Have come across some extremely serious information security issues with NZ Post & they do not want to know about them. In fact they claim they have none!
For any US readers the idea of an efficient public service might be foreign & the belief is often that the private sector will do it better.
In somewhere the size of the US that might be true but in a country the size of New Zealand that is not always true.
Now NZ Post is an SOE(State Owned Enterprise) in other words part of the public service that has been aasked to run like a private corporation & provide dividends to the government.
But in a country of now only 4 million people it has not exactly worked.
For example the postal service has gone from a very efficient one to one that is totally inefficient & denies any issues with their customer service & there are plenty. It gets worse everytime they restructure as less people to try to provide the same service.
But even worse is this issue over information security. It actually raised a serious security issue & another security related issue.
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It is the time of year I renew my Post Office box rental & there have been issues over this over the years as invoices are not sent out until the date of renewal. If you try to pay earlier due to say been out of the ocuntry it causes massive issues & points to a highly inefficient system
But it gets worse. Received the latest invoice & with it was a form to update my details. The ones they had were four years old.
Question I had was were where the updated details & information I have given each time I have shifted & even more so when I shifted PO Boxes last year as now in a different part of Christchurch?
About the only information they had right was the new PO Box number.
Where is the information I gave them?
What have they done with it?
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This led to me filling out the form raising these issues but I thought I would also ring to express my concern.
Got a nice woman who said "I will put you through to my supervisor."
This is when the second security related issue came up.
First comment from him was "You are breaking up" in a manner that said it was my fault especially when it transpired he was on his car phone & pulled over so issue was his not mine.
Then when I said "I just want to exprss my concern over this lost information" his reply was "we never loose information". Pointed out they do & have. He wouldn't accept it so swore at him. There I was told I am not to swear. As he was told no one tells me how to talk(well except a police officer).
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This is the security related issue. We have got so PC that when incompetent, corrupt(as in he made the situation worse) lazy bureaucrats deny they are at fault they then try to get people to supporess their frustration.
The more you suppress something, the more likely it is going to cause someone to explode further on.
It is more often than not security or police who end up dealing with it.
The same responses from bureaucrats are as has been pointed out causing rising anger & frustration following the Canterbury earthquake.
IT Disaster Recovery Planning For Dummies
Word on the street is the Minister in charge of the earthquake recovery is not dealing with houses in suburbs near his house as his & some of the diplomatic corp have been damaged by liquifaction & they don't want it known yet as it will harm valueations.
Now I am not sure if that is true or not but people are so frustrated with the poor response they are believing it & it causes even more frustration. The government are loosing the people here.
Of course if someone expresses that frustration they get the run around & told they can not express the frustration.
Of course they can! A few swear words is better than say the type of frustrated response they get in the US. But the more we suppress things the more of those situations we will get.
My aunty noticed that years ago after returning to NZ from the US for a visit.
First the swearing & how much of it there was then how it was a frustration/tension release. But we have changed become PC & in the meantime have actually caused more issues for ourselves.
Disaster Recovery
Meanwhile NZ Post need to get their system sorted out. It is a major security issue. You don't takes peoples information then not know where it is.
That Manager needs to apologize to me for poor service & a poor response.
A letter is on the way to the PM's office as an example of how the government can save millions if not billions just by making their departments & SOE's more efficient & it is likely to require few if any lay offs.
It also might cut the police work load so they can deal with real crime making people feel safer. Not the frustrated or as the police put it the sad, bad or mad.
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