Something that has raised itself more in the last few weeks is the apparent break down in society.
From the out of control illegal gatherings in Auckland, New Zealand to the anarchy in Britain & demostrations/riots in France & a number of other countries.
What is leading to this?
First there is in the west this issue of personal rights, but people also forget they have responsibilities. As the police are finding at these gatherings in Auckland, although the gatherings are illegal as they breach the liquor bans the police are met with the attitude that they have no right to interfere with those at the gatherings fun.
We encounter it all the time in security when moving people on. We are the ones in the wrong or so these people seem to think.
The issues though showing in Europe in the main are the next step. These have mainly come about due to the austerity measures taken by European governments.
Those taking part have seen what they see as their rights to low cost education for example eroded even though countries can no longer afford it. Even less can countries afford the retirement packages promised in the past. This has all caused a descent into anarchy. But as the worlds financial system is expected to collapse in the next few years based on history, things are going to get a lot worse.
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In all cases it has been a result of our own mistakes.
First it has been the break down in discipline by this insistance no boundaries are set. We encounter it all the time now in security with "you can't touch me" or the attitude you are in the wrong, even though those in question are breaking the law, as you are interfering with their fun.
Second it is the ignorance of most people in as to how they were manipulated to believe governments would look after them. Slowly that has been eroded by use of excuses to then telling people they need to save for their retirement for example. The upset we see now is nothing when people start to find, as recently allowed to happen in the US, that retirement funds can refuse to pay out. The currency is going to be required to again bail out banks & financial institutions & their investments in the derivative markets.
(ANARCHY EVOLUTION)Anarchy Evolution by Graffin, Greg(Author)Hardcover{Anarchy Evolution: Faith, Science, and Bad Religion in a World Without God}on 01 Oct 2010
This will mean a growth in at least one industry. Security & basic security at that will be seen as more & more a necessity.
As Winston Churchill said "the further back we look, the further forward we can see" or words to that effect.
That is why many predicted what is started to happen now & what will happen. Unfortunately those in charge of the worlds financial systems have only looked back as far as the last big up heaval, not further back in history & yet again they think they can beat what no man has ever been able too. The financial system doing its own cleansing.
So the upset will result in the transfer of wealth & power to those doing the manipulation. The more upset the more power transferred.
Order and Anarchy: Civil Society, Social Disorder and War
In fact it has been said what is about to happen is the greatest transfer of wealth & power ever.
The break down of society is allowing it to happen.
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