the last year are quickly loosing them support in those areas.
Military Aid to the Civil Power
It will likely result in incidents like the one seen in the US over the last week.
With regards to the last two posts on that subject I received a tweet(message through twitter for those that are not aware) with the message that apparently it was found that 85% of crime committed using firearms in Australia was with weapons that are not registered under their strict gun control laws.
It is quite clear though that the New Zealand government does not value its own people.
It's always amazed me that we can be so quick to offer aid and $ offshore while being some reactive and reticent with local situations...