Retailers in particular in Auckland ar present are wanting law changes to be allowed to fight back when confronted by armed robbers.
They seem to think that by been allowed to arm themselves they will not be subject to the law.
In fact it won't change. Now having a weapon nearby can mean you have the intent to use it. That will not change if you are allowed a weapon. By having a weapon the law considers you have the intent to use it.
You are then governed by how & the amount of force to be applied.
The problem you have is in civilian life they talk of reasonable force but what is reasonable to the person in the armed situation might not be reasonable to the Judge sitting in court.
In the Military when using ROE's or rules of engagement we talk of minimum force required. That is the minimum force required to achieve the task.
This has worked well in Northern Ireland, peace keeping & contrary to popular opinion Iraq for both the military & private security.
Though we all technically had immunity from prosecution if you did not follow the rules of engagement then you could be prosecuted in an international court of law. In fact there are a number of US soldiers in particular who have international arrest warrants in their name last I heard(one tank crew in particular). So that if they step outside the US or US military protection they will be arrested for excessive use of force(a warning shot with the main armanent(120mm) of a M1 Abrahams is not minimum force required in the first instance).
Play It Out: How to Fight Fair Rules of Engagement
So any retailer thinking a law change to allow them to carry weapons(not to mention the training that would be required) will make it easier in law to fight back is wrong. They can fight back now & several have but how much force you can use will always be subject to the requirements of the law.
So are there other solutions?
Well yes.
First the government stop dumbing down the police & let them get out & do policing. That is stopping crime through a presence before not been just reactive. Also general arming of the police with much improved training since most criminals are armed now the police need to be.
Secondly requiring the security industry to actually do security. As it currently stands at least 95% of the industry does not do that. Not real security or they do not allow their staff to do it. There also needs to be a look at re arming some of the security industry. First there needs a real clean up of the industry & it has nothing to do with qualifications. Good training & a change in mindset is what is required.
Rules of Engagement: A Life in Conflict
Then there are the steps the retailers can take.
Group of retailers band together to hire private security with the requirement to keep a look out for suspicious behaviour(in other words do actual security).
As they are often told, keep windows clear so people can see in.
Then there is the action I saw offshore which apparently is very effective. I have suggested it to retailers here in Chrsitchurch in the past when there has been a series of armed robberies, but they are more concerned about using the space to sell.
That is set up a large TV that can be seen as soon as you walk in the door(virtually in the door). Now this doesn't have to be a new large plasma or flat screen. With Analogue TV on the way out there are going to be a lot of large screen TV's going cheap. Have a hidden camera & recording equipment, the camera focussed only on the entrance.
The Rules of Engagement: Understanding the Principles That Govern the Spiritual Battles in Our Lives
As people walk in the first thing they see if a large image of themselves. Anecdotal evidence overseas says that people in particular those with criminal intentions back out real quick. They have even apparently had people with full faced balaclava's backout on seeing themselves on the TV screen.
So allowing the retailers to arm themselves to fight back is not the answer. They will still be subject to the law & understand the law as it pertains to their situation.
But improving the general security in our society is!
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