Well as if by magic after the previous blog, the teens organizing the illegal gatherings for drinking in Auckland using areas where liquor bans are in place have upped the ante.
On the facebook page where it is been organized from there are comments such as "we will win".
Grow up little kids. You are on a hiding to nothing & your comments there just give the police the ammunition to step up their responses.
Of course they are not helped by a resident of the area saying the police response was wrong. No it wasn't. When you are facing a potential riot situation there is only one response & it can be brutal.
There is no place for the nicety's many would like. The Police will be looking at what happened in Britain recently where they admit they were caught out by the turn the demonstrations organized by students took. This time the police have been forewarned.
Someone could die & the responsibility will lie with the students first & foremost along with some responsibility on the parents. Some parents seem to think that since these kids appear to come from well off families that the police should take a different line.
Afraid not! Experience shows that kids from well off areas are more arrogant & more likely to think they have the right to act in an illegal manner than those from areas usually referred to by the locals as the hood(every city in NZ has them).
Recipes for Disaster: An Anarchist Cookbook
One option open to the police is placing of teams of security guards(not just one guard) at likely locations these parties are to happen.
The guards need to be prepared to be aggressive early on if need be, as you hit this sort of behaviour hard, early & fast before they have time to build. Although a note book works wonders in that regard by taking registration numbers.
But not guards that resort to physical violence except in self defence. It allows the police to better use their resources & by use of notebook by guards can defuse it easier.
Used similar tactics to stop uninvited attendees to a party the week before the infamous Edgeware party here in Christchurch got out of control resulting in two deaths. The tactics worked wonderfully. Most of the time it was the notebook & a quiet word.
The Poor Man's James Bond (#C-065)
The books here are those that the type of people that cause this type of trouble thrive on although they are illegal in New Zealand. The internet has made it easier for people to obtain & these were the nice ones found in the search.
The kids, & that is all they are kids, think they have all the rights but do not realize they can never win this war they are trying to start. They also have the responsibility to stay within the law & think of others in the community.
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