Talking to an ex army mate today & he is forever saying there is not the crime around I say as he never sees it. Then as we are talking happens one of those incidents that just make your day.
Two individuals show up on their bicycles across the road, but have their helmets strapped to their bikes. Then they go through the big look around to see if anybody is watching, just they don't see people inside buildings.
Crime and Punishment (Signet Classics)
Thinking that no one is watching they lift their bicycles across a fence onto private land then scoot across to another area of private land,& start ferreting around all the time keeping an eye to see if someone is coming or watching.
At that time though we were talking to police & keeping them updated.
They suddenly appeared to be leaving down the first part of private land, but actually were only stashing their push bikes & back packs before heading back to uplift a large item, which they hurried back to their bikes to begin breaking down, thinking they were unobserved & out of sight.
That was until the police dog unit arrived on site, followed by a patrol car. These were not kids & from a grouping that were easily idenitfiable.
Even the police could not believe these two had attempted to commit the crime in broad daylight in the most open part of the area.
My mate was flaberghasted at them been so stupid. But like I said to him "It's happening all the time, everywhere. You just have to be aware of it."
But these two would have to qualify for a nomination to the worlds dumbest criminals.
The Mythology of Crime and Criminal Justice
In the meantime more details have emerged from the death in the chemist shop. The owner saying he was surprised that after the search the burglar emerged from hiding. He has also criticized police response to Chemist break ins these days.
For the police though, as frustrating as it is which you have something suspicious or crime in your sights, it comes back to lack of resources & manpower.
Again there was the on going debate of police pursuits. Since it is odds on that the people running have been involved in other crime the police have no option but to chase. It doesn't matter if they chase or not, if there is an accident from the poor driving which is more than likely, then it eats up more valuable resources.
In Their Own Words: Criminals on Crime
As was reported the resulting deaths from Thursday night did not stop another four chases occuring last night within Christchurch city. That might not seem a lot to people overseas, but as a senior police officer mentioned this is in a country that used to get one high speed chase every two years.
In fact I could hear the boy racers drag racing at times down one of the two main roads nearby last night. There always had to be a reaction. Biggest problem is New Zealand driving is some of the worst I have seen in the world. Put high powered cars together with people with poor skills (no matter what they think, their skills are poor generally) then it is an accident waiting to happen if police are involved or not.
Media, Crime, and Criminal Justice: Images, Realities and Policies (Wadsworth Contemporary Issues in Crime and Justice)
But then those drivers are as bright as our two friends with their daylight burglary. Idiots one & all.
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