Sunday, June 13, 2010

It's War! Boy Racers need to be taken off the streets!

Kia Ora,

When I have being building systems & procedures for the service I recently launched from about the year 2000 it has being with the realization that there would likely be calls & encounters with the street racers known locally as boy racers.

But last night they declared war & now I will use all legal means to ensure they are taken off our roads.

Now to the 'Angry Man' here is a point where your argument falls flat.

The  first incident last night I avoided a head on crash because of my experience in Iraq, not the fact I have qualified as an AA advanced driver during my NZQA Close Protection (Bodyguard) course.

What possessed the idiot to suddenly try to pass the small flat deck on what is known locally as that southern arterial near the turn off towards Hoon Hay road, I don't know. Suddenly they found themselves heading towards a traffic island, so they swerved into my lane where the only traffic was oncoming.

Most people in that situation would of either ended up in a head on crash or over reacted & gone off the road & ended up in the deep ditch next to it. Either way would probably be fatal.

A large truck heading to Lyttleton would of had no where to go.

It was only the experience of encountering sudden head on traffic often in Baghdad that I believe allowed me to get through safely.

As if that was not enough, I arrived at my intended destination, a local service station, to only be followed in by another boy racer idiot, who was driving at speed across the forecourt, just missed hitting two bowsers & only came in to read a map.

Suffice to say they got the first shots across their bows in a very aggressive comment on their lack of driving skills & lack of general worth to the human race.  Or as we would say in the army, an oxygen thief & waste of rations.

If that wasn't enough shortly after a young woman was seen to get into a car then reversed straight out onto the road without looking, causing me to swerve.

Some say the issue is there needs to be burn out pads made for these idiots.

That will only take some of the fringe players off the road, not the hard core who are often in the past being seen to be connected to organized crime. When these guys are about then burglaries go up behind the scenes. Not to mention the fact that security,police & the general public have being threatened, items such as bottles thrown at them.

They have been known to have firearms & have threatened after one incident to use molotov cocktails against police.

This has to stop & they have to learn the world does not owe them a life. We had a lot less to do than they do now & even the petrol heads never got to this stage. In fact they tended to just enjoy themselves & minimise the annoyance to others.

Later last night I managed to pass onto police where some  more idiots were starting to gather & carryout burnouts. Though no thanks to police comm's (who really need some training) they were caught by a passing patrol (a common complaint is patrols have no idea that something is going on, including a night when I had a crowd of boy racers throwing bottles at me & about 20 minutes later after my 111 call a patrol showed up because I knew the officer in charge, so he come to check up after an earlier incident, there had never being a job put out over the radio).

So boy racers we want you off our streets. You have lost your rights to be treated nicely as you are terrorizing neighbourhoods, businesses & those whose job it is to keep the place secure.


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