Well the news last night was another crash resulting in the loss of life due to a 'police pursuit'.
Straight away the finger was pointed wrongly at the NZ police.
It doesn't matter these days what happens the finger is never pointed at those who are at fault.
Policing Today
Earlier this week we had the break in of a chemist store that resulted in a scuffle then the death of the offender.
It has now been revealed that the offender had not long been recently released from prison in part for causing a death in a vehcile accident, but also burglary & drugs offences. He was a career criminal from information out so far.
But it is the owner of the Chemist store that is under investigation.
That is not the police fault though as they are just their job as required. The finger just gets pointed at them. They are dammed if they do & dammed if they don't.
Then the night I was attacked there was a police chase resulting in the drivers death. It is now my opinion that that crash & those that carried out that attack were connected. The two survivors were in hospital with me that night, feeling very sorry for themselves.
Why? They were with a criminal. He was at fault.
Policing Today
Three weeks later there was the accident on Morehouse avenue here in Christchurch which resulted in three deaths.
On this one I got a bit of a shock when the photos of the two males who died were published. It appears to me they are two of the people who attacked me. The police though been so busy have not been able to get back to me yet, so I cannot confirm that by identifying the person who first fronted me if he was in that vehicle.
Picture of the funeral of one though gave the impression he was involved in the gangsta culture.
Policing Ontario: The Opp Today
Then we get to the accident last night. Well known to police, disqualified driver in a vehicle with no warrant of fitness or registration first sighted doing nearly double the speed limit(how not to attract attention).
All the traffic accidents have been in Christchurch & just as I write this a boy racer has tried to do a burn out just out front, followed by what sounded like a crash. But on going outside there is nothing, so lucky this time but we are expecting one again.
Policing Today& Mycrimekit Sac Pkg
All ready the media is focussed on what the police can fix.
Why the police?
It is quite clear from the above examples that previous crime is an indicator of the likely hood of someone running. That & the media focus on how the police disengage if the driving gets too dangerous. Not to mention video games & movies that glorify it.
What the focus should be on is how the police are underfunded, lack the numbers to impact on all crime & in major metropolitian areas need helicopters in the role of what the military know as force multipliers.
Policing Insecurity Today: Defense And Internal Security (Ceri Series in International Relations and Political Economy)
The other area is driver education in school. At present the economy world wide is collapsing. One way to cut some of the unemployment is to add extra requirements for the school system such as drivers education. It would mean more time in the system but would require instructors, but down stream it is likely to cut costs invovled in death & injury, not to mention costs to police where funds could be focussed elsewhere.
Policing Western Europe: Politics, Professionalization and Public Order
In general NZ driving is extremely poor & so starting with good driver education could change that.
But we have to stop blaming the police everytime there is a crash as a result as a 'police pursuit' or as the NZ Police Association called them 'fleeing driver incidents'.
The only person to blame is the driver of the car that flees the police.
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