Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Crime & Terrorism to rise!

Kia Ora,

In an earlier blog I titled it crime is to rise. At the time I wrote that the expected coming economic crisis will result in a rise of crime.

Well today I received an economic update email from Robert Kiyosaki & guess what. Being an ex Vietnam Veteran he sees the same & the rise of terrorism.

In fact he labels many of the current criminal activities in the US & the wider world as Terrorism.

Same as I & many of us with experience in the NZ security industry label many of the crimes here in NZ & here in Christchurch the boy racer community.

Then he mentions the first US citizen as a suicide bomber who recently detonated in Somalia.

His point was one I have being trying to make in my blogs. As the economy worsens, so will crime.

But not only will crime worsen but the conditions eventuate from which Terrorism recruits.

So as the situation is expected to worsen, say for example the boy racers will become more extreme, there was a letter to the editor in todays 'Press' in which a young male threatens to organize basically a fight back by the young ones 'harassed' by the police.

You don't get harrassed if you aren't breaking the law.

Already classed by many as Terrorists, their actions are liable to worsen.


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