Friday, June 4, 2010

Will a Forum Make a difference?

Kia Ora,

It has been announced that a Forum has been created to combat crime during the Rugby world Cup.

It maybe the Cynic in me but I am not sure what this group will actually achieve.

I believe the camel is described as a horse designed by a committee.

The impressive list of groupings named in this forum all have their own agendas & from experience in dealing with a few of them there is very little likelyhood of any real solutions, but there will be a lovely talk fest.

Now before 'Mr Angry' gets upset I will detail in broad terms my dealings that have brought me to those conclusions.

In one of the major groupings involved the people on the ground have the answers, but it is appearing more & more often its top level seem to be out of touch with them. That comes from talking to those on the ground.

Shortly after leaving the NZ army & entering the security industry I carried out a good old fashioned military appreciation of a major local issue at the time, came up with a solution. When presented to this group, which would of saved their industry thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of dollar's, their reply was we don't do that.

Funny thing is I got different replies from different members of that group each contradicting the other.

Another member of the forum basically required me to drop my standards or they would not deal with me & their standards are supposedly gained from another member of the forum.

These two also require no criticism of members of their associations. If there is no criticism or frank discussions then there is no way people can move forward.

In fact that is another major difference between those coming from the military & those in the civilian environment, especially in  the NZ security industry.

It is not uncommon for you to achieve your aim, then look to see how you could of carried it out better, where as your civilian counterpart thinks it is all Ok because it was successful.

Not only do I suspect it will be not that successful, but it will bring methods of crime that usually take time to get to NZ shores here much qucker than normal.

Considering the average attitude in NZ is that we are too small & too far away those sort of crimes or as I often emphasize terrorist attacks will never get here, unless something is done that is different from the norm then Crime will accelerate even greater than it will due to the worsening economic conditions.

Not to mention the fact there in the last few years there has being a rise in crime against tourists.

Visitors to the country need to be aware that though the country appears nice & safe, appearances can be deceiving & they have to take the same precautions they would at home.

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