An article appeared in the Sunday-Star Times yesterday about how Rob Nicol the players representative for Rugby,Cricket & now the Athletes Federation is criticizing the New Zealand Olympics Committee's(NZOC) security plans for the Delhi Commonwealth Games.
The History of Terrorism: From Antiquity to al Qaeda
The problem Rob Nicol is dealing with is his exposure in particular through the issues surrounding the cricket tours to the sub continent has shifted his mindset in regards to security. Although I still don't think he or his advisors have fully grasped yet the threat to New Zealand, the biggest issue is he has moved on but New Zealand has not.
The NZOC has come back & pointed to the fact that the New Zealand government was best placed to offer security information.
I have had that said to me as well. Yeah right. Until the country is able to change its mindset then it is unlikely the bureaucrats who advise the government will change theirs & that is unlikely to happen until the first suicide bomb goes off here.
That is shown when the bureaucrats put together the new security personnel bill had no idea of what security face on the streets of New Zealand & made no provision for likely threats in the future. Or as I say it's only good use is as toilet paper.
But the NZOC is only reflecting the attitude of the country as are the bureaucrats.
Terrorism - A World in Shadows (Box Set)
The spokeswoman for the NZOC says it has seen the security plans for Delhi & they are in accordance with international best practice.
In the process of getting keeping my businesses moving until they become self sustaining I have had to carry out a variety of work. Everytime I hear the words 'best practice' I know that is exactly what it isn't going to be. I know many others think the same way as soon as those words are uttered.
Inside Terrorism
So Rob Nicol has a task ahead of him as you just can't change a nations mindset. In fact if you look at the US, the Oklahoma bombings, once it was realized it had been carried out by a US citizen no permanent mind set change occurred. If it had it is less likely 9/11 would of occurred.
This issue is part of the thought process I had to go through when looking on how to provide security & came up with the 0900 Suspicious concept. How do you provide really effective security without expending your energy in trying to change peoples mindset.
Origins of Terrorism: Psychologies, Ideologies, Theologies, States of Mind
Or as a quote used by Robert Kiyosaki on financial education says "Don't teach pigs to sing as it annoys the pig & wastes your time". In other words educate by doing, not trying to change someone.
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