Well it seems the international disease that has been about for a while has finally arrived here in Christchurch at least, if not wider New Zealand.
That is Youth versus Authority! But they are really in a no win situation.
Obviously these guys do not remember the 1981 Springbok tour. It has been said that had the second match of the tour gone ahead, due to the quiet opposition the tour would not of lasted.
Storm out of Africa: The 1981 Springbok tour of New Zealand
From the moment the anti tour protestors stormed the Hamilton pitch & forced the game to be cancelled, it became a question of law & order.
So blocking an on ramp to a motorway is not going to endear the boy racers community to anyone. An estimated 40 vehicles & 140 people who are part of this hardcore that are causing the issues which ends with all car enthusiasts tainted is nothing short of criminal & idiocy.
There is hope that the judges finally throw the book at these idiots of whom the police arrested 30.
Meanwhile it being quiet in my area after the earlier incident related in my previous blog I went to see what was happening in other areas to see if I could get some footage of crime for these blogs.
Talking to an attendant at a service station he said quiet when suddenly an ambulance & paramedic went past followed by police.
We were watching some crazy driving going on as well.
Then I thought I would move on into central Christchurch to see what was happening.
Suddenly on Morehouse Avenue see all these police cars light up & head over the Colombo street over bridge & some lights start flashing orange.
Was about a minute or less from the intersection when vehicle had crashed in a 'police chase'.
You could tell just by looking at it that the vehicle had hit at extreme speed as it looked to be virtually wrapped around the post.
Reading the police report this morning, I am not sure they could actually call it a chase as the officer who pulled them over would of only just got back to his car & headed off. In effect the chase would of hardly begun by the time there was a crash.
I wondered as I drove past why there were also lights underneath the over bridge, but would now take it was the person who left the scene being spoken too. If you had seen the wreckage then the most likely of the six people in the car (so over loaded illegally) to have left was either the driver or the passenger directly behind them.
Right now I am waiting for the outcry of how the police were in the wrong. Excuse me, minimum crimes that we know of are taking off, overloaded car, going through at least one red light, speeding, probably failing to stop for police, leaving scene of an inury acccident.
Good likley hood of drugs or alcohol involved & odds are driver is on restricted license or is disqualified.
How is it the police's fault?
A simple traffic stop has turned into a major criminal investigation all because some idiot thought they were above the law.
It's good to see the police on the front foot saying it was unneccesary because it didn't need to happen.
There is a saying "do the crime, do the time" & another "the only crime is getting caught". They were caught, by taking the next actions a life has been lost.
The only action now is the driver must get jail time, jail time & more jail time.
None of this PC crap & they are from a good family so should only get home detention or worse community service.
To the Driver of the Vehicle you are an Idiot.
To the boy racers blocking the on ramp Grow Up, you can't win. Show some common sense because there is none been shown at present.
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