In recent days have been watching the Keiser Report. A half hour twice weekly financial report on the true state of the worlds financial crisis. It can be quite amusing & very informative.
A recent episode has raised an interesting question. Are US authorities in particular using false or unrecognized flag activities to introduce powers well beyond those required?
By that it is meant that they are using what seems to be a good reason to place more draconian measures in place?
The most contentious of these have been the questioning of the need for such stringent security precautions in particular at airports in the US. There have been several incidents or people refusing to comply with these precautions.
From a security point of view some of the precautions instituted do have an appearance more of control that anything to do with security.
The airport security issue though is a hard one. Yes people will be thinking well it has been a while so we need not be so over the top. But that is the issue with terrorism. You only need to let your guard slip once & it can be the last time.
Uninhibited, Robust, and Wide-Open : A Free Press for a New Century
So though the aid of the new generation scanner is intrusive, it is probably one that for now is needed as the lesser of two evils.
But another issue has arisen. Wikileaks has released cables showing that US politicians used trade with Boeing as a bargining chip to say meetings with the President. Corruption no more no less! Boeing has allgedly even said it wants to ditance itself from this type of corruption.
Then there is the one about putting pressure on the French Government to not proceed with the law banning Monsanto GM grains or similar. If the French introduce these measures they will spread to the whole of Europe.
For those that don't know the French were aware that GM grains had produced illnesses in lab rats.
GM anything is shown to stop reproducing after about three cycles therefore creating a currency where to feed their people countries would have to buy from the likes of Monsanto.
Uninhibited, Robust, and Wide-Open : A Free Press for a New Century
Even worse was the story told to us in a visit to Canada years ago. The Canadians that told us were adamant this occurred.
A farm was set up using GM wheat, the farmer next door was a natural farmer. The natural farmer found the GM crop had cross pollinated with his wheat so complained. The company owning the GM crop sued him & won his farm.
What is emerging is none of these stories have been aired on mainstream US media & the alternative media is supporting the call for Wikileaks to be prosecuted. The US government appears to be using Wikileaks as an excuse to put restrictions on reporting & is using the unwittng support of US media to breach their own first admendment rights.
It has even been reported that US Politicians are putting in place legislation to stop the use of the words 'bank run'. A bank run is when people think a bank or banks are about to collapse & everyone wants to get their cash out.
The Constitution : That Delicate Balance ; National Security and the Freedom of the Press
At least one major bank in the US has already put in place the requirements for people to give 7 days notice to withdraw their cash at some future period.
This would likely led to riots. As it is, it is not the large banks who have caused the financial crisis who will suffer, just the small ones. It is the small banks who are already going under. 2008 it was 40, 2009 from memory 125 & last I heard in 2010 it was on target for about 140 plus with 2990 banks on the verge of going under.
The large banks just receive bailouts to pay for their bad debts & then pay themselves large rewards. Or those who assist them such as the reputed US$42 million Tony Blair has been paid by a US bank for representing their interests in Kuwait. Sure beats the US$600,000 he was getting for been Middle East envoy.
It will give those in authority an excuse to impliment even greater powers to deal with any unrest.
Freedom lies in being bold
So are we been led up the garden path? It sure seems that way. The problem is much of it can be justified & what can't be the people do not have access to the true situation.
As someone said to me here the other day "but the government knows best" another one recently "but the government will know of that threat"(in that case I doubt it but if they do they are doing nothing about it) & the last one was "If you can't trust the government to protect your information who can you trust?"
Now that one is in real fantasyland.
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