Well the poor rats are still waiting but the information showing the foolishness of bureaucrats & the way they think they know what they are doing but are destroying life as we know it leading to more crime & anarchy just keeps rolling in.
More examples of this came in a financial commentary.
There was the former central banker who slammed the course been taken then seen in an interview two days later taking the totally opposite but true position on what was happening.
Then we have those supposedly negotiating a new future in Cancun who signed a petition to ban the main component in acid rain which is fatal if inhaled. It is known as Dihydrogen Monoxide(DHMO),(also known as Hydrogen Hydroxide) which is also known as H2O or water. So the bureaucrats who know all about global warming signed a petition banning water. Boy are we in trouble.
Then of course there are those bureaucrats in the US who in the course of the new medical health bill allegedly snuck in section 9006 that in 2012 all gold has to be handed to the government. I have raised this one before & it has been done before even though it is allegedly illegal under the US constitution.
But it gets better.
Is Belief in God Good, Bad or Irrelevant?: A Professor and a Punk Rocker Discuss Science, Religion, Naturalism & Christianity
Apparently in the nex tax laws that no one ever reads(or so they think), someone found that the US government is going to tax water that is caught from your roof on the premise that by catching it to use you are stopping those down stream from using it.
They are also apparently looking to tax anyone who grows their own food & generates their own power from say Solar power.
I am not going to go through the US tax laws to confirm it as we have enough trouble trying to understand our own, but what is going to be the reaction of say some survivalist groups when the US government shows up to collect its taxes?
Waco might be compared to a playground fight after that.
(ANARCHY EVOLUTION)Anarchy Evolution by Graffin, Greg(Author)Hardcover{Anarchy Evolution: Faith, Science, and Bad Religion in a World Without God}on 01 Oct 2010
But what has that got to do with us here in say New Zealand or me in Christchurch?
Well when governments have everyone arguing over some issue they are usually sneaking in something else.
The big argument in New Zealand at present is the Foreshore & Sea bed which if both sides sat down & actually listened they actually want pretty much the same thing. The current act as much as many people think it does, does not give them that.
People are using words without undrstanding them & it is causing major issues in the community just as it did the first time.
An example of the words causing issues is that of Public Domain. Now many of us grew up & went to the 'Domain' but those 'domains' are now known as public reserves & so can not be sold.
However land that is Public Domain can be sold or leased by the government.
Order and Anarchy: Civil Society, Social Disorder and War
That is because of the GATT agreement that bureaucrats got the government to sign.
Under the current set up expect most of our foreshore & sea bed to be handed over to foreign interests shortly for industrial use. In fact as soon as the current act was passed foreign oil companies placed claims to drill for oil in areas that would of been seen as areas of customary right or on adjacent land & the foreshore sea bed.
That means the only way the New Zealand Foreshore & Sea bed will remain in New Zealand hands is if it is confirmed in Maori ownership with a caveat that all NZ citizens have a right to access that which is not privately owned(there is some).
Because if designated a Maori Reserve it can not be sold without going through a process to convert to Maori free hold which would not be able to happen in this case.
Two Peoples, One Land: The New Zealand Wars
Therefore no change to actually what is the current system. In some areas foreshore & sea bed were in the original sales agreements. The crown thefefore recognized at that point or gave to Maori the ownership although Maori themselves didn't see it that way.
Won't happen because everyone is arguing, the police are often caught in the middle & in the mean time the bureaucrats are advising government that other pressing matters need to be passed. The ones that are going to have a greater effect on our lives.
Trust Bureaucrats? You have to be joking but as people become more aware of of these types of goings on coupled with the expected worsening of the financial crisis the riots in London & France will spread & probably look like preschooler tantrums.
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