Monday, June 21, 2010

Why is Christchurch so Violent when there is no reason for it?

Kia Ora,

Well an another interesting weekend, which took a violent turn I hadn't planned on.

Recently I have being working on using social media as part of my marketing plan for my company & the new service.

That has meant as readers will have noticed the use of video I have taken & youtube.

This has meant I have being out looking for crime/suspicious or dangerous activity to video.

On Saturday night, finding something wasn't working as it should be (which would cost me during the later incident) took my vehicle to look for the items needed, but that late at night it was a task too far.

But what I did observe was a boy racer van full of females pull up outside a school & go into I would say use it as a toilet whilst one threw their empty bottles across the road, people leaving a party to be seen about an hour later still leaving, blocking a major road at one part with a vehicle & running onto the road, causing traffic to break sharply.

The police were rung & attended promptly. Funny how the party suddenly dispersed in a more orderly fashion.

I then decided to procide with my original plan to set up whilst waiting for any calls to video the people using the railway lines as a very dangerous short cut not to mention trespassing. Was getting set & could hear talking & noise. Realized it was coming from other side of structure I was set up on so went to have a look. Suddenly more moise then two males rung across the road, jump into a car hidden nearby & take off. It appears they had being in a car wreckers steling parts for their car.

As I stood off the side talking to police on phone about it a number of other boy racers slowed to look in at same spot but then left at speed on seeing someone there.

After setting myself up there in case someone showed up, but once it started to rain decided to go back to base.

As I headed back heard boy racers back by Sockburn Roundabout then "CRASH". Having a medkit on me I headed back.

First thing I see is a camper van parked in Nga Mahi Road with the occupants looking in shock. Then the boy racers were back so moving to a position to possibly video any actions to see a car airborne over the top of Sockburn Overbridge, then head off down Blenheim road.

As they had appeared to have gone, was heading back when burnouts start about 100 metres down Blenheim road & first one car then the other head towards the roundabout & drift around it.

Got to a position in time to video second vehicle loose control on the drift & snap off the giveway sign (or what was left of it as looking later it appears that was the first crash as well, so makes it look like vehicles were stolen in the way they were treating them).

To get that video had had to step out into a little into the open & a third vehicle seen me, they then told the first two who took off.

Only they hadn't taken off they doubled back, parked on Main south road & come across to see if I was still there. I was further along walking behind the bushes towards the way they had come & was about to head home when I head a voice & see two people on the footpath.

From there it went very quick & one came through then the other & said "give us the f..... camera" of course they got a "f... off", but these guys were going to do what they wanted. Was hit a glancing blow by the first guy & same by the second before a third tried to tackle me. We struggled until we hit the ground then the kicks went in. thanks to my bodyarmour & back pack they took most of the punishment, but got a few in the head as well.

Contary to conventional advice I hung onto the camera as it had the evidence, but it restricted my ability to fight back. What I did do was wrestle & struggle in amongst kicks to get out onto foot path/road so cars could see. Once there people began to ring the police in particular the young lady who hung around in her car, which was much appreciated.

At that point the camera broke & they ran with part of it, I chased but they had taken off in their parked cars before I could get their regostrations.

The police were great considering there is not much to go on & because of swelling on the side of my head, I went by ambulance to the hospital.

Whilst waiting there (head injuries it is just a matter of observation really in a very busy emergency room) I was actually despite all the blood, the least injured of those assaulted that night.

It seemed a night that is too common in Christchurch with mindless violence. Each incident spoken off whilst we waited for treatment consisted of groups setting on one person.

Most of it the reason why I felt safer in Baghdad than I do in Christchurch is there is no actual reason & the violence is so random.

The boy racers do it because they think you have no right of interferring with their fun.

There is no real excuse for it. As an American soldier said on another issue "I can understand why the Iraqis are upset with me & if it was my country I would be doing the same, but...." well the but here is what reason do our youth have to beat people up (not talking about me here as it goes with the territory if things go wrong), destroy businesses with mindless destruction.

There have being developments on this front though that will come to light later & a review of how I do this has meant some changes are in place, but it will never make it completely safe.

Even during the time I have being in the NZ Security Industry, where most criminals when caught in the act, didn't try to make it personal, it is not always the gangs but just our run of the mill youths that have become our biggest problem & most violent group.

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