Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Knowledge really is Power!

Kia Ora,

Recent events have shown knowledge really is power.


Well the so called experts are trying to make the 'Moon Man' Ken Ring look silly but the only people really looking silly are the experts.

They have attacked him with such a religious fervour that they actually miss some of what he has written.

Myself I just went on his site when I first heard of prediction he had made prior to the September earthquake with an open mind. I also looked deeper into what he says & it actually makes sense.

Some say you wouldn't believe him if you looked at it logically. Actually if you look at it with an open mind then logically it makes more sense than most things we are hearing from the 'experts'.

Now the first issue with Ken Rings predictions are people have built them up bigger than Ben Hur in their minds by only hearing or seeing one part of it all. That has caused panic & stress. But if you really go into it he actually says it is not precise & it is generally probablities which with current prediction backed by fact ground has been weakened around the Canterbury area.

The so called experts quote a lot of his material to show that he is wrong. Often though they are quoting material he got from their websites. That has to be worrying that they don't seem to know what is on their own sites.

Yesterday the PM's science advisor waded into the debate. He said that each day there are earthquakes many of them are very deep & not felt. As he said that I thought he was reading straight from Ken Rings website. One thing Ken has pointed out is at each Perigee of the moon there are large quakes somewhere around the world but most are very deep & not felt.

Like the alleged 8 in Cook Strait on the day of the Boxing day Tsaunami in 2004. In fact I have read small clippings or quakes such as that in Cook Strait before. They are the type of clippings I keep & most people ignore. People tend to read the headlines not the important clippings to the side.

Sir Peter Gluckman the PM's advisor also went on as many of the New Zealand experts have to say that the Christchurch earthquake had no bearing on the Japan earthquake.

Two issues here.

The first is like much of what Ken Ring says people can relate to that there are connections despite it not been proven scientifically. People can see the moon, know it affects the tides, know if you are in security or police etc that it affects people(all the crazies come out around the time of a Full moon though not specifically on the night of a full moon)& many plant crops which coincide with the phases of the moon during particular seasons. One well known fishing commentator here in New Zealand who bases much of his advice on how Maori looked to nature to provide the guides to best fishing which includes the phases of the moon.

Secondly that comment comes a day after a major article in the Christchurch 'Press' printed an article showing that geologists in the US in particular are now starting to look at the very real possibility that all these large quakes recently are connected in the same way they say one local one can put stress on other faults therefore causing more earthquakes.

A visiting US geologist had actually said that one issue in New Zealand is the small geologist community meant that no voices are raised publicly to allow debate, where as in the US there is often debate & investigation into what might be held as truths.

Still he doesn't credit the 'moon man' theories.

In doing that geologists actually do themselves a disservice. They are basically slapping down what many people feel might be right in their gut instinct. They are also saying their scientific culture is superior to many others when more often than not they are spending all their energy to finally prove what people already knew.

Everything is interconnected & many cultures have that as a central part of their belief's. In Maoridom everything is seen to have its own Mauri or life force & be interconnected, the Chinese have Chi & so it goes on.

Instead of just using so much energy just dismissing these beliefs they should be saying "there might be something in this. So if we combine what has been found over thousands of years of observations with the equipment & knowledge we have gained today we might just be able to come up with a pretty accurate way to predict earthquakes.

One worrying aspect of some claims as to what is causing the earthquakes is the that the US 'HAARP weapon' might be involved at times when natural forces like the moon & solar flares are in action. I haven't looked into it much but if mankind thinks it can use a weapon to manipulate natural phenomona that would be a real worry.

One thing that February the 22nd 2011 confirmed for me after being close to three suicide bombings is the awesome power of nature & that we can only mitigate against it.

Not control it or eliminate it.

If people don't do their homework then Ken Rings predicitons can be frightening & many do say "I don't want to hear".

Having that little extra knowledge can be powerful. It is possible that it will happen. Many are comfortable that it is not precise but are taking precautions. If it doesn't happen then great.

It is just like preparing for a patrol in the army(& the way OSH should be looked at) you prepare & mitigate for worst case scenarios, don't fret about them & get on with things.

Not helping the situation is the poor communication by the scientists & the frank admission in an interview published in the 'Press' by a geologist that the government wants them to keep quiet on the possible threat of a faultline under the Christchurch CBD. The one that rocked Christchurch on Boxing day 2010.

If you believe in the prediciton or not it is already seen as likely to increase the work loads for security & the police. As I type this it is St Patricks day which is not going to help, memorial day tomorrow then moving towards the prediction date of the 20th there are going to be varying reactions. People leave town, hunker down or go crazy aided by cheap alcohol.

The absolute worst thing you can do right now is get drunk or use drugs. People need to be clear headed so they can take it all in their stride. As was pointed out to me there is a big difference to the reaction here in Christchurch to that in Japan. Here looters, poor driving, drunkeness is high along with violence. Japan no looting although I hear some frustration over evacuation more to do with the nuclear reactor issues.

But generally it appears the Japanese are just dealing with it as these happen regularly(though of course not of this scale). New Zealand in the main seems to be not handling it or in denial despite all the good people trying too or helping.

Me, I am working. Reckon it is as good as place as any & if something does hit we have set ourselves in a good area to carryout our tasks safely & watch the awesome power of nature do its work.

Having the knowledge is a powerful tool to allow me to be comfortable with what ever happens.

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