Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Corruption in New Zealand & how it affects us all!

Kia Ora,

Recently New Zealand again basked in the glory as one of the least corrupt countries in the world.

But is it?

In fact I would say it is one of the most corrupt countries in the world.

Corruption in New Zealand though is not about money under the table so much as to how the bureaucrats, both in public service & big corporations, work.

Basically they deal with issues by finding the flimiest of excuses to not deal with them.

When police deal with people they have a saying that goes something like "we deal with the bad, mad & sad."

Police & security world wide deal with the bad & that is not likely to change.

The mad you can split in two. Those that are generally mad from mental illness & as security guards you often have to deal with them as well.

But the other mad is those that are angry, frustrated & slide into the sad category as well.

It is those that are in that part of the mad or sad group that costs a country & in most cases you can trace it back to bureaucrats & their corrupt ways.

Recently here in Christchurch there was an incident that highlighted were this takes people. One person got so frustrated that they rammed & damaged a number of parking meters. Another rammed his vehicle through the front doors of IRD(tax department).

Others take even more drastic action & resort to weapons.

All this ends up in the lap of the police often by way of the security industry having to deal with it first.

Just the other day a person I was talking too, was serving someone from a telecommunications company & they effectively said they were there getting lessons of how to sideline customers who were complaining.

Several years ago someone actually asked a question about this to talkback host Kerre Woodham at newstalkzb.

Kerre gave an interesting reply. "the difference is years ago the public servant was a cardigan wearing man whose job it was to ensure enough people were trained & things in place so that everything flowed smoothly. Now we have a corporate model which is inefficient & everyone is running around fufilling meaningless goals that don't add to the effective running of the country." or words to that effect.

She was right. Whether you are in a capitalist or communist or what ever society you want, bureaucrats are there to ensure the smooth running of things & provide service. Not practicing corruption by not dealing with issues, therefore frustrating people into acting rashly.

The author of this book R. Buckmeister Fuller was once told by a member of one of those families that essentially run the worlds economies, "Bucky I like you, but you will never amount to anything as you want to make things simple. To succeed everything needs to be complicated." or words to that effect.

You could say the world at present time is the the product of that as trillions are being stolen from normal people by making them so complicated, no one understands them.

The problem is as people become more aware of what is going on & become more frustrated it could finally blow up in their faces.

New Zealand seems a real nice place on the surface. It is promoted as clean & green, safe environment amongst other things. But it is none of them. A small population base just confuses the issue until people start doing the per captia projections.

All the while in the front line an ineffective NZ Security Industry & increasingly hamstrung NZ Police Force have to deal with the situation.


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