The big news world wide is of course the list Wikileaks has released on supposed industries & assets the US wants most to protect.
But what does the list really tell us?
First that in some cases all the eggs are in one basket so need to have a careful eye kept on them.
So there needs to be a decision as to whether the eggs need to be split up or just left as they are with maybe enhanced security & are they really that important?
Modern Insurgencies and Counter-Insurgencies: Guerrillas and their Opponents since 1750 (Warfare and History)
Secondly that maybe the US still hasn't fully come to grips with the fact that though those maybe important targets especially in a conventional war situation the targets might be a lot different in a terrorist campaign.
It is a lesson from Vietnam that seemed to have been overlooked when you touched down in Iraq. Insurgents & terrorists might be more worried about getting good media coverage & into the hearts & minds of the people back home.
Vietnam's turning point is said to be the occupation during the Tet offensive of the US embassy in Saigon & its affect on the American mindset back home.
That is not to say many in the American services were not trying but in a big organization from a country that likes to stick rigidly to procedures to think outside the square gets you in trouble. But in this type of warfare it is those on the ground, soldiers & NCO's that make the difference especially in the important hearts & minds of locals. Not throwing currency at the issue.
The Accidental Guerrilla: Fighting Small Wars in the Midst of a Big One
Now the US might of at least learned part of that lesson as it was rumoured during our time in Baghdad that a certain radio message one day inside the Green Zone was due to five insurgents managing to get inside the Chancery of the US embassy.
It is almost likely behind the suppression of generally known information(like a suicide bombing because you generally knew about them alright)to keep the public on the forces side. Today we have the internet so a lot was known to be or seen to be going on was in the public domain, hence a loss of support anyway. Wikileaks has only confirmed what was already believed to be or known to be going on.
Thirdly that terrorists & insrugents do exactly like we do & carry out reconnaissance to see what targets & their weaknesses are available. I wouldn't be surprised if all the places mentioned are not already on lists of terrorist cells.
Now they regularly did this in Iraq & we were picking them up doing their recon's & reporting it to the US military who promptly ignored us since we were private security. Almost everytime a suicide bomb was detonated within a day or on the day of reporting.
Three guys in a car with binoculars or another vehicle with a video camera all trained on one point at different times is usually a good give away.
The U.S. Army/Marine Corps Counterinsurgency Field Manual
You only have to look at main target on 9/11 to see how effective an attack can be on the mindset of people.
Look at it from a terrorist point of view. The actual important targets might be too hard to get at so what can they hit on the side that will still have an effect?
Counterinsurgency Warfare: Theory and Practice (PSI Classics of the Counterinsurgency Era)
Now I go back to the Rugby World Cup here in New Zealand as perfect target.
Slack security & likely to be not much better next year as no one thinks it will ever happen here(the belief there is no threat is the biggest threat).
Three prime targets.
Party Central Auckland but been main venue likely to have highest secruity presence.
Game the US team is to play for some reason on the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. What idiot allowed that to happen needs to be sacked. So high priority target right there. Gets world wide coverage.
The Counter-Insurgency Manual
The third has always been my pick until that game was scheduled for the anniversary.
Christchurch Rugby road, bars & any large gathering such as in Cathederal Square.
We have an American base nearby. Don't hit the base but in the city it is in. There are going to be a lot of tourists in town & a co-ordinated attack on several points at once(as they have done in Iraq, Afghanistan, Bali, London & New Delhi)will be world wide news in less than 10 minutes & will be felt across the world.
Hitting a so called peaceful country(most peaceful in the world apparently) will have a greater effect than trying to take on identified important targets.
To really counter terrorists you have to think like one.
So is the list helpful to terrorists. I don't think so as they will have either identified them for what ever reason or have ones they think are important of their own.
So what is really been hidden or are governments trying to stop?
Probably the release of the information on one of the large American banks which could be the trigger which causes the collapse of the worlds financial system.
Or as Warren Buffett says, as it will take down the derivatives market, the real "Weapons of Mass Destruction"! This will lead to the the break down of society!
It is going to happen anyway based on the history of finance, but will just likely happen quicker depending on what is released.
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