One of the Sunday papers(Sunday Star-Times) here in New Zealand screamed the headlines Hate website calls NZ 'a tourist death trap'.
Yes when you look at the website some of the claims seem pretty out there. But I have been around the military, security & now in doing financial research to know that the truth really is often much stranger than fiction.
In fact when you dig into the financial area it is no wonder the US is a land of conspiracy theories. Many of them are actually based on firm facts.
But what of this sites claims?
One is that New Zealand is the most dangerous country in the world after Iraq. Well I have always said that it is actually more dangerous than Iraq which has New Zealanders perplexed. But they have to put it in context.
New Zealand is a country bigger in land size than Britain but with a population the size of Singapore. So the incidents of crime are spread out. The real reason though that I & others including my dentist originally from Jo'burg see New Zealand so dangerous is that it is so random & there is no reason for the crime. A lot of the violent crime here is just for kicks. That is what makes it so dangerous.
But New Zealand toursim makes a good point. Because New Zealand looks so safe & inviting people do not take the precautions they would normally. That random nature of the crime is the thing that really gets them.
Press Control Around the World
This is not the first website I have been aware off atacking New Zealand.
Some would say my blog here does the same. I would beg to differ, I am just interested in us been the best we can be. We were once but now we aim low & fail to achieve that mark & are in for a big shock.
Many of those like me who have worked security in places like Iraq or Afghanistan can see that it is not if but when New Zealand will be hit by a modern style terrorist attack.
Again New Zealanders can not see it as very few have ever been involved in this type of event. As a former Police officer who worked with us in Iraq said "you guys were right. Could only see it when I came back & started to talk to my old police colleagues. They couldn't see it as they have never experienced it" or words to that effect.
The Google on Orwell.(//bites: BRIEF NOTES ON NEWS AND VIEWS FROM AROUND THE WORLD): An article from: Arena Magazine
The end of the article though brought up another issue. Internal Affairs were talked to about why the site wasn't banned effectively if not in so many words.
This starts to smack of the movement in the US, identified by financial commentators, by US media to have Wikileaks blocked & prosecuted. You would think they would be supporting Wikileaks.
Travelling the world I have found two countries in particular heavily control their media & what is put out into the public.
Singapore & the US.
In Singapore all comment criticizing the country is banned.
US citizens that have never travelled though will find the comment about how controlled their media is strange considering they see themselves as the bastion of free speech.
Nineteen Eighty-Four
Unfortunately that is a myth & like anyone you don't see your country in the same light until you have travelled overseas.
It is common when talking to Americans when they visit New Zealand for them to express surprise at the content of our news & items they would never see about the US, in the US.
In the same vein I was surprised when visiting the US as to how controlled & inaccurate the information was.
Recently it has appeared to not only myself but many others that New Zealand media are going the same way.
Even more recently a filter was put on the internet which from memory was supposed to limit certain spam & scams in particular to government sites. Well none of that seems to have slowed. In fact it has increased but it is noticeable that certain sites have become harder to access.
Animal Farm and 1984
So seeing the comment from main stream media about effectively banning the site is worrying.
The internet & social media have opened up the information world, after all we are in the information age, & so people are able to look & decide for themselves what is right & what isn't.
Western countries make a big deal when the likes of China or Iran do it, or right now Eygpt but it is increasingly looking like the West itself is allowing the same restrictions they condem to creep in.
What have they got to hide?
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