During the last week in the local Christchurch newspaper 'The Press' there was an article with the title "Every Kiwi needs qualification - CPIT head", CPIT being the Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology.
The drive to have all people with some qualification is nothing short of slavery.
Problem with the system is the same all over but as an example will outline why it is a waste of time & money in the security industry.
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I was first alerted to how this works whilst in Iraq. The majority of people were there due to their military background which requires a high level of training & courses.
A former member of another countries special forces said "what is going to happen is there will be a requirement to have a qualification but the courses will have very little to do with or up to the standard required to do the work here." So it has transpired with most work over there now requiring internationally recognized qualifications(which incidentally don't include NZQA) that from feed back have no relation to the work been done.
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We have the same here in NZ across all industries. People with experience are been passed over or told to get a qualification to gain employment only to find they have little relevance to the actual work or are of a poor level.
In the security industry there has actually been a move backwards from the initial set up & there is still a few good training establishments, but most have people getting into large debt, only to find they have no knowledge of security at the end of it, are of such a low standard that real security businesses will not hire them or they can not be employed under the provisions of the Private Investigators & Security Guards Act 1974.
The bill to replace that Act is at this stage only good for toilet paper & any requirement for training is not going to raise any standards, but just lock people into low paying slavery.
True training is important but it has to be relevant & just as important is experience. Especially in a profession such as security.
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