These days in the security industry everyone likes to have all the mod cons(modern conviences) in terms of technology.
But if working security in Iraq reinforced one thing. All technology is only ever an aid to providing real security.
It was noticeable that in a high risk environment there were more people required, not less.
Not just people but dogs as no technology has that in grown sense that all things of nature have.
Colombia have now introduced a new twist.
Due to its long running drug war Colombia is said to have the 2nd most land mines in the world after Afghanistan.
So it has turned to a new way of looking for mines.
Apparently they are able to pick up the smell of explosives when dogs can't. They also teach their young the same skills so save on training costs not to mention the feeding costs.
K9 Explosive Detection
Now Colombia has decided not to use rats in the likes of airport terminals because of the publics reactions to rats.
What if rats were used to search for explosives, drugs & illegal organic matter?
Well for one it would cost less. You could cover greater areas or more items quicker with a greater chance of finding something.
Now the rats been used are the white rats often kept as pets, not the grey rats most connect with dirt & disease.
Aspects of Explosives Detection
As an aid to security they sound great & would be far superior to any technological gadget. Animals more so than people these days retain an instinct where they sense danger.
Technology is great in the right place but I doubt very much if it will ever replace instinct.
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