Kia Ora,
Well the frustration is building & some anger starting to show around the mine incident. Whanau(family) tell me there are other connections to both this incident & the Strongman explosion in 1967. They also tell me that miners are not happy with progress of rescue & with modern equipment they should of been in soon after the explosion.
But since we haven't gone down that path then we need the best equipment available & support those that are in charge.
The New Zealand army bomb disposal robot was able to be restarted but then battery failed another 500 metres on. A second robot has been sent in. Not right for the conditions but they are trying to use what they have to help make a difference.
As this is being typed news has come through that bore hole been drilled has finally got through. Also that Australian robot that arrived by air this morning is now on the way to the mine site. Though initial footage of that robot it looked it could be too big to maybe get past the dozer parked in middle of tunnel 1500 metres in. We just hope that is not the case.
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This is where the focussing of energies comes in. Here in Christchurch we have a group of engineering students that belong to ENSOC from Canterbury University. They are best known for two things. Out of control parties & the infamous undie 500 which has resulted generally in riots at its finish in Dunedin. This year the undie 500 was banned from Dunedin & the alternatives organized finally fell over when they decided to focus their energies & monies onto the recovery efforts here in Christchurch post the earthquake.
Now here is another issue for them to focus their energies on. As opposed to drunken antics & unsavoury behaviour here is another chance to do some real good.
Build a robot to be able to be used in these situations. Obviously they have to ensure it has the power, can stand up to extreme conditions, not be prone to igniting gasses & most of all smaller than current systems. Oh & it can't be radio controlled. First the signalling equipment could trigger an explosion & second the signals are not likely to get through.
Theory of Applied Robotics: Kinematics, Dynamics, and Control (2nd Edition)
Now there are always going to be ideas on how to do it. So it needs some trialing.
When the army robot first stopped working it was said to be due to water. It now appears the amount of water was quite significant. But at the time the Mayor of Greymouth wondered why the robot hadn't been wrapped in glad wrap(cling film) to waterproof it. Good West Coast thinking for a short term solution at trying to do something.
But actually that solution would not work much longer than without it. Whilst a regimental signaller in the army for a period it was common for people within the wider infantry unit to put plastic bags over handsets when there was wet weather. They weren't needed as long as the handset was in good condition. What did happen though was especially in the high humidity/temperature situation as apparently you also have in the mine it caused condensation inside the handsets causing them to malfunction. This was even more relevant when as happened everyone left the plastic bags on after the rain.
Robot Builder's Bonanza, Third Edition
So it would be great if these talents could be channelled in this direction.
In the meantime with the frustration growing amongst the families & community it is not helped by some of the silly quesitons been asked or the manner they are been asked in particular by foreign media.
The Police Superintendant & CEO are handling it very well.
Noticeable is that one NZ TV channel seems to have either no one in the briefing room or they are keeping real quiet, just a camera & instead when those in the community or families want to chat they are interviewing them.
Best advice for foreign media is back off & let the local media do the interviewing as West Coasters tend to be very reserved & will talk to people they know if only by watching them on TV. Then arrange to get teh interview through local media.
One thing to note is the West Coast does not get all New Zealand TV channels although many do now get sky through the Satellite connection. Cell phones do not work in many areas as well. It is that isolated.
In a way it is helping by allowing people to talk when it is right for them. On the Coast everyone will have a connection to mining somewhere along the line.
Build Your Own Humanoid Robots : 6 Amazing and Affordable Projects (TAB Robotics)
But there is the challenge to ENSOC. It might not be in time to help here, but despite the assertion that this should not happen with all we know these days you just know it is going too as man cannot stop every thing papatuanuku(earth mother) throws at us.
Finally there has been allgedly questions asked overseas as to why this mine was built through a known fault line.
This is New Zealand! It is hard to do anything & not find a faultline & they are the ones we know about. As was recently revealed by papatuanuku there was a hidden one close to here in Christchurch & only three days ago an aftershock was centred less than a kilometre from where I sit right at this moment.
Could of the fault line had something to do with the explosion. Of course, but if you worried about that no minerals would ever be extracted in New Zealand especially on the West Coast.
People are upset enough & frustrated without that sort of comment showing little knowledge of the area. It just adds to the issues that the local authorities will have to deal with that may in some instances show up as some form of crime.
It we were going to worry about faultlines & what they might do on the West Coast my runanga(council in this case of our sub tribe) would not of built our Marae(meeting place), would not be investing in the West Coast to create jobs to bring our people back & help the wider community. Yes we do prepare for them & are aware but it doesn't stop us moving foward.
In fact if we had to stick to a business plan you wouldn't do business on much of the West Coast.
Hardy people who keep trying solutions despite the knock backs from bureaucrats.
So come on ENSOC show that spirit of the West Coasters!
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