Saturday, July 3, 2010

Wake up New Zealand! It is only a matter of time!

Kia Ora,

Yet again you have to ask the question as to whether New Zealand is ready to host the Rugby World Cup 2011 from a security perspective, little lone the summer Olympics as now proposed by the current Mayor of Auckland.

I say this because of the photo across the front of the Christchurch 'Press' with several police officers & members of the public standing in the middle of the road after a bomb alert.

It ends up the bomb was just an attempt to thieve.

But that crowd was the perfect target for a suicide bomber or IED after an initial 'come on' explosion or call.

This is a common terrorist tactic, but with the suicide bomber it has meant that considerations of innocents is taken less into account than with the IRA campaigns or even the Real IRA bombing in Omagh.

In one incident in Baghdad US soldiers were trying to win the hearts & minds campaign by when in a cordon giving out sweets.

The British based on their experience would of ensured the children were inside the cordon. That lesson was to be soon learnt as a suicide bomber then exited a nearby street & targeted the nearest military vehicle, which just happened to be the one the children were gathered around.

It seems though that New Zealand will only learn that once it happens here.

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