To follow up on the previous post it is now evident that the finger is well & truly on the trigger to financial melt down & anarchy.
An old army mate sent me a message which pointed out that in the US over the next six weeks over 4 million people will be taken off the unemployment figures, not because they have jobs, there are no jobs, but because they have come to the end of their 99 weeks they are allowed on the unemployment benefit.
So they will still be unemployed just not in the system so umemployed figures might have one of those times when the figures actually go down. This is one of the proposed austerity measures for Ireland.
How will they survive?
Crime will defintely go up. You have to wonder how it will affect places like California which is basically bankrupt & was letting prisoners go early to try to save money. So more unemployed on the streets. Or Illinois which was having its police cars been repossesed a few at a time.
This was one of the reasons the paid for website shadow stats was set up to show how the figures are manipulated. A comment from someone who uses it would put US unemployment at actually 17% or higher right now.
It also has the true rate of inflation calculated, not the manipulated rates we get in general.
So what could be the trigger for financial meltdown or anarchy?
First the Irish could & may still refuse the bailout. Portugal has said it will refuse. If these two nations do that, then it has been forecast the financial system will collapse very quickly. That might not seem a good outcome but it has happened in history before & believe it or not though very painful it is the best option. Anarchy or social unrest would flare, but there is a chance for a good restart. Unlike the Amreican option which is print more currency which prolongs the collapse(as Japan has managed to do for 20 years), but history shows will make things worse in the long run.
Corruption and Government: Causes, Consequences, and Reform
Another trigger could be rising taxes.
One financial commentator mentions that if today you talk about paying less tax many American citizens will tell you it is your patriotic duty to pay tax. It is to be American to pay tax is a common comment they hear.
As they point out actually no it isn't. Tax used to be only something imposed to help pay for wars in most countries. They point out the US was actually formed over a war that started as a protest against a tax. The tax on tea, hence the Boston tea party.
It is also pointed out that until 1943 general taxation did not exist in the US.
In New Zealand there was much anger over the Dog tax in the 1800's until it was dropped.
More recently there were the demonstrations in Britain that forced the government to drop the poll tax.
Taxes are certainly about to rise world wide as shown in the proposed Irish austerity measures.
Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies
The Myth put out by governments is when they spend money it is tax payers money.
First it is not money it is currency.
Second tax is taken in the first place not to pay for what the government does on peoples behalf, but to pay the interest on the loans to provide their budget. The governments take the loans from the central banks (Federal Reserve in the US, Reserve Bank in NZ & Australia, Bank of England in Britain etc) which are privately owned banks passed off as a statutory independant body that pays a return to governments to make it look like they are part of the government. So they justify their actions by manipulating the truth(many politicians will not actually know this is the truth).
With the internet in particular this information is becomng easier to access & as more people become aware that also could be a trigger to either financial meltdown or anarchy. I know some Americans are now refusing to pay tax as it is illegal under the constitution.
Fighting Corruption in Developing Countries: Strategies and Analysis
In New Zealand either anarchy or financial meltdown could also be triggerered by incidents such as those that have shown up in last few days.
First post the earthquake is the crime in particular in Christchurch, originally said to be down but now revealed as a huge jump. Most people knew it, but it was denied at the time.
Then as revealed yesterday the claim that many assessments for damage are been rejected because the assessors are been paid bonuses to reject claims.
So you are upsetting already stressed people by using excuses not to do something. This is better known as corruption as practiced by bureaucrats.
Economic Gangsters: Corruption, Violence, and the Poverty of Nations (New in Paper)
This will mean people loose the one thing most regard as their main asset(although by definition it isn't until sold), stress is likely to hamper earning ability if they haven't lost their job & so there is no cash to pay mortgages which flows on to the banks who are already not lending.
So more stress, crime levels go up, & in the end the government will have to 'bailout' as they did yesterday, which is essentially a transfer of wealth effectively to the privately owned central bank since governments owe them so much.
The Beijing Consensus: How China's Authoritarian Model Will Dominate the Twenty-First Century
At some point as the governments in Europe are finding, governments will come to the end of options. The US is now at what is seen as the tipping point into possible hyperinflation of 840% of debt to GDP.
Collapse, hyperinflation then collapse which ever way it happens will be fast. It will result in massive unrest although with more unrest it gives governments the excuse for more power, so the trasnfer not only of wealth will be in place but power.
Tax on tea triggered one revolution, hyperinflation triggered another one, what will happen this time when it involves the whole world?
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