In my last post I mentioned the US Patriot Act.
Probably this provides one of the best examples of how the general population is manipulated to demand laws that actually steal from them or restrict their actions.
In response to the attacks on the US on 9/11 there was seen a greater need for security. So the idea of the likes of the Patriot Act were welcomed to protect the US from further terrorist attacks.
But in whipping people up to desire this those in power slipped in a few other points that were not so good. This is also how tax was introduced to the US & probably most other nations.
Now there has been a not well known alleged incident involving the act.
As I understand it the act gave the FBI wide ranging powers & in this incident they arrested someone using those powers. All good until it got to court.
It is alleged the Judge looked at the case & the act then had a word to the FBI along these lines. That if they ruled on this case the act would be found unconstitutional & therefore the powers they used in the circumstance before them would be gone. But they as the judge would be dead shortly afterwards. So they had no wish to rule on it & it was allegedly suggested that the best outcome for all would the charges be dropped under the Patriot Act. Which was duly done.
Isn't social media great? Information that would of been hidden gets out now.
How Would a Patriot Act? Defending American Values from a President Run Amok
You bring that back to here in New Zealand & we well know the police need more powers as they keep getting the ground taken from under them in the courts. But you need to keep an eye on what the politicians slip in there that might trip people up down the track.
Taking that back to the US because that is where I have been getting my information of late you find as previously mentioned the section 9006 in the medical act is allegedly going to take gold from people in the US in 2012. What has gold got to do with supplying medical services?
Then you have the new tax bill with the supposed provisions for taxes on rain water caught for use by the household, solar power & growing your own food.
Living Under The Patriot Act: Educating A Society
Educating a Society! In other words manipulating people to what the powers that be want.
Now we see the same here in New Zealand.
As an example I will use the Foreshore Seabed Act.
Words used mean different things to different people. As pointed out in a previous post bureaucrats use words so people think they are getting one thing when in fact it is a quite different thing.
Words like Public Domain which is used because most Kiwis are used to going to the domain in their younger days. But those domains are now legally known as Public Reserves & any land in public domain can be sold or leased by the government therefore it is a way of denying the people of New Zealand access to the beaches they treasure.
Then there is the use of customary rights. They are not the rights guaranteed under the Treaty of Waitangi as Maori understood it or the First Nations people of the US would of understood it or any native peoples. It is if memory serves it is the customary rights as outlined in the Magna Carta as those of the people of London as at 1066 at the time of the battle of Hastings.
As an aside here my uncle who is American pointed out to me that a treaty was the worst thing any native peoples could of entered into over the last few hundred years. He pointed out of the First Nations people, only one tribe (Seminole I believe from memory) did well at the time because it didn't sign a treaty.
Some others have made good since by using the laws & knowledge to their advantage.
The Treaty of Waitangi in New Zealand's Law and Constitution
Now there is the Coastal coalition who are against the revised form of the Foreshore Seabed Act they are actually wrong in their information. But as time goes on you will find a government here will suddenly change the law to satisfy them saying it is what the people wanted. They will not be getting what they think they are. It is a manipulation.
Right now another ingredient has been thrown in the manipulation. Suddenly at this time, which you have to question, someone is quesitoning how long Maori have actually been in New Zealand. This is due to 'scientific' evidence.
But there is other information that Maori & in particular the Waitaha people hold that shows there have been people here a lot longer than is generally accepted. Once they realized that any information they gave over was used or abused by some settlers & since, much information has been withheld.
When it has been released it has been dismissed by both the Government & Maori leaders.
Maori Chiefs Recognise British Sovereignty by Signing the Treaty of Waitangi Giclee Poster Print by A.d. Mccormick, 18x24
A misleading/manipulating title to that print as one Maori leader commented at the time along the lines "the Shadow of the land passes to the Queen, but the rest remains with us."
Many years ago a midden was dated to several thousands years near our Marae & this was put in a museum. It now no longer can be accessed.
Now the word of mouth information backs this up & recounted stories show that people were there over 3000 years ago or they would not of witnessed certain natural occurences that science has only recently identified.
It seems to me that certain members within Maoridom agreed to the generally accepted arrival time in return for certain improvements in conditions & dismiss the legends that place people here a lot longer.
Waitangi: Maori and Pakeha Perspectives of the Treaty of Waitangi
Now it is coming back to bite them on the rear. Groups like the Coastal coalition will use this challenge to time Maori have been in New Zealand to push their case.
Why would the powers that be do this?
Well the transfer of power & wealth to them is one & connected to that is a government projection that the population of New Zealand will be by 2025 40% who identify as Maori, 19% Pacific Island, 19% Asian & 14% of what we know as Pakeha.
Now these figures have been born out by some school roles in areas not seen as having many Maori. Much of the current population are older people who are more likely to be Pakeha, so as they die the make up of the population changes.
The New Zealand Wars and the Victorian Interpretation of Racial Conflict
The point in particular is more transfer of power as they upset people who react which then allows them to claim the need for more power. By nature Maori & Pacific Islanders tend to express their thoughts honestly & with feeling.
So just like the US our politicians will manipulate to suit the powers that be & whilst we argue with each other then demand 'improvements' we must be aware at what they put in those 'improvements'.
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